Ghatak and Rustom Indigenous UAV Programs

Why are we that much behind in drone warfare with respect to these countries,what are we doing wrong?

We are not behind. We have higher standards, so the forces are waiting for more advanced technology and capabilities developed before we procure drones that we can actually employ.

Turkey and Iran have developed drones suitable for their environment where adversaries are not sophisticated, which is not the case with us.
Why are we that much behind in drone warfare with respect to these countries,what are we doing wrong?
If you have taken Turkey in to consideration, we are behind them in many fields, the irony is that Turkish economy is a peanut compares to India.
If you have taken Turkey in to consideration, we are behind them in many fields, the irony is that Turkish economy is a peanut compares to India.
Turkish economy isn't exactly miniscule compared to us since their GDP is around $745bn. The recent F35-S400 debacle made em focus on their domestic defence industry and to reduce self- reliance.

Contrarily, we've always had a range of weapons offerings from NATO to Soviet Bloc and beyond. Companies would try to lure military's top brass and MoD babus with kickbacks and these folks don't hesitate to kill any indigenous project in the making. The recent self arms-embargo is a good move IMO but should be implemented strictly without any exceptions. With every escalation at the border, we run around like headless chickens making emergency purchases and end up paying a premium
If you have taken Turkey in to consideration, we are behind them in many fields, the irony is that Turkish economy is a peanut compares to India.
I doubt,Turks basically are loudmouths except drone warfare they don't have seemingly better defence industry,they've only have assembled f16s and other stuff when we talk about aircrafts,and dreaming to make TFX by 2023.
We may have different opinion though.
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I doubt,Turks basically are loudmouths except drone warfare they don't have seemingly better defence industry,they've only have assembled f16s and other stuff when we talk about aircrafts,and dreaming to make TFX by 2023.
We may have different opinion though.
They do have pretty decent EW equipment, a working maritime radar, a working cruise missile etc. I am not telling that they were ahead if us in all sectors, but they are in few crucial areas, drone technology is one of them.
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Why are we that much behind in drone warfare with respect to these countries,what are we doing wrong?
We usually develop a weapon system 20 years after others deploy it. Long story short, nothing changed.

We are not behind. We have higher standards, so the forces are waiting for more advanced technology and capabilities developed before we procure drones that we can actually employ.

Turkey and Iran have developed drones suitable for their environment where adversaries are not sophisticated, which is not the case with us.

And about Iranian drones are deployed only against technologically inferior enemy, Iran is flying Drones over US aircraft carriers without the Americans noticing it. (Us navy is under order to shoot down Iranian aircrafts or vehicles approaching it's ships for some time)

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And about Iranian drones are deployed only against technologically inferior enemy, Iran is flying Drones over US aircraft carriers without the Americans noticing it. (Us navy is under order to shoot down Iranian aircrafts or vehicles approaching it's ships for some time)

That doesn't actually mean anything.

Rather there's a good chance the USN was sailing close to Iranian territorial waters, which they usually do when they need to threaten someone, and naturally came under surveillance. There's plenty of times the USN has sailed inside waters that the Chinese claim is their territory as part of the USN's FoN mission in the SCS, it can be as close as just 4 or 5 miles from the coast, whereas 12 NM for territorial waters. So you fly half a mile away from the ship inside your own territory and claim your uber cool drone shot a video of the ship from up close "without being detected".

There have been plenty of cases where the Russians have flown right over USN ships.

Pretty routine. Most of the stories surrounding it are fantasy.
They do have pretty decent EW equipment, a working maritime radar, a working cruise missile etc. I am not telling that they were ahead if us in all sectors, but they are in few crucial areas, drone technology is one of them.
Thank the Israelis for that. Also they don't even have an engine to power there drones and use a Austrian engine. What they have done well is invest drone munitions which we are getting close to with samho and sant missile. Our drones only need a sanction for getting mass produced. Capability wise they aren't far behind..
That doesn't actually mean anything.

Rather there's a good chance the USN was sailing close to Iranian territorial waters, which they usually do when they need to threaten someone, and naturally came under surveillance. There's plenty of times the USN has sailed inside waters that the Chinese claim is their territory as part of the USN's FoN mission in the SCS, it can be as close as just 4 or 5 miles from the coast, whereas 12 NM for territorial waters. So you fly half a mile away from the ship inside your own territory and claim your uber cool drone shot a video of the ship from up close "without being detected".

There have been plenty of cases where the Russians have flown right over USN ships.

Pretty routine. Most of the stories surrounding it are fantasy.
USN is under order to shoot down aircrafts,Drones or boats that approach US navy ships following sulaimani killings. If USN detected it, they would have shot it down anyway, especially after Iran shooting down US drone over the strait. Comparing it to south China sea situation is a joke.

Iranian drones did penetrated heavily defended Saudi refinery and blown them off. That's not a fantasy either.
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They do have pretty decent EW equipment, a working maritime radar, a working cruise missile etc. I am not telling that they were ahead if us in all sectors, but they are in few crucial areas, drone technology is one of them.
Only bureaucracy is stopping us,import lobby is pretty strong.
Despite making good rifles,SSS defence is struggling to even get orders from army.
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Thank the Israelis for that. Also they don't even have an engine to power there drones and use a Austrian engine. What they have done well is invest drone munitions which we are getting close to with samho and sant missile. Our drones only need a sanction for getting mass produced. Capability wise they aren't far behind..
Engine is one part of a flying machine. Your undermining turkish advancement for not having a Turkish engine is absurd ,its like pakistanis ridiculing LCA for its GE engine.
They managed defence projects very well,even IN is purchasing Turkish designed vessels.
Yeah our drones yet to get sanction for mass production, because none of our drones are completed its developmental trials.
Only bureaucracy is stopping us,import lobby is pretty strong.
Despite making good rifles,SSS defence is struggling to even get orders from army.
There may be hundreds of reasons behind it, but at the end of the day we don't have a solid drone industry base in India and a peanut economy does have & more worrying is any military technology development in Turkey will end up with pakistanis.
Why are we that much behind in drone warfare with respect to these countries,what are we doing wrong?
Since we have the lethal G2A firepower... UAVs for the Indian armed forces have a different set of requirements compared to UAVs of other countries. Our requirement mainly towards longer endurance, autonomous, satellite-linked, high-altitude operation etc, and these benchmarks created considering best in class UAVs from the USA, Israeli. So to build the same we need time and money.
Your undermining turkish advancement for not having a Turkish engine is absurd ,its like pakistanis ridiculing LCA for its GE engine
I'm not. Their electronics capabilities are pretty decent but they are still nowhere close to any of the big players like Israel or U.S. From what I've read the Turkish drones are incapable of using satellite communications to perform normal sorties. The main reason rustom is failing is because we ourselves haven't been able to figure out nlos communication. The IA wants a complete project while the Turks have already invested and working on it. I would say the overall design of the tb2 and other Turkish drones are pretty good comparitively.
IN could purchase any other designed vessels. Fleet support ships are not really anything complex. Any other country could do that. It was a tender the country offering the lowest cost was selected it's nothing big...
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USN is under order to shoot down aircrafts,Drones or boats that approach US navy ships following sulaimani killings. If USN detected it, they would have shot it down anyway, especially after Iran shooting down US drone over the strait. Comparing it to south China sea situation is a joke.

Why so? The Chinese have threatened to shoot at US carriers, no different from the Iranians. There are plenty of places around the world where there are significant overlap between international waters and territorial waters. The US can't shoot at anything they want willy-nilly and countries have the right to surveil ships that are passing through. IN ships always chase USN ships and submarines, and other navies in the IOR as well. The USN also constantly challenges India using FONOPS.

There are protocols involved on how to surveil ships. If the Iranians send an unarmed drone over an American carrier when the carrier is near Iran's coast, then there is no need to shoot it down.

Iranian drones did penetrated heavily defended Saudi refinery and blown them off. That's not a fantasy either.

That happened but for a different reason. Those were not drones, but missiles, and the Patriot batteries located there were not capable of bringing down such missiles at the time for whatever reasons. Wrong software version I guess. The Americans have too many downgraded weapons supplied to the ME nations. Even the UAE's new F-35s will be downgraded.
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This is my first post in StrategicFront forums. Indian Armed forces want the most sophisticated weapon systems (at times Unicorns) or they want better system parameters once the DRDO and other R&D agencies deliver what they want (many times due to time taken for the fructification of many efforts). That said, Indian Armed forces will have to come to terms with a product life cycle that involves multiple versions of the product that is delivered over a period of time and DRDO is in a product development lifecycle with multiple MVP's (Minimum Viable Products). Unless we learn from how the US Armed forces induct various tranches of products, we will always be behind other countries. But the good news is that once the Technologies mature (like our missiles), our DRDO labs will start churning more variations quickly.
In case you're wondering, there's a thread for Funny Stuff as well.

Pls note @Ashwin

This is precisely what I was warning about. To begin with you're not mentoring this lad properly. Secondly, when you camouflage funny stuff & associated threads, ppl tend to post it wherever convenient. Like how you do with Garbage. Kindly take the analogy in right spirit or with right spirit. No need to thank me.
In case you're wondering, there's a thread for Funny Stuff as well.

Pls note @Ashwin

This is precisely what I was warning about. To begin with you're not mentoring this lad properly. Secondly, when you camouflage funny stuff & associated threads, ppl tend to post it wherever convenient. Like how you do with Garbage. Kindly take the analogy in right spirit or with right spirit. No need to thank me.
He used to post garbage everyday,but this one is not.
When a question is asked on how to shorten a 1 foot long line, there is a difference between answering it as erasing it a bit and drawing a bigger line next to it. That said, we can't always have more offensive systems to tackle our enemies. There will be circumstances when are doing catch up (almost in all areas), we need to focus on technologies to defend from these weapons, before we start outmaneuver them. Classic example is how our Indian Army did it from May - August in the current conflict. We matched / mirrored the PLA deployment to defend our territory and stop the PLA's advance. Then when the opportunity presented itself, we outflanked and outmaneuvered them on August 30th to capture those heights of the Kailash range. So while we develop our TAPAS and AURA, we are also focusing on Anti Drone technologies to defend our men & material from the Chinese Drones. Mr. Pravin has a point and I accept the superiority of Chinese in this domain. Possessing a technology and using the technology are 2 different things. There used to a cool ad on TUMS (Antacid pills). Do you want the heartburn now or later and China chose later, in spite of possessing overwhelming superiority against India and has the latest 5th generation warfare technologies as well. To have and to use are 2 different ball games.