Opinion Battle of Saragarhi : When 21 Sikhs Faced Over 10,000 Pashtuns at Saragarhi And Won

Ohh, and we got independence.

And we come out that shithole which you created pretty fast.
Well done. Now a word of caution, "independence" means taking responsibility for actions and outcomes from that point forward.

Not from where I'm standing. If you had then Mode 4 services wouldn't be such a big issue in trade deals.
And I am not contesting.

I am showing you the future. Whats going to happen with you guys.

We were same in Early AD like Europe right now in the current state ( politically). And we all know what happened to us afterwards.

So lets see.
Yes because nothing has changed since then. You're honestly more likely to be invaded by China than achieve any kind of revenge on Europeans.
Indeed, but just like that, it is a fraud.

Dude, whether myth or not, the territory could only have been acquired by force. And how come these missionaries never destroyed knowledge of the Egyptian Empire or Aztecs, or the more recent Cholas?

There's simply no mention of Bharatavarsha and the progression is well documented, you are wrong except in your own heads.
History of India - Wikipedia
I told you, modern education imparted by missionary convent schools tried and succeeded in putting into heads of its idiot students that Bharat never existed.

Why are there remains of Dwarka city of lord Krishna in Gujarat off shore. From where did it come. Or remains at Hastinapur in Haryana.
Right... so now we're talking about Monkey kings. Bharatavarsha is fictional, made up by early religious frauds. It actually referred to the whole of Earth but the Indians only knew of the range between two mountains and thought that was the Earth.
Actually, Mahabharatha has world map described in words as it is today. In the context, a blind king, Dhritarashtra asks to describe the world
नदीनां पर्वतानां च नामधेयानि संजय
तथा जनपदानां च ये चान्ये भूमिम आश्रिताः
परमाणं च परमाणज्ञ पृथिव्या अपि सर्वशः
निखिलेन समाचक्ष्व काननानि च संजय

'The names of rivers and mountains, O Sanjaya, as also of provinces, and all other things resting on the earth, and their dimensions, O thou that are acquainted with the measures of things of the earth in its entirety and the forests, O Sanjaya, recount to me in detail.'

and the person being addressed, Sanjaya tells him:

सुदर्शनं परवक्ष्यामि दवीपं ते कुरुनन्दन
परिमण्डलॊ महाराज दवीपॊ ऽसौ चक्रसंस्थितः
नदी जलप्रतिच्छन्नः पर्वतैश चाभ्रसंनिभैः
पुरैश च विविधाकारै रम्यैर जनपदैस तथा
वृक्षैः पुष्पफलॊपेतैः संपन्नधनधान्यवान
लावणेन समुद्रेण समन्तात परिवारितः
यथा च पुरुषः पश्येद आदर्शे मुखम आत्मनः
एवं सुदर्शन दवीपॊ दृश्यते चन्द्रमण्डले
दविर अंशे पिप्पलस तत्र दविर अंशे च शशॊ महान
सर्वौषधिसमावापैः सर्वतः परिवृंहितः

O son of Kuru's clan, I will, however, describe to thee the landmass called Sudarsana. This landmass, O king, is of the form of a disc. It is covered with rivers and other pieces of water and with mountains looking like masses of clouds, and with cities and many delightful provinces. It is also full of trees furnished with flowers and fruits, and with crops of diverse kinds and other wealth. And it is surrounded on all sides with the salt ocean. As a person can see his own face in a mirror, even so is the landmass called Sudarsana seen in the lunar disc. Half part seems to be peepul leaves, half part looks like a large hare. It is surrounded on all sides with an assemblage of every kind of deciduous plants.

This is apparently world map as seen today. Peepal leaves are Americas and the hare is Eurasia-Africa-Australia. The assemblage f deciduous plants are islands scattered.

Indians knew much more than 2 mountains. Entire Europe, America was also known and there was regular travel. Dreeks, Romans, Mesopotamia, India all shared the same civilisation which you call as pagans. The four estate system of Europe and 4 varna system of India was almost identical for the same reason. They are of same origin. The early people were called pagans, not religious cults. Bharatavarsha means the land of bharata community.
You've had a manufactured famine ever since. Millions die every year from famine and malnutrition still. More have died in the last 70 years than during the British reign.

You've already done the same as I've proven several times and you've can't threaten us because we have enough nukes to glass you and your cows.

We didn't faced any famine until British Loooot Raj. Bengal famine was man made British made since they destroyed agricultural knowledge imparted through Gurukul education system and much of the food produced was sent to Britain as LOOT and people in India suffered famines. After green revolution from 1967-68 there are no famines and India became self sufficient in food.

As for nukes, we too have enough nukes to make a completely vitrified Britain along with you on world map. Remember INS Arihant Arighat and Aridhaman are on patrol with their load of Nukes. I am sure British don't have enough nukes make vitrified India.
We didn't faced any famine until British Loooot Raj. Bengal famine was man made British made since they destroyed agricultural knowledge imparted through Gurukul education system and much of the food produced was sent to Britain as LOOT and people in India suffered famines. After green revolution from 1967-68 there are no famines and India became self sufficient in food.

As for nukes, we too have enough nukes to make a completely vitrified Britain along with you on world map. Remember INS Arihant Arighat and Aridhaman are on patrol with their load of Nukes. I am sure British don't have enough nukes make vitrified India.
Yes you did.

Famine in India - Wikipedia
I told you, modern education imparted by missionary convent schools tried and succeeded in putting into heads of its idiot students that Bharat never existed.

Why are there remains of Dwarka city of lord Krishna in Gujarat off shore. From where did it come. Or remains at Hastinapur in Haryana.
Nah dude, it is an accepted historical fact, just as certain as gravity. Missionary convents only tried change ideas pertaining to religion not historical facts.

History of India - Wikipedia
A blind king and a monkey king? Wow that's some good crack. Those interpretations of interpretations aren't even close to reliable in any way.
The monkey king may have been races of africans. They look like monkeys after all.... There have been many writings by people who were less qualified and hence wrote in exaggerated terms. For example, Ramayana was written by a hunter named Valmiki. Mahabharatha was however, written by learned scholar VedaVyasa. So, such difference of author does come in. But that does not mean they were false.
The monkey king may have been races of africans. They look like monkeys after all....
And people say the British are racist.:confused:

There have been many writings by people who were less qualified and hence wrote in exaggerated terms. For example, Ramayana was written by a hunter named Valmiki. Mahabharatha was however, written by learned scholar VedaVyasa. So, such difference of author does come in. But that does not mean they were false.
Actually yes, it does mean they were false because there is no acknowledgement of it by international scholars.
Nah dude, it is an accepted historical fact, just as certain as gravity. Missionary convents only tried change ideas pertaining to religion not historical facts.

Which Religion --> The people in this land were living without the Religion, the most important fact that we are always the seeker and never the believer. We believe in the Dharma not the Religion and Dharma is not a Religion. The same reason why this land could not be converted for decades and these missionaries fighting for the unfinished business, thus making fake stories and spreading lies. This Culture hits the CORE of the Christanity, Why -> Because the first man and woman ADAM and EVE are made 5000 year ago, but our history speaks of 10,000 year of culture, thus the bullshit theory such as Aryan Invasion Theory by the Britishers.

Indeed, all religion is garbage. But you're trying to state religion as proof of historical facts.

Hinduism is not a Religion Remember..................
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Ask the native South Africans refered as blacks

Pls research the frequency of Earth

And then the frequency of this symbol OM

Ask the South African government who are kicking white farmers off their land and the Zimbabweans who did the same and ended up with a food shortage.

You'll have to explain, since I have no way to research an image.
Which Religion --> The people in this land were living without the Religion, the most important fact that we are always the seeker and never the believer. We believe in the Dharma not the Religion and Dharma is not a Religion. The same reason why this land could not be converted for decades and these missionaries fighting for the unfinished business, thus making fake stories and spreading lies. This Culture hits the CORE of the Christanity, Why -> Because the first man and woman ADAM and EVE are made 5000 year ago, but our history speaks of 10,000 year of culture, thus the bullshit theory such as Aryan Invasion Theory by the Britishers.
Dharma is described as "the right way of living" in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism... but I'm curious to know how widow burning, cow-worship and child marriage fit into this.

Hinduism is not a Religion Remember..................
Now I've heard everything. Very contradictive, since there are images of Gods within Hinduism.
Well done. Now a word of caution, "independence" means taking responsibility for actions and outcomes from that point forward.

Not from where I'm standing. If you had then Mode 4 services wouldn't be such a big issue in trade deals.

Now you want us to force to sign trade deals?

Once a gora, always a gora.
Yes because nothing has changed since then. You're honestly more likely to be invaded by China than achieve any kind of revenge on Europeans.
Ohh let's see.

Chinese hold there own grudges against British.

Might be you are too ignorant about that under your white privilege.