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They could be the banned ones by Indian Government? Too much propaganda, eh..
The ones I link here only post stuff about the Ukraine War, so I don't see how that affects India, unless it's ruining India's homebrewed lies about the war. I've never seen them post anything directly about India so far.

They are as follows:
Paul Jawin
The ones I link here only post stuff about the Ukraine War, so I don't see how that affects India, unless it's ruining India's homebrewed lies about the war. I've never seen them post anything directly about India so far.

They are as follows:
Paul Jawin

I hate to break this to you Paddy but wth ,we go back a long time. AI enabled software out here has made the blog idiot proof. Why do you think nobody reacts much to the bilge you post here ?
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@_Anonymous_ is banned because use of some words which you asked him not to use(or so I assume!), but someone like @Optimist who uses 'frog' and 'troll' in his almost every sentence is let go? I think moderation must be just, so why give leeway to foreign members versus Indians?

This is my genuine query so kindly don't take this otherwise.
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@_Anonymous_ is banned because use of some words which you asked him not to use(or so I assume!), but someone like @Optimist who uses 'frog' and 'troll' in his almost every sentence is let go? I think moderation must be just, so why give leeway to foreign members versus Indians?

This is my genuine query so kindly don't take this otherwise.
If someone is being abusive, use the 'report' option so the moderators will notice it.

Personally,I haven't come across anything from the mentioned user. If you have, did you report it?

Are use suggesting we let people use abusive language because he is Indian? There were enough warnings given before it reached an automatic ban.

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@Ashwin @Ashwin
There is no offence, it is common in australia to refer to this type of thing.
A french poster said he saw no offence in frog. we had this discussion before. Everyone is welcome to call me skip. skippy. Very commonly used by immigrants, to those who came before them. from tv show, 'skippy the bush kangaroo.' kangaroo, aussie

They also love their slang. A little-known fact, however, is that Aussies even have lingo for each other…

It was inevitable that the first British settlers in Australia developed a new vocabulary to describe their alien surroundings, given that everything in Australia was so different from all they had known.

Prison slang crept into general use, indigenous language was incorporated, and new words coined – much to the alarm of the anglophile establishment.

The English-born ‘Sterlings’ looked down their noses at the Australian-born folk. They called them ‘Cornstalks’, because the new generation were taller than their forebears. The name stuck, and so did the custom of giving regional names to our fellow Aussies.

Sandgropers, Cabbage Patchers and Gum Suckers​

We ‘Sandgropers’, or Western Australians, once used the term ‘Wise Men from the East’ in reference to visitors from the other side – especially the ones who enjoyed telling us how we could improve.

The names for Victorians have a bit of a sting to them: Victoria was called the Cabbage Patch because of its small size, hence ‘Cabbage Patchers’ hailed from the garden state. ‘Gum Sucker’ was formerly applied to all colonials for their pastime of sucking the sweet gum from some species of wattle. How it came to refer solely to Victorians is a mystery.

Tasmanians, too, suffered prejudice, and ‘Taswegian’ was once used almost derisively to describe the mob who in kinder moments were called ‘Apple Islanders’. Those Taswegians were once also known as ‘Barracoutas’, after the creature that supported fishing families and was a staple during the starvation years. The name is rarely heard now, and the ’couta, too, have almost vanished.

‘Crow-eaters’ for South Australians is still commonly used, and refers to the magpie on the coat of arms.

‘Top Enders’ for those from the Northern Territory is heard occasionally. ‘Banana Benders’, referring to those from Queensland, is simply not heard enough.

‘Actarians’, for residents of the Australian Capital Territory, was popular for a while but is rarely heard now. The same can be said for the alternative moniker, ‘Roundabout-abouters’.

NOTE: It’s important to mention that state and regional differences between Australians are forgotten in a national crisis or Test match – and when deriding the ‘Whinging Pom’.
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@_Anonymous_ is banned because use of some words which you asked him not to use(or so I assume!), but someone like @Optimist who uses 'frog' and 'troll' in his almost every sentence is let go? I think moderation must be just, so why give leeway to foreign members versus Indians?

This is my genuine query so kindly don't take this otherwise.
But sometimes you do 'troll', would you like me to cite your posts where you do it?

As to frog and kangaroo, look at my signature, where I refer to myself as a kangaroo.
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If someone is being abusive, use the 'report' option so the moderators will notice it.

Personally,I haven't come across anything from the mentioned user. If you have, did you report it?

Are use suggesting we let people use abusive language because he is Indian? There were enough warnings given b..efore it reached an automatic ban.

Someone is abusive ?? I was looking out for your own post in the off topic chat section where you warned against using the term Paddy which has disappeared not surprisingly like your objections to PKS a couple of years ago.

But since your own warning , I've never used the term Paddy but Paddington & various Irish surnames none of which were racial slurs & used by me before. Are these banned too ? Check for them & come out here with the truth. Can you . Or your mallu brain couldn't tell the difference between Paddy & Paddington mistaking it like they do in malluland for Emit instead of Amit , Retna for Ratna , Gaynesh for Ganesh & on & on. Hence Amit or Emit is the same as Amitesh or Amitabh which is why Paddy is the same as Paddington.

I've often thought that the average Indian title holder even if he was an Elite member on P D F was a pretty average guy , perhaps less than mediocre , which doesn't come as a surprise in the least . Vedoc & GND have more than hinted at it .

Anyway I could go on. I've given you the the offer of permanent banning long ago. You used it sparingly . Instead of being the P D F hijda moderator cun jihadi who pretended to be fair & gave a ban who's completion immediately followed another ban , be a man instead of a filthy mallu & do what I commanded you to do 2 yrs ago.
Someone is abusive ?? I was looking out for your own post in the off topic chat section where you warned against using the term Paddy which has disappeared not surprisingly like your objections to PKS a couple of years ago.

But since your own warning , I've never used the term Paddy but Paddington & various Irish surnames none of which were racial slurs & used by me before. Are these banned too ? Check for them & come out here with the truth. Can you . Or your mallu brain couldn't tell the difference between Paddy & Paddington mistaking it like they do in malluland for Emit instead of Amit , Retna for Ratna , Gaynesh for Ganesh & on & on. Hence Amit or Emit is the same as Amitesh or Amitabh which is why Paddy is the same as Paddington.

I've often thought that the average Indian title holder even if he was an Elite member on P D F was a pretty average guy , perhaps less than mediocre , which doesn't come as a surprise in the least . Vedoc & GND have more than hinted at it .

Anyway I could go on. I've given you the the offer of permanent banning long ago. You used it sparingly . Instead of being the P D F hijda moderator cun jihadi who pretended to be fair & gave a ban who's completion immediately followed another ban , be a man instead of a filthy mallu & do what I commanded you to do 2 yrs ago.
You know you'll be lurking here. You can't resist mein sexiness
Someone is abusive ?? I was looking out for your own post in the off topic chat section where you warned against using the term Paddy which has disappeared not surprisingly like your objections to PKS a couple of years ago.
So you think I deleted my post warning you? Why would I do that?

But since your own warning , I've never used the term Paddy but Paddington & various Irish surnames none of which were racial slurs & used by me before.
Paddy is recognized as an ethnic-racial slur, and despite a previous warning, you altered it to Paddington. This is not kindergarten; it's evident that you are attempting to convey the same kind of offensive remark by changing Paddy to Paddington.

Comparing this to a scenario where all Indians are stereotyped as Rajesh, why would you want to label someone with a fictitious name based on their identity? The concerned user has lodged another complaint about this, resulting in infraction and an automatic ban when repeated.

You are welcome to participate in discussions without resorting to name-calling. Please maintain respect and decorum in your interactions.
So you think I deleted my post warning you? Why would I do that?

In the event you didn't which is surprising considering your previous track record with PKS. My apologies.

Paddy is recognized as an ethnic-racial slur, and despite a previous warning, you altered it to Paddington. This is not kindergarten; it's evident that you are attempting to convey the same kind of offensive remark by changing Paddy to Paddington.

So are you going to come up with your OWN list of what constitutes a racial slur as opposed to what's the universal definition of it ? Wonder why can't you extend the same consideration to your own compatriots , leave aside preferential treatment ?

I can question you on so many points . Like for instance how's it that a person who identifies with being British takes offense to being called Paddy when it suits the filthy bugger & how come you're supporting it . If you don't believe me ask him or I'm sure you've noticed it in spite of not being the most intelligent & perceptive guy around. . He's on record stating he identifies with the British which just for the information of people like you doesn't include Ireland in their calculus.

To apply Principles of reductionism how's that a racial slur ? That's just the opening paragraphs of my argument. If you don't believe me help yourself to his own statements or ask the bugger. I'm assuming you don't want me to indulge in it .

Comparing this to a scenario where all Indians are stereotyped as Rajesh, why would you want to label someone with a fictitious name based on their identity? The concerned user has lodged another complaint about this, resulting in infraction and an automatic ban.

All Indians are now a days called pajeets on internet forums , something which was tried here by sweetie without using the exact word. Did you see me complain ? Was be banned ? Was he issued a warning ? That he got it good from me is besides my point.

The concerned user has abused our heroes. I don't think there's any forum except this which'd tolerate this kind of behaviour. And to aid that there has to be a Mallu progressive who'd assist this kind of behaviour. The same kind who's told beeph eating is the ultimate act of rebellion .Tomorrow if marrying ones mother is what defines progressiveness in the west I won't be surprised in the least if that's how PROGRESSIVE Mellus think here . It's now part of their DNA.

That the same west while preaching sermons of tolerance , prompting us to resume sporting ties with Pakistan which by last estimates killed nearly 2-3 lakh of our people thru various acts of terrorism wars other issues like Siachen etc while themselves not thinking twice before completely banning Russia for invading Ukraine & not their own lands is besides the point.

You guys don't deserve it. AT ALL.
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In the event you didn't which is surprising considering your previous track record with PKS. My apologies.

So are you going to come up with your OWN list of what constitutes a racial slur as opposed to what's the universal definition of it ? Wonder why can't you extend the same consideration to your own compatriots , leave aside preferential treatment ?

I can question you on so many points . Like for instance how's it that a person who identifies with being British takes offense to being called Paddy when it suits the filthy bugger & how come you're supporting it . If you don't believe me ask him or I'm sure you've noticed it in spite of not being the most intelligent & perceptive guy around. . He's on record stating he identifies with the British which just for the information of people like you doesn't include Ireland in their calculus.

To apply Principles of reductionism how's that a racial slur ? That's just the opening paragraphs of my argument. If you don't believe me help yourself to his own statements or ask the bugger. I'm assuming you don't want me to indulge in it .

All Indians are now a days called pajeets on internet forums , something which was tried here by sweetie without using the exact word. Did you see me complain ? Was be banned ? Was he issued a warning ? That he got it good from me is besides my point.

The concerned user has abused our heroes. I don't think there's any forum except this which'd tolerate this kind of behaviour. And to aid that there has to be a Mallu progressive who'd assist this kind of behaviour. The same kind who's told beeph eating is the ultimate act of rebellion .Tomorrow if marrying ones mother is what defines progressiveness in the west I won't be surprised in the least if that's how PROGRESSIVE Mellus think here . It's now part of their DNA.

That the same west while preaching sermons of tolerance , prompting us to resume sporting ties with Pakistan which by last estimates killed nearly 2-3 lakh of our people thru various acts of terrorism wars other issues like Siachen etc while themselves not thinking twice before completely banning Russia for invading Ukraine & not their own lands is besides the point.

You guys don't deserve it. AT ALL.
Baby I knew you'd be lurking... are you back? And are you actually doing a whadabout him whine? Don't be like that babygurl you and I have a thing going on. Hey at least you're still calling me your sweetie. :love:
In the event you didn't which is surprising considering your previous track record with PKS. My apologies.

So are you going to come up with your OWN list of what constitutes a racial slur as opposed to what's the universal definition of it ? Wonder why can't you extend the same consideration to your own compatriots , leave aside preferential treatment ?

I can question you on so many points . Like for instance how's it that a person who identifies with being British takes offense to being called Paddy when it suits the filthy bugger & how come you're supporting it . If you don't believe me ask him or I'm sure you've noticed it in spite of not being the most intelligent & perceptive guy around. . He's on record stating he identifies with the British which just for the information of people like you doesn't include Ireland in their calculus.

To apply Principles of reductionism how's that a racial slur ? That's just the opening paragraphs of my argument. If you don't believe me help yourself to his own statements or ask the bugger. I'm assuming you don't want me to indulge in it .

All Indians are now a days called pajeets on internet forums , something which was tried here by sweetie without using the exact word. Did you see me complain ? Was be banned ? Was he issued a warning ? That he got it good from me is besides my point.

The concerned user has abused our heroes. I don't think there's any forum except this which'd tolerate this kind of behaviour. And to aid that there has to be a Mallu progressive who'd assist this kind of behaviour. The same kind who's told beeph eating is the ultimate act of rebellion .Tomorrow if marrying ones mother is what defines progressiveness in the west I won't be surprised in the least if that's how PROGRESSIVE Mellus think here . It's now part of their DNA.

That the same west while preaching sermons of tolerance , prompting us to resume sporting ties with Pakistan which by last estimates killed nearly 2-3 lakh of our people thru various acts of terrorism wars other issues like Siachen etc while themselves not thinking twice before completely banning Russia for invading Ukraine & not their own lands is besides the point.

You guys don't deserve it. AT ALL.
keep calm and drink cool

i appreciate aggressiveness
here, in france, the traditional breakfast for naval troops (french marines) is: sardines + onion + red wine.
it's supposed to develop aggressiveness. what did you have for breakfast? :ROFLMAO:

all joking aside, i understand you're angry
all joking aside, here, here, you're overdoing it.

don't tell me to mind my own business, or that it's none of my business since you're posting in public, when you could settle this privately with @dmin
what's more, i told you that i would warn you if i subjectively found that you were being excessive. So I'm obliged to do so.

i can see that this story is demoralising the forum. bad atmosphere. there's an obvious drop in contributions. think of the others.
it's a shame because you often say interesting things that teach me things or make me think. i just regret not having interacted with you enough in the past. i'll try to improve.

ps: before you mentioned it, i hadn't noticed that there was a split on the forum between indo-aryans and dravidians (but I don't have time to read the whole forum). it's a shame, though. unity is best ("divided we fall, ... ... ...").
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In the event you didn't which is surprising considering your previous track record with PKS. My apologies.

So are you going to come up with your OWN list of what constitutes a racial slur as opposed to what's the universal definition of it ? Wonder why can't you extend the same consideration to your own compatriots , leave aside preferential treatment ?

I can question you on so many points . Like for instance how's it that a person who identifies with being British takes offense to being called Paddy when it suits the filthy bugger & how come you're supporting it . If you don't believe me ask him or I'm sure you've noticed it in spite of not being the most intelligent & perceptive guy around. . He's on record stating he identifies with the British which just for the information of people like you doesn't include Ireland in their calculus.

To apply Principles of reductionism how's that a racial slur ? That's just the opening paragraphs of my argument. If you don't believe me help yourself to his own statements or ask the bugger. I'm assuming you don't want me to indulge in it .

All Indians are now a days called pajeets on internet forums , something which was tried here by sweetie without using the exact word. Did you see me complain ? Was be banned ? Was he issued a warning ? That he got it good from me is besides my point.

The concerned user has abused our heroes. I don't think there's any forum except this which'd tolerate this kind of behaviour. And to aid that there has to be a Mallu progressive who'd assist this kind of behaviour. The same kind who's told beeph eating is the ultimate act of rebellion .Tomorrow if marrying ones mother is what defines progressiveness in the west I won't be surprised in the least if that's how PROGRESSIVE Mellus think here . It's now part of their DNA.

That the same west while preaching sermons of tolerance , prompting us to resume sporting ties with Pakistan which by last estimates killed nearly 2-3 lakh of our people thru various acts of terrorism wars other issues like Siachen etc while themselves not thinking twice before completely banning Russia for invading Ukraine & not their own lands is besides the point.

You guys don't deserve it. AT ALL.
Man, *censored* off if you have already decided to leave. Dont be a drama queen.

You had issues with each and everyone who is part of this forum for long enough. You name called all of them. Its your thing.

And i checked, Paddy is a racial slur. List of ethnic slurs - Wikipedia

Even in this reply you personal attacked. People like you will never change. I dont know why you are still not banned.
In the event you didn't which is surprising considering your previous track record with PKS. My apologies.

So are you going to come up with your OWN list of what constitutes a racial slur as opposed to what's the universal definition of it ? Wonder why can't you extend the same consideration to your own compatriots , leave aside preferential treatment ?

I can question you on so many points . Like for instance how's it that a person who identifies with being British takes offense to being called Paddy when it suits the filthy bugger & how come you're supporting it . If you don't believe me ask him or I'm sure you've noticed it in spite of not being the most intelligent & perceptive guy around. . He's on record stating he identifies with the British which just for the information of people like you doesn't include Ireland in their calculus.

To apply Principles of reductionism how's that a racial slur ? That's just the opening paragraphs of my argument. If you don't believe me help yourself to his own statements or ask the bugger. I'm assuming you don't want me to indulge in it .

All Indians are now a days called pajeets on internet forums , something which was tried here by sweetie without using the exact word. Did you see me complain ? Was be banned ? Was he issued a warning ? That he got it good from me is besides my point.

The concerned user has abused our heroes. I don't think there's any forum except this which'd tolerate this kind of behaviour. And to aid that there has to be a Mallu progressive who'd assist this kind of behaviour. The same kind who's told beeph eating is the ultimate act of rebellion .Tomorrow if marrying ones mother is what defines progressiveness in the west I won't be surprised in the least if that's how PROGRESSIVE Mellus think here . It's now part of their DNA.

That the same west while preaching sermons of tolerance , prompting us to resume sporting ties with Pakistan which by last estimates killed nearly 2-3 lakh of our people thru various acts of terrorism wars other issues like Siachen etc while themselves not thinking twice before completely banning Russia for invading Ukraine & not their own lands is besides the point.

You guys don't d

In the event you didn't which is surprising considering your previous track record with PKS. My apologies.

So are you going to come up with your OWN list of what constitutes a racial slur as opposed to what's the universal definition of it ? Wonder why can't you extend the same consideration to your own compatriots , leave aside preferential treatment ?

I can question you on so many points . Like for instance how's it that a person who identifies with being British takes offense to being called Paddy when it suits the filthy bugger & how come you're supporting it . If you don't believe me ask him or I'm sure you've noticed it in spite of not being the most intelligent & perceptive guy around. . He's on record stating he identifies with the British which just for the information of people like you doesn't include Ireland in their calculus.

To apply Principles of reductionism how's that a racial slur ? That's just the opening paragraphs of my argument. If you don't believe me help yourself to his own statements or ask the bugger. I'm assuming you don't want me to indulge in it .

All Indians are now a days called pajeets on internet forums , something which was tried here by sweetie without using the exact word. Did you see me complain ? Was be banned ? Was he issued a warning ? That he got it good from me is besides my point.

The concerned user has abused our heroes. I don't think there's any forum except this which'd tolerate this kind of behaviour. And to aid that there has to be a Mallu progressive who'd assist this kind of behaviour. The same kind who's told beeph eating is the ultimate act of rebellion .Tomorrow if marrying ones mother is what defines progressiveness in the west I won't be surprised in the least if that's how PROGRESSIVE Mellus think here . It's now part of their DNA.

That the same west while preaching sermons of tolerance , prompting us to resume sporting ties with Pakistan which by last estimates killed nearly 2-3 lakh of our people thru various acts of terrorism wars other issues like Siachen etc while themselves not thinking twice before completely banning Russia for invading Ukraine & not their own lands is besides the point.

You guys don't deserve it. AT ALL.

We are all here for timepass , entertainment and information . Dont attach too much ego and reputation to a anonymous profile . Take it light .
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keep calm and drink cool

i appreciate aggressiveness
here, in france, the traditional breakfast for naval troops (french marines) is: sardines + onion + red wine.
it's supposed to develop aggressiveness. what did you have for breakfast? :ROFLMAO:

all joking aside, i understand you're angry
all joking aside, here, here, you're overdoing it.

don't tell me to mind my own business, or that it's none of my business since you're posting in public, when you could settle this privately with @dmin
what's more, i told you that i would warn you if i subjectively found that you were being excessive. So I'm obliged to do so.

i can see that this story is demoralising the forum. bad atmosphere. there's an obvious drop in contributions. think of the others.
it's a shame because you often say interesting things that teach me things or make me think. i just regret not having interacted with you enough in the past. i'll try to improve.

ps: before you mentioned it, i hadn't noticed that there was a split on the forum between indo-aryans and dravidians (but I don't have time to read the whole forum). it's a shame, though. unity is best ("divided we fall, ... ... ...").
This isn't your fight at all . What you've said is immaterial.
Man, *censored* off if you have already decided to leave. Dont be a drama queen.

You had issues with each and everyone who is part of this forum for long enough. You name called all of them. Its your thing.

And i checked, Paddy is a racial slur. List of ethnic slurs - Wikipedia

Even in this reply you personal attacked. People like you will never change. I dont know why you are still not banned.
Aah! Li'l prick is back. If she gets her lousy stinking rear kicked , she slinks away and rears up later . So her mom prescribed.

I've just about offended 3 1/2 people which is the moderator & Paddy & I really can't think of any unless you add Random & sweetie aka Bubba J.

You're the little prick who doesn't matter. Sorry , I take cognizance of you when you matter.
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This is what your own thinks of white trailer park trash.

Bubba J

MUAHAHAHAHAHA. You can't leave this place, can ya? This place and me is all you got going in your "life" that getting banned must mind F'd you pretty bad, huh? You will never leave no matter what drama/hissy fit you throw for as long as I'm here I'll make sure to keep suckering you back in here because this place is all you got.

Baby my loving aint done with you yet! :love:
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