Agni & Prithvi Ballistic Missiles : News & Discussions

As said above

A few years ago, there was a news item that IISc was developing a chromium based heat ablative coating for the nose cone of Agni family weapons. Meant to reduce atmospheric drag as the missile flies to its target.

The link isn't working now.

Combined with composite motors, this tech should give a nice boost to the range of our BMs.
A few years ago, there was a news item that IISc was developing a chromium based heat ablative coating for the nose cone of Agni family weapons. Meant to reduce atmospheric drag as the missile flies to its target.

The link isn't working now.

Combined with composite motors, this tech should give a nice boost to the range of our BMs.

These are research study projects via grants given to the academia. DRDO do not publish full list anymore but we sometimes come across some.
Some old ones are listed
Coating is usually for protecting against heat generated to reduce the thermal load. batch by batch improved versions come through, there is a process to qualify it via RCMA CEMILAC first.

IIRC the coating was meant to be applied to the nosetip and evaporate slowly during re-entry, sort of like an aero spike. Thie resulting chemical reaction would supposedly create an air bubble around the in-flight missile, making it faster and increasing range.
These are research study projects via grants given to the academia. DRDO do not publish full list anymore but we sometimes come across some.
Some old ones are listed
Coating is usually for protecting against heat generated to reduce the thermal load. batch by batch improved versions come through, there is a process to qualify it via RCMA CEMILAC first.

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Found the link. It's from 2008.

Yes coating and liners are job specific, they develop it as per project requirement. ARCI has already done a lot of work in this field. Check out.
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