Leave about country planning, we don't have proper city or street or family planning in most parts of country.

Your argument is similar to our yester years thinking of not developing infra structure due to china factor.
Use positive or neutral words & lines like "duscussion", "theory", "idea" instead of accusing or -ve ones like "argument".
Ideally, all the key facilities including capital has to be in the safest geographies. OR the key locations have to be heavily defended, virtually impenetrable if possible. That's why most dedicated airbases are along Pak & China borders.
Unfortunately our captital is Delhi based on Delhi-Sultunate, otherwise in my opinion our caital should have been in Madhya Pradesh, a very appropriately named state. It should have got lots of strategic R&D facilities.
For long south &A&N were not received much attention from armed forces.
Tsunami could also be a big factor. Our & other countries have suffered due to Tsunami, flood, storm.
Every country considers a strategy to locate & protect their facilities depending upon their nature of function & geography.
Our country is a peninsula which narrows towards south & does have INA, tank facility at Avadi, Cochin ship yard, etc.
There is diff. b/w commercial & military locations & their growth.
FYI south is having numerous key institutions, organization & labs, enemy can easily target those.
Coastal cities are important for int. trade & commerce, like i said above, that's diff. from military locations. R&D for Navy can be located on coast for ships & subs but AirForce R&D should be located inwards. I wish we had our own Area-51

in central part somewhere, isolated till horizon.
Every country maintains a primary & secondary nuclear & conventional hitlist of adversary countries in case of full blown war. The thing which matters is how strong & quick is the defence. So if a military location is hit then ideally it should be away from major city & commercial facilities.
What we need to do is increase the offensive /air defense capabilities in A&N & south. I don't see no reason for us to deploy a minimum of two fighter squadron (one mki armed with brahmos another Rafale or similar ), dedicated p8I, AWACS fleets & a ultra long range stationary Radar stations in A&N, along with sufficient air defense systems.
That's what i said to have basically a BMD level defence 1st, regular SAMs will be insufficient. And we do have AFBs & Naval airfields & ports, submarines bases, etc. Some people question if we need a 3rd aircraft carrier, i feel funny bcoz in my opinion we need 4-6 active + 2 under repair capacity. We are fortunate to have a sub-continent sized country which does have challenges but it is a gift of nature, history.