Yeah, but we need to see the front and back before it can be fully verified. Right now, from the distance, it looks like there's only a grill and what looks like a large IFF. That shape is not suitable for target acquisition anyway.
Also, for MRSAM like capability, you need a very large radar, at least 3mx2m in the S band. Look at the size of the radar needed for MRSAM.
For MRSAM capability, you need to be able to see targets from 250+Km away, while being able to engage them from 100+Km.
One can speculate that the Akash NG battery will have such a large radar if MRSAM capability is required, but then that defeats the purpose of the TELAR capability. Why have more radars when one such radar is enough? THe MRSAM does not need a separate surveillance radar and a separate targeting radar. Another option is to have a 2mx2m X band radar or even 1mx1m X band and completely cut out the large radar. But we need to be able to see such a radar, which is obviously not on the side that's visible.
Expecting the Akash NG to have MRSAM capabilities is merely speculation. DRDO claims that the Akash NG is meant to fit in the gap between LLQRM and MRSAM. It's basically meant to be an SRSAM that can also engage targets at very high altitude, which the SRSAMs that we operate (SPYDER-SR) cannot do. Hence its being advertised as a 50Km missile. Common sense says DRDO is not creating a duplicate of the MRSAM.
The way I see it, it's basically a TEL, with a very small truck carrying a very large power generator. At best, it's possibly carrying some secondary sensors, like the IFF or IFF/datalink combo.
Basically, MRSAM capability + TELAR = Impossible. Even if it can be done, it will be prohibitively expensive, with the radar alone costing much more than the missile load it's carrying. It will basically have to be like a fighter jet radar, and you need multiple faces for 360 deg capability, so you can imagine the cost of each TELAR.
SRSAM + TELAR = Depends on what's in the front, but it's possible since the radar is expected to function only up to 100Km, no different from the QRSAM. But the QRSAM has been designed that way because it needs to protect armour, which is not expected out of Akash NG.
The article contradicts with common sense. We need a whole lot more information.