Arihant-class SSBN - News & Discussions

Once these were the fanboy thing that we used to share on forums. It was more of a discussion. Now these new generation has their own younger more gullible followers. And they are monetize them with ads. I mean good for them!.
The problem which I feel is that if you say it looks more like fantasy then their followers will bombard you with unnecessary comments like anti-national and what not. And the writers will label you as immature.
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I don't think this is the diving station of Arihant. This might be from a conventional submarine. The quick use uniforms used on conventional subs are usually not needed on nuclear subs that have more power, space and amenities for living confitions. Most of the nuclear submariners wear conventional uniforms. @VSTOL_jockey ...any comments?
I know it's from kilo.....even the one posted about Arihant is from kilo 🙂
Was not Arihant a mere tech demo that they later wanted to put some arms into as it was ready , hence B-05LV ?

Also, I would think K4 and K5 will be our main armament for the S4 and S5 batch, at least for next 30-40 years. Esp as K5 been so close to commissioning.
Don't know if posted before but TV Zvezda released a footage of interior of a Nuclear reactor of a submarine in one of their show......the reactor shown was VM 4SG of Project 667BDRM Delfin Class aka Delta IV SSBN

tule-reactor-lid (1).jpg


clipboard (1).png

The reactor produce around 90 MW of Thermal power & there are 2 such reactor on the submarine.

Version or copy of same reactor is operational on Indian Arihant class of you are basically looking at is inside of an Arihant class SSBN Nuclear Reactor.

S 5 class & Subsequent Sub both SSBN & Project Alfa SSN will going to have a 190 MW Reactor based on OK-650 of of which was leased to India.
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Interesting that Russians release this footage in first place.....there are many such pics of old Russian nuclear Submarines reactor posted online....but never I think a state owned news channel was allowed to film a Nuclear Reactor up close....given the sensitivity that the version of same Reactor is operational in Indian Nuclear Sub.....this leak was intentional in my opinion
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From this angle, the hump looks more like the missile silo hump of the Project 955 Borei class SSBN but looks like the Delta class missile hump when viewed from the rearward side angle, it looks like the S5 class SSBN is inspired by SSBN designs from all over the world, forward section looks to be inspired from the British Vanguard class SSBN, missile hump from Russian SSBN.
Rear section from the Project 955 Borei class.
Reactor is more important than outer design.