Brexit and Future of UK : Discussions

That's the result everyone expected. The Tories have been in power for 14 years and they haven't left many people happy with how they've managed the country. Thing is that even if you are politically conservative, you have to admit that, in order for the principle of holding politicians accountable, the Tories deserved a humiliating defeat. That's the only way voters have to punish politicians for gross incompetence, regardless of ideology.

Will Labour solve all the major problems? Probably not, that'd be a tall order. But can they fix at least some of them? Let's hope so. At least they got rid of the Corbynistas, so they shouldn't be adding new major problems on top of the Tory-caused ones.
That's the result everyone expected. The Tories have been in power for 14 years and they haven't left many people happy with how they've managed the country. Thing is that even if you are politically conservative, you have to admit that, in order for the principle of holding politicians accountable, the Tories deserved a humiliating defeat. That's the only way voters have to punish politicians for gross incompetence, regardless of ideology.
Some people have really short memories or are too young to remember. Let's rewind to the previous Labour government. They started at the turn of this century with a trade surplus, a budget surplus and debt equal to only 29% of GDP. They watched idly as the likes of Northern Rock loaned mortgages out at 7x annual earnings and 125% of the value of the property being purchased. They watched idly as house prices sky rocketed. They didn't see that anything might possibly be wrong and Gorden Brown stood before the House of Commons in 2006 and said, "now is the time to borrow."

This is what went wrong, we still haven't recovered from that, and spending under the Tories was tight because we had a debt to pay down and even the interest on the debt ate into revenue considerably. Labour's level of spending was unsustainable. Tell me I'm wrong. Here is a graph of the UK budget for the last 25 years. Labour up to 2008, they took us into deficit even before the 2008 crash. Tories took over in 2010, recovery begins. 2020, Chinese criminal negligence (even assuming it wasn't deliberate) causes global pandemic. Recovery begins again and then 2022, Ukraine War. Labour inherited a very healthy economy last time and f'cked it up for no good reason with no good excuse, God only knows what they'll do with one in this state, which is ironically still better (lower deficit) than the pile of shit they handed over in 2010.


Additionally, Labour also blocked a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty, which could have seen it vetoed and kept the UK in the EU. Almost everyone else voted for it.

I mean, how bad were things really under the Tories? Did hundreds of thousands lose their homes and end up tens of thousands in debt? Nope, and that's in spite of a global pandemic and a war in Europe. The last labour government had none of those uncountrollable issues and still f*cked everything up. ...And selected a VSTOL carrier instead of a CATOBAR one.
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Could be changed in STOBAR with Rafale.
Nah, we're lumped with F-35Bs instead of Cs but still better than Rafale. We could probably do with some As as well though.

The one positive thing to come from this election - the SNP got annihilated and they're out of power in Scotland.

It's gone a full circle. :)
the English ruled India.
India threw out the English.
Indian ruled England.
English threw out the Indian.
It's gone a full circle. :)
the English ruled India.
India threw out the English.
Indian ruled England.
English threw out the Indian.
He was only an 'Uncle Tom' according to some here. Well actually he was their viceroy until he said something they disagreed with LOL.
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