Funny Stuff

Irish abortion bill passes in senate

Congratulations to @BMD & Ireland for finally behaving as a developed country, in spite of attaining the status long ago - GDP/Capita et al. I suppose a large part of this is owed to Dr Leo Varadkar.Wonder when would Indians stop meddling in foreign affairs. Pun unintended.

Which brings me to a very important point - if this law were passed 5 decades ago, you wouldn't be suffering this out here.


Don't let your folks see this.
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An Irishman and his six year old son went to the Zoo. At the Elephant's section, there was a sign put up, "Feed the elephant 🐘 a bun 🥖 to get your age."

The little boy gives a bun to the elephant and it stamps its foot six times.

Wow, says the boy. That's right. I’m six. Dad, now you have a go.

The Irishman gives the elephant a bun. A moment later, the elephant lets go a loud fart and stamps his foot thrice.

Irishman: O mi Gaad. Wat a korrect ansaar I’m farty three.
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