Democracy Is Losing the Propaganda War

Refer to original source: Bloomberg - Are you a robot?


Corporate America Promised to Hire a Lot More People of Color. It Actually Did.​

The year after Black Lives Matter protests, the S&P 100 added more than 300,000 jobs — 94% went to people of color.

The context matters a lot my brother. This massive hiring drive of non-whites (NOT necessarily immigrants, unless you treat all coloured people in USA as immigrants) followed by the biggest uprising by non-whites in response to very long anti-black policies of american police forces.

This was no attack on white people, it was a PR move by corporate America to value signal as socially responsible businesses. There is no evidence that it continued afterwards. Actually it will most interesting to see what was the racial profiles of layoffs of 2022,23 and ongoing 2024. For all you know that abberation might have corrected.

Okay, so what about jobs for white people? If only non-whites are hired, then that means whites are not being hired. What will that lead to?

May I ask, what will Democrats get by making white people poor? What is their end goal and what benefit it bring to them?

Poor and uneducated are their target demographics for votes. So are immigrants, especially the first time voters.

And yet... poverty in USA has remained roughly at the same point (measured by their societal poverty line ) .... around 20 +/ 3 % since 1963.

Not been updated yet.

The US poverty rate saw its largest one-year increase in history. 12.4% of Americans now live in poverty according to new 2022 data from the US census, an increase from 7.4% in 2021. Child poverty also more than doubled last year to 12.4% from 5.2% the year before.

Latest numbers:
View attachment 33639

Things have gotten really bad. Has little to do with the pandemic. This is all deliberate.

If you make white people poor, blacks and Hispanics become poor too.

How about this picture...
View attachment 33598

Or this one?

View attachment 33599

PS : Is your post for real or are you doing a satire?

Probably why the intention is to discontinue democracy.

Whites, Asians and Indians are targets.
So 50 years in making and .... inflation in USA has not yet passed 80s peak????

And not to mention, it has come down to 3.4% already from a peak of 8% in 2022.

That's too high, albeit being managed for elections.

Real GDP growth should be higher than inflation. Or the economy will spiral towards a recession.

If the Democrats win, they will push the economy down further.

It's Communism 101. One of the biggest indicators of the West making a move towards communism is the reduction/removal of critical thinking skills from school education. This is what happened in India after independence, and this is what's happening in the West now. The Chinese do not teach critical thinking to their kids either.

Indians assume it's being taught in the US, just not anymore. Dunno about Europe.

I guess they don't want their kids asking the "wrong" questions.

Companies try to keep the wages low and recycle ppl, these are no different from Indian service software companies which do body shopping. They will recruit more kids from college and fire experienced ppl. Any wage increase will affect the bottom line. These are mostly in agricultrue, meat processing, dairy farming which are mostly manual and not much value addition is present. Native ppl dont work these jobs.

Industry has a massive shortage at the white collar level, they have millions of vacancies and need half a million every year. But it's not the same for what the immigrants will bring to the table for obvious reasons.

The rest of the industry doesn't require millions every year.

Do you really think illegal immigrants will have the right skills?

What do you really think those millions of immigrants with no relevant skills are gonna do? Will they replace white workers 'cause they will accept lower wages? Then what will all the white unemployed workers do?
thats a fallacy , same thing was said when industrial revolution took place. It will free up ppl to build better & bigger systems. ppl wont spend time on things that wont matter. Take a look at laundry, long time back it was big house hold chore for women, now not many even would talk abt it.

If you want to conquer the planets you cannot be complaining excess ppl , it is just you are not doing things at a bigger scale.

If you have too many people, you can't skill them up.

Immigration into the EU, although small, is causing cultural problems due to a civilizational divide. While immigration into the US is much more acceptable culturally, it's happening in insane numbers. We are talking about millions. It's like a refugee crisis.

Yes, India was a British Colony in past.

I guess if we can not even agree upon the meaning of words, its pointless to talk any further.

Oh I am sure that Japan, UAE and Singapore are leftist paradise. /s

Both of you are just using the same word but with different meanings.

From the same link:
1. a body of people who settle in a country distant from their homeland but maintain ties with it
2. the community formed by such settlers
3. a subject territory occupied by a settlement from the ruling state
4. a. a community of people who form a national, racial, or cultural minority

@Domobran7's referring to 1. and 2., you are referring to 3.
4. would be a ghetto, basically. Or a Richie Rich colony.
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Industry has a massive shortage at the white collar level, they have millions of vacancies and need half a million every year. But it's not the same for what the immigrants will bring to the table for obvious reasons.

The rest of the industry doesn't require millions every year.

Do you really think illegal immigrants will have the right skills?
View attachment 33654

What do you really think those millions of immigrants with no relevant skills are gonna do? Will they replace white workers 'cause they will accept lower wages? Then what will all the white unemployed workers do?
you have no idea about how US works, first they want ppl who work cheap , second jobs are phony jobs they are either present to mislead the competition or to gather data about job market. Just apply for one of those jobs you will get a canned response about some other better candidate. Second thing is stop looking as US media , it is full of thrash right from stock market news to political news every thing is manipulated.
If you have too many people, you can't skill them up.

Immigration into the EU, although small, is causing cultural problems due to a civilizational divide. While immigration into the US is much more acceptable culturally, it's happening in insane numbers. We are talking about millions. It's like a refugee crisis.
It might be a cultural problem & quality of ppl thats the problem , too many ppl is not the issue. Too many ppl with better quality will raise the working standards and the productivity. US also has illegal immigration of epic proportions, in another decade or two it will become mini europe.
you have no idea about how US works, first they want ppl who work cheap , second jobs are phony jobs they are either present to mislead the competition or to gather data about job market. Just apply for one of those jobs you will get a canned response about some other better candidate. Second thing is stop looking as US media , it is full of thrash right from stock market news to political news every thing is manipulated.

It might be a cultural problem & quality of ppl thats the problem , too many ppl is not the issue. Too many ppl with better quality will raise the working standards and the productivity. US also has illegal immigration of epic proportions, in another decade or two it will become mini europe.

Work doesn't get cheaper in the US. There is almost always an increase in pay. It's just lesser than the rise in cost of living.

Domobran7 is from Croatia, so he is using British English. Just scroll down a bit. I copy-pasted that from your own link.
Okay, so what about jobs for white people? If only non-whites are hired, then that means whites are not being hired. What will that lead to?

Whites got jobs just few months late. Moreover, 2024 Q1 | State Unemployment by Race and Ethnicity

Whites are most numerous in USA and yet have lowest unemployment rate.

3.1% in Whites, 6.0% in blacks, 4.7% in hispanics and 3.2% percent in asians.

Your entire idea of a conspiracy against white has no evidence.

That's too high, albeit being managed for elections.
This is false. US has been working on reducing inflation since mid-2022.


Its certainly not an election only thing.

Real GDP growth should be higher than inflation. Or the economy will spiral towards a recession.
GDP growth rate is reported after applying deflators to account for effect of inflation. So yes, typically growth rates are Real GDP growth rates while reported GDP may be nominal. And leaving 2020, for past 5 years or so there has not been a single year of -ve growth in US history.

Poor and uneducated are their target demographics for votes. So are immigrants, especially the first time voters.
You are wrong again. Most of the "Blue" states have high number of college educated voters. Think California, Washington. These are more prosperous states. While states with higher number of just high school grads vote red.

Actually, Democrats follow "big tent" politics. They collect many voters and this is why their election manifesto is so bizare.

It's Communism 101. One of the biggest indicators of the West making a move towards communism is the reduction/removal of critical thinking skills from school education. This is what happened in India after independence, and this is what's happening in the West now. The Chinese do not teach critical thinking to their kids either.
This is hogwash and just full on falsehood.

Lets check the reality. From 1950 till 2000, in International Maths, Physics and Chemistry olympiads, how was USA doing?

International Mathematical Olympiad -- it was always a single digit rank (except for may be 2 years).

How was USSR doing?
International Mathematical Olympiad -- again single digit rank.

How has China been doing?
International Mathematical Olympiad --- again single digit rank. That is under 10.

All of this "reduction/removal" of critical thinking from school is absolute baloney. You cann't be so successful in maths and science without any critical thinking skills. They are absolutely necessary for achieving success. Especially the kind of questions that are asked in maths olympiad. Try it sometime and you will know why.

There is no facts in your assertion here.

The US poverty rate saw its largest one-year increase in history. 12.4% of Americans now live in poverty according to new 2022 data from the US census, an increase from 7.4% in 2021. Child poverty also more than doubled last year to 12.4% from 5.2% the year before.

Latest numbers:
View attachment 33639

Things have gotten really bad. Has little to do with the pandemic. This is all deliberate.

If you make white people poor, blacks and Hispanics become poor too.
Did you even look at your own source? Poverty rate in 2023 is still lower than that in 2010. Even after the worst pandemic world has seen in 100 years.

What is more telling is that before pandemic hit, from 2010 till 2020, poverty was consistently decreasing. It invalidates all your claim.

What happened to Hindus for 60+ years is now happening to whites in the West.

Who do you think India's female sterilization campaign was aimed at?

Another piece of BS. Do look at age profiles.
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Whites got jobs just few months late. Moreover, 2024 Q1 | State Unemployment by Race and Ethnicity

Whites are most numerous in USA and yet have lowest unemployment rate.

3.1% in Whites, 6.0% in blacks, 4.7% in hispanics and 3.2% percent in asians.

Your entire idea of a conspiracy against white has no evidence.

They end up having to start businesses or retraining to join industries where there's more demand, like trades. But when new job hirees are targeted to be non-white, whites are eventually shut out of an entire industry.

Blue states have the highest unemployment, while non-blue states have the lowest. And whites are migrating out of blue states, which is a significant part of the reason why they still remain employed.

Businesses too are leaving New York and California. There's a new Wall Street emerging in Miami.

In fact, in one of my earlier posts I had claimed that India will become the next destination for large companies once the Left virus reaches Miami as well. Migration is bringing Left voters into red states, so it's only a matter of time.

This is false. US has been working on reducing inflation since mid-2022.

View attachment 33667

Its certainly not an election only thing.

They let it go out of control, and are doing their best to reign it in before elections. It's too late for Biden though, the damage is already done. Just compare that to Trump numbers.

GDP growth rate is reported after applying deflators to account for effect of inflation. So yes, typically growth rates are Real GDP growth rates while reported GDP may be nominal. And leaving 2020, for past 5 years or so there has not been a single year of -ve growth in US history.

The current scenario is good for the rich and the govt, but bad for the poor.

You are wrong again. Most of the "Blue" states have high number of college educated voters. Think California, Washington. These are more prosperous states. While states with higher number of just high school grads vote red.

Actually, Democrats follow "big tent" politics. They collect many voters and this is why their election manifesto is so bizare.

School education is more important than college education. Learning to read and understand Aesop's Fables is more important than the Theory of Relativity.

Red states are supposed to follow blue states in terms of morality, but they are not the ones exposing toddlers to male strippers in the name of trans inclusivity.

The issue with college education in the West today, particularly non-STEM, is they are following a communist manifesto. It's all propaganda, there's no longer any truth in colleges.

This is hogwash and just full on falsehood.

Lets check the reality. From 1950 till 2000, in International Maths, Physics and Chemistry olympiads, how was USA doing?

International Mathematical Olympiad -- it was always a single digit rank (except for may be 2 years).

How was USSR doing?
International Mathematical Olympiad -- again single digit rank.

How has China been doing?
International Mathematical Olympiad --- again single digit rank. That is under 10.

All of this "reduction/removal" of critical thinking from school is absolute baloney. You cann't be so successful in maths and science without any critical thinking skills. They are absolutely necessary for achieving success. Especially the kind of questions that are asked in maths olympiad. Try it sometime and you will know why.

All that's just getting a few prepared for competitions. You think all students are trained like Olympic athletes?

Math requires critical thinking, although a different kind. But what's necessary in schools is different.

For example, "Who is morally right, Trump or Biden?" The thought process required here is different, and this is not taught in states with a communist agenda. School students in the US are now being taught not to question authority.

For example, the video of that student who asked about J K Rowling. The school didn't like the kinda critical thinking skills the teacher imparted on the student and was fired.

These are the kinda teachers we need in schools. 5 min video. You decide.

Read the first comment as well.

It's a simple concept. If there's a controversial topic, can you make arguments for both sides? Or is there a third side too that others have not thought of? Sudents are supposed to be trained on such things.

Did you even look at your own source? Poverty rate in 2023 is still lower than that in 2010. Even after the worst pandemic world has seen in 100 years.

That's not how it works. When the stock market crashes, you don't say it's still better than in 1930. When poverty starts rising due to a significant drop in macroeconomic indicators, it's going to be a generational change. If it's not arrested quickly, even the US could suffer a lot.

What is more telling is that before pandemic hit, from 2010 till 2020, poverty was consistently decreasing. It invalidates all your claim.

It became a thing after Trump.


Another piece of BS. Do look at age profiles.

It's supposed to be the opposite. You are supposed to be protected in schools and colleges and sh!t on in the workplace. That's how life is. But if a kid is asking that, 'cause he's not feeling hopeful about his future, it's a serious change.

What's interesting is boys in the US are now becoming significantly more conservative than girls. It's become an upside-down world, the same before the Roman Empire fell.

we became territorial only after we stopped being nomads and started living of the land , competing for the resources available there. This is not only due to increase in skill, expertise to get food & shelter but also climate permitted that. Any change in climate/land/resources will lead to change whether you like it or not. Either you accept it or resist it. Stronger ones will eventually succeed. We are only social as long we are allowed to be. It is a mental attribute related to groups not a physical attribute of species. These social groups will combine or split based on their necessity.
If you think nomads do not compete for resources and murder each other for hunting grounds, you have no clue about history.
As I said nations or ethnicity is thing of last 5000 years, even post that ppl often migrated due to wars, famine...etc Humans were mostly nomads who later settled in places giving rise to ethnicity/cntry. Some of ethnicities like anglo-saxon got created bcos of wars & migration but more or less within lesser geographical extent. As the time progressed they gained more skill & expertise to live of the land which made migrations unnecessary. You are not looking from human perspective but from ethno-centric nation perspective thats why it is hard for you to accept that is natural.
Nation and ethnicity are not the same thing. Nation-state is a political expression of ethnicity, but lack of political expression does not make ethnicity nonexistent.

Tribes had existed since before homo sapiens sapiens had evolved, and ethnicity is merely an enlarged tribe.

And migrations were an exception, not a rule. As I said: up until post-1950 period, basically all people in Europe drew their genome from the first settlers. Any migration and conquest was merely culturological, but not biological: Anglo-Saxons may have altered language and culture of previous inhabitants of today's England, but they had no effect on their genome.

Large-scale migrations are not natural, that is a fact.
Immunity only happens over a period of time which mean it requires larger population , smaller population & closely related genes will effectively cut down the chances of developing immunity. Most of the europeans might like white that is more or less due to them staying there for longer period of time but they are indeed a product of various migrations has taken place before that. we can prevent infectious diseases from spreading physically but developing immunity and passing down that to next generation depends on genetic diversity or probabilistic anomaly.

Native americans dint have to create such measures bcos there was no need for that. Its like going to japan and talking abt racism. They will be most racist ppl on planet but from their perspective only kind of ppl they are used to are their own.
And none of that requires large-scale migration, merely a way for various populations to remain in contact which would make them all one single population, epidemiologically speaking.

RE: Europeans being "product of migrations", see above. European cultures are a product of migrations... actual Europeans, not so much.

Yes, India was a British Colony in past.

I guess if we can not even agree upon the meaning of words, its pointless to talk any further.
Have you missed the point about English being lazy craps?


From colōnus (“farmer; colonist”), from colō (“till, cultivate, worship”).




colōnia f (genitive colōniae); first declension

  1. A colony, settlement.
  2. A possession in land, land attached to a farm, estate.
  3. (metonymically) The people composing a colony, colonists.
Changing politics in Europe - it is a political mess

Is Europe shifting rightward? It seems so.

Right-wing parties almost seized parliamentary power in France. The ongoing conflict in Ukraine has resulted in the emergence of many Europeans as anti-immigrants, with excessive Islamist and anti-war sentiments. This war is losing its initial appeal.

In the Netherlands, forming a government was challenging after right-wing parties won but couldn't govern alone. Dick Schoof, a center-right politician, became Prime Minister on July 2nd, with right-wing support. As PM, he represents the Netherlands in the European Council, likely pushing against liberalism.

Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orbán leads a right-wing populist and national-conservative party, influencing Central Europe. He won an ultra-conservative mandate in 2024 and, holding the rotating EU presidency, seeks peace talks with Russia, despite other countries' disapproval.

In Germany, right-wing parties have no governmental control but are gaining support with their anti-immigration and anti-war stance. Their party is under police surveillance for extremist views. It is polling second place hence is challenging the ruling Social Democrats.

Poland, once a social democracy post-communism, now sees right-wing dominance, mobilizing three-quarters of the electorate. Though not facing significant immigration backlash, the war in Ukraine boosts right-wing support. The party that garnered only 7% of votes four years ago secured 15% in 2023, showing conservatism's rise.

In Italy, Giorgia Meloni's far-right party, in power for over a year, leads the third-largest European economy with an anti-immigration and anti-war platform. Her rhetoric aligns her with Hungary's Viktor Orbán in seeking an end to the Ukraine conflict.

In Britain, the center-right Conservatives lost power on July 4th elections, after a decade in control and managing Brexit. With Labour now in charge, economic recovery is prioritized over tackling immigration and Islamism, despite their importance to voters.

For decades, political alliances kept the hard-right from power. Today, this strategy is failing as populist and nationalist parties gain strength across Europe. Six EU countries — Italy, Finland, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, and the Czech Republic — have hard-right parties in government, with many others dominating polls continent-wide.

What was once envisioned as a European superstate has fragmented into political disarray. For centuries, Europe has been divided, largely along Roman Catholic and Protestant lines. World War I was meant to end all wars, but it didn't. World War II sought to correct the aftermath of WWI.

Remarkably, Europe has enjoyed 75 years of peace, a rarity in its history, despite the so-called Cold War. Liberal ideologies have dominated European politics, successfully maintaining stability. However, this cohesion is now unraveling due to factors such as immigration, rising Islamism, and the war in Ukraine. The U.S. can exert influence, but with the potential election of right-winger Donald Trump, who has connections with European right-wing leaders, the situation in Europe may change further to the right.
Right-wing parties almost seized parliamentary power in France. The ongoing conflict in Ukraine has resulted in the emergence of many Europeans as anti-immigrants, with excessive Islamist and anti-war sentiments. This war is losing its initial appeal.
Strong gaslighting here.

The war never had any appeal to Europeans. It had a lot of appeal to Putin and his cronies, who are the only ones who want it.

Anyone who is actually opposed to the war therefore needs to do everything they can to make war lose its appeal to russia. And the way to do that is certainly not by capitulating; it's by being firm, keeping the weapons flowing into Ukraine, and keeping escalating the economic sanctions against russia until the country crumbles, again, like it did in 1917 and in 1991.
Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orbán leads a right-wing populist and national-conservative party, influencing Central Europe. He won an ultra-conservative mandate in 2024 and, holding the rotating EU presidency, seeks peace talks with Russia, despite other countries' disapproval.
Hungary is not seeking peace talks; he's seeking appeasement talks. He's seeking capitulation talks. His aim is for corruption and dictatorship to win.
In Italy, Giorgia Meloni's far-right party, in power for over a year, leads the third-largest European economy with an anti-immigration and anti-war platform. Her rhetoric aligns her with Hungary's Viktor Orbán in seeking an end to the Ukraine conflict.
Meloni is a hawk against russia. Have the author of this bovine fecal discharge looked at what Meloni has said and done?