Defence Budget Allocation & Defence Procurement Procedure : News & Discussions


I wonder why do some people get triggered for no rhyme or reason. I didn't even use the key word here. I just typed realistic & boom.... It's as though a red rag was waved at bull, a mongoose spotted a cobra, a jihadi a kafir, etc etc...

There definitely must be some childhood trauma involved. Why else would the word realistic trigger such extreme reactions while day dreaming is not only indulged in but every so often shared here with lots of embellishments.
Some people do not understand the difference between posting articles and creating brand new threads pushed by vested interests even from within the establishment that go against the Indian military in such a blatant manner. Obviously ignorants will remain ignorants, but I'm merely pointing out the obvious.

The article is an insult to the Indian military and is obviously targeted towards an anti-establishment crowd. It's supposed to be published in Global Times, not even worth a new thread on this forum. But ignorants will always remain ignorants.

"Open out those windows and let some fresh air in."
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It'd probably come as news to resident geo strategic expert here whom Rand Corporation would covet but we're extremely fortunate to have , who certainly spares no effort to inflict his opium induced day dreaming on us every opportunity he gets, that the said author has a doctorate & has spent 17 yrs in the NSCS i.e National Security Council Secretariat apart from the NSAB & has published her work in The Print unless of course The Print is now The Global Times .

I suppose all these qualifications & experience count for nothing but a wave of the hand & listening to the Gospel preached from the bully pulpit by deluded delinquent here is the only true version of a doctrine - any doctrine . All other versions are heresies. I suppose this is how policies are formed at the highest level beginning with Deliverance in THE MAGICAL YEAR, yes sir, you've got it right - 2022.

Meanwhile, this is how mature senior ex IA personnel react .

No name calling, no personal insinuations, just discussion of the idea on it's merits but I suppose based on blanket definitions offered above, they're compromised too or perhaps are a reflection of the IA's poor ethos.
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Aside from the fact that in a year's time, we'd be in the magical year, yessir you've guessed it right, 2022 , where our budget is going to far far exceed our needs & wants & some of the most cutting edge projects materialise while others are conceived & some others get the go ahead, let's take a moment to see what this year's modest offering would be like , what does it fetch us but more importantly what's the alternative.

Statutory Warning : This is a realistic assessment.

should be moved to Jokes thread :LOL:
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should be moved to Jokes thread :LOL:
The entire procurement policy is a joke in case you haven't noticed & I'm the first to inform you. What's one more joke going to do to upset the balance?

Perhaps all our procurement threads ought to be shifted to the jokes section.
Looks like ignorants are being schooled by their own tweets now.

Tara Kartha's domain expertise and the subject of the article are in complete antithesis to each other. She is a complete novice in the military field and shouldn't be writing obvious nonsense. Maybe she should write a thesis on coronavirus, ignorants will still lap it up citing her 17 years in the Cabinet Secretariat.

This is a typical case of ignorants being fooled by vested interests.

Every single line in her article is basically saying the miltiary are a bunch of dreamers and the MoD are a bunch of fools. Only ignorants will consider discussing such nonsense "on its merits".

The reality is we need equipment in order to fight China at the level we need and we don't have everything we need yet. And if we can't afford everything we need, then we buy what we can and hope it's enough to create a posture for deterrence or prevent further escalation in case things go to sh!t.

You can't change this reality into some cooked-up, fabricated reality where everything is hunky dory if you simply change your "attitude". We are not talking about feelings and emotions and changing your outlook towards life. The forces' answers are not going to be found in group a therapy session. But her 17 years in the Cabinet Secretariat gave her the "realistic" idea of eating noodles with a spoon. So yeah, let's discuss "on its merits" how and why the military are morons for suggesting they need forks instead, such complete dolts. "But look, she has a PhD and a whole article on The Print, so she must be amazing. Oh, and I must be amazing too, for recognising her greatness, which is actually the main point anyway".
If everybody got sarcasm, it wouldn't be sarcasm which is why a neologism has been coined - sarcHasm.

Sarchasm (noun) : The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the dimwit who doesn't get it.
Playing naive when others take your bait is not new or funny.

I choose to believe its sarcasm since its you.
Thank you for the validation, Eshwin. It means so much to me, my life, my work, etc. Is there a monetary reward too along with the validation?
not siding with any party here but not long ago this eminent scholar was blue eyed boy among a perticular group of MSM.He was regular columnist in following well funded international media outlets
Poor fellow just couldt hide his dsires of Ghazwa and jihaad anymore and vomited the rot of his brain on he is enjoying police mehman nawazi
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Screenshot_2021-02-01 sbe20 pdf(1).png

Last year CAPX RE had even more increases which all went to emergency purchases apparently.


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