I will demand that this man is captured after we dismember Pakistan and whipped on his back with lal topi holding the same pole where we hoist our National Flag on 15th August. I want to see his backside having same colour as his Topi. Seems he has become habitual of getting his backside whipped after his visit to Saudi Arabia.
I never thought I'll live to see this historic day ! but now I wish, I live to see this happenI will demand that this man is captured after we dismember Pakistan and whipped on his back with lal topi holding the same pole where we hoist our National Flag on 15th August. I want to see his backside having same colour as his Topi. Seems he has become habitual of getting his backside whipped after his visit to Saudi Arabia.
He already has....I am worried for our friend Zahid Hamid.... He might go full retard today......
Ram JanmabhoomiIn three Mondays of Shrawana month we have had Chandrayan-2, triple Talak and 370. We still have one more monday to go. What do you think guys will happen on the last monday of Shrawana month?
Akhand Bharat or take over of POJK?
I pity them sometimes. I really do. Remember the jubilancy with which the Pakistanis were jumping up and down during IK's US visit ? US supports us now, Indian diplomacy failed and what not. It was almost similar to when CPEC was fist announced, just replace US with China. Same can be said for Saudi Arabia.
Zaid Hamid is now blaming US
In boxing we use a term called boxing oneself to a corner. if anyone of you have done boxing, you will know what it means. let me explain.
Zaid Hamid is now blaming US
Have to give it to Dhoni,Every time military runs the show in pakistan they lose some thing, imran khan will now live with ignominy being associated with abandoning kashmir altogether.