Geeta Mohan گیتا موہن गीता मोहन (@Geeta_Mohan) Tweeted:
Geeta Mohan گیتا موہن गीता मोहन on Twitter ( )
This reminds me of you. From PDF to I D F to Stratfront to D F I to Historum.
Actually, you do bring happiness to a lot others leading mundane lives too. And entertainment. However unintentional it is.Glad I bring happiness into your seemingly mundane existence.
Cheers, Doc
Actually, you do bring happiness to a lot others leading mundane lives too. And entertainment. However unintentional it is.
P. S I forgot to add to #783 - Rinse & Repeat.
Especially when you so obviously look different in the sea of kids around you.
This sentence justifies the name of this thread! Superb.
Sort of explains why you identify so strongly with the SS & think you're a Maratha Parsi.You forget I've grown up here among you guys.
This defence mechanism of yours on the strength of the conformity of numbers is not new to me.
I must admit it troubles some Parsis when they are younger. The desire to fit in is strong in every kid.
Especially when you so obviously look different in the sea of kids around you.
But as we grow up we realise that we really are different. And no amount of blending in is going to change that.
@Aravind @Golden_Rule @Sandeep0159 @Pothead
The sugar in milk I believe was a lie.
We would always sweeten. But we would never dissolve.
The only reason the milk would not overflow was that there was so much milk.
And so little sugar.
Cheers, Doc
Sort of explains why you identify so strongly with the SS & think you're a Maratha Parsi.
And you are "sweet".At least some of you are, considering you brought up the subject.
Was referring to your complete identification with them. Never brought up the subject of whether it was during your childhood or your adolescence ( which you never left) your youth or your middle age.Blank fire again.
I did not grow up with my Maratha brothers.
I grew up in Bihar. With Biharis and Bongs for the most part.
Cheers, Doc
Was referring to your complete identification with them. Never brought up the subject of whether it was during your childhood or your adolescence ( which you never left) your youth or your middle age.
Let's not get ahead of ourselves, dickraa. The SS doesn't represent the Marathas just as the BJP doesn't represent Sanaatan Dharma . The leadership is CKP and the slant is towards Brahmins. Most Marathas are with the Congress & the NCP. Before you claim your allegiance to the Congress / NCP just on this ground, may I draw your attention to all those posts you made deploring them and their corrupt ways before 2014 in PDF.I identify with them mainly coz my ancestors (actual lineage) fought with them.
And that they actually fought.
And that they do not do cheap low level vindictiveness like most sanghis.
And that regardless of not knowing Marathi, or not being Hindu or brown, they take you in once they see the same fighter in you.
Cheers, Doc
Let's not get ahead of ourselves, dickraa. The SS doesn't represent the Marathas just as the BJP doesn't represent Sanaatan Dharma . The leadership is CKP and the slant is towards Brahmins. Most Marathas are with the Congress & the NCP. Before you claim your allegiance to the Congress / NCP just on this ground, may I draw your attention to all those posts you made deploring them and their corrupt ways before 2014 in PDF.
As far as kinship goes, your claiming the status of an ally on account of some tenous links is akin to some kid from Pakistan exulting on PDF on Tariq ibn Ziyad's conquest of Iberia. There were a peculiar set of circumstances then in Maharashtra which brought about a union of allies who fought under the Maratha banner against the Moghuls. This included a significant component of local Muslims both from Konkan & western Maharashtra who definitely outnumbered the Parsis and were much more potent than them. Your kins support was negligible and didn't matter. In all probability they did it to protect their way of life or for a share of spoils given their knack of picking up the winning side - something which brought them immemse prosperity under the British.
As far as your thinly disguised racist commemt of not being brown goes, hope we don't see you identify as a Caucasian. Heck, know more Iranis who're my shade of skin color and identify as Zoroastrians, laughable as it may seem particularly when viewed thru the spectrum of your prism. Doesn't do much to their claims of identifying with Marathas. Not that they ever did.
Blank fire again.
I did not grow up with my Maratha brothers.
I grew up in Bihar. With Biharis and Bongs for the most part.
Cheers, Doc
Explains you behaving as an "aantel" all the time..
Anonymous at least has discussions with me.
Who are you besides an internet admin here I have really no idea.
Cheers, Doc
Let me categorically deny taking any pleasure leave alone sadistic in correcting @vsdoc 's perspectives in life. I've always seen him as a true seeker in this whole wide world of conformists or little intellects who readily buy into narratives which fit neatly into their petty and ridiculous biases only because it's comforting.@_Anonymous_ doesn't have discussion with you. I mean how can you NOT see that? It is *impossible* to have discussion with you, cuz you have a very defined set of view points etched in stone and you are incapable of taking it forward or altering them by gaining new information. Your entire world view is of identity politics, and some how that finds its way into threads that's not even remotely related to it, thereby ruining a discussion. Having a discussion takes effort and thinking, its hard work. it takes pro, critical and contingency analysis, pattern analysis and what not.
(I have been on forums for the past decade, and last two specifically. I read almost all the posts here).
Anon just takes sadistic pleasure in making you going around in circles, representative image below.
Also, who are you, besides a troll swimming in fish bowl year after year ?
as far as kinship goes, your claiming the status of an ally on account of some tenous links is akin to some kid from Pakistan exulting on PDF on Tariq ibn Ziyad's conquest of Iberia. There were a peculiar set of circumstances then in Maharashtra which brought about a union of allies who fought under the Maratha banner against the Moghuls. This included a significant component of local Muslims both from Konkan & western Maharashtra who definitely outnumbered the Parsis and were much more potent than them. Your kins support was negligible and didn't matter. In all probability they did it to protect their way of life or for a share of spoils given their knack of picking up the winning side - something which brought them immemse prosperity under the British.