Goebbels and fake news: Spot the difference


Rain Man
Dec 1, 2017
Goebbels and fake news: Spot the difference

National elections are scheduled for May 2019, and may happen sooner. I have often said, to anyone willing to listen, that fake news was “invented” in India long before making its way to the shores of that other great democracy.

By: Surjit S Bhalla | Published: March 31, 2018 4:23 AM


To understand the motivations of the chorus (and/or their sloppy analysis), note the following.

National elections are scheduled for May 2019, and may happen sooner. I have often said, to anyone willing to listen, that fake news was “invented” in India long before making its way to the shores of that other great democracy. In India, we can date the event to the surprisingly large win by the Narendra Modi led BJP in May 2014. The rationale behind fake news (and in my view, its more important first cousin, fake analysis) is to create a political atmosphere helpful to the (weak) challenger. Conventional wisdom says that the challenger is in trouble—so, change the basis of this wisdom—provide facts “alternate” to the prevailing reality. Indeed, the father of fake news/analysis was Goebbels, who reasoned that if you incessantly repeat a lie, the lie will become “reality”. With the explosion of social media, the instrument, and practice, has changed over the years. But the reality is the same—change people’s perceptions is the mantra. This is what has been happening over the last few years in India, and is now reaching a crescendo because national elections are approaching. There is a not so subtle attempt by Modi’s political opponents to create a chorus around both the political and economic reality. The emphasis around the word chorus is important; just one person saying the alternate reality is inconsequential, several emphasising the alternate reality (op-eds, Facebook, WhatsApp) can create a flood, and possibly change reality? I provide some evidence below—the reader can make her own judgments about whether more proof is needed!

Politics: The evidence is considered overwhelming. BJP lost in two Lok Sabha (LS) by-polls in Rajasthan, and did so by a large margin. This was followed up by an important LS by-poll victory, for the Samajwadi Party candidate, supported by Mayawati, in Uttar Pradesh’s Gorakhpur seat that was vacated by chief minister Yogi Adityanath. Add to this the fact that a no-confidence motion is being introduced, and we have confirmation that Modi’s BJP is in danger of obtaining less than 200 seats in the next general election. Remember also the fact that the day before counting in May 2014, the conventional wisdom, often championed by the same commentators as today, was that the election would result in a hung parliament. The story cannot have any ambiguity. The opinionatti fail to mention that over the course of the last four years, the BJP (and/or its allies) has continued to win all elections it has contested barring Delhi and Bihar. The BJP and its allies now rule in 22 of the 29 states in India, a record for any ruling coalition in India’s 68-year democratic history. (India became a Republic with the adoption of a Constitution on January 26, 1950). The previous record was 18 states held by the Congress, under Indira Gandhi.

Our “liberal elite” would have us believe that because of Mayawati and Akhilesh Yadav getting together for one by-poll in UP, that electorally the BJP is in danger of losing control. Yet, a few days later, the same electoral combine fails to win a Rajya Sabha seat—because a BSP legislator walked over to the BJP side! This is not considered important. Not considered relevant to the chorus byline is the BJP victory in Tripura and the rule (with allies) in Meghalaya and Nagaland. Would any member of the elite have considered this even possible just a year ago? No. Also, Congress experts point out that the BJP went on to face horrific defeat in the Rajasthan by-polls. True. But, in neighbouring Madhya Pradesh, in Congress leader Jyotiraditya Scindia’s own backyard, the Congress won by just 2,000 votes in Mungaoli versus a victory margin of 58,000 votes in the 2013 state election. Politics is uncertain, and so reasonable women can disagree. Economics is more certain, but this isn’t stopping the chorus from claiming that the reason Modi is in trouble is because economic conditions are no better, and possibly worse, than 2014.Some claim that he had promised large scale privatisation of the economy. Since that hasn’t happened, Modi has failed. But Air India is being privatised, again not thought conceivable, let alone possible. Some difference surely from the inglorious past?

Corruption same as before? Just look at the PNB scam. But that started in the scam-scam years of the UPA. That doesn’t negate the fact that it continued under Modi. True. But what if the BJP takes the bold (and sensible) decision to get at the root cause of banking scams—begin to unravel Indira Gandhi’s decision to nationalise the banks—and the creation of large-scale corruption? No matter what criteria (fiction) is cooked up, the fact remains that corruption at the highest levels has been radically reduced—and there seems to be an urgency to solve the problem. Jobs: The chorus claims that Modi had promised jobs, and none have been forthcoming. Really? First, some job facts. The reality is truly uncertain because there has not been a national survey on jobs since 2011/12, the last time the NSSO conducted a nationally representative survey on employment. What we do know is that precious few jobs were created between 2004 and 2011 (and even less so between 2004 and 2009). So, why did the Congress party seats jump between 2004 and 2009 (from less than 150 to more than 200)? Because they had created so few jobs? The average rate of job growth was 2.8 % in the BJP years of 1999-2004. This is what the UPA inherited; average annual job growth between 2004 and 2011 was only 0.8 % per annum.

There is conflicting, and spotty, evidence about job growth in India since 2011. When the reality is known (NSSO Employment survey for 2017/18), it is unlikely to show a rate of growth below the 0.8 % UPA rate. In the meantime, we can analyse other parameters in the economy to understand if the Modi-era is the same as the UPA era. The overwhelming, and emphatic, answer is that there is no doubt that whether one considers the magnitude of economic reforms, or the direction, the Modi government has delivered, and delivered in spades. And the outcome is in the highly improved nature of the economy. The beginning of reforms in agriculture; major steps towards the delivery of benefits to the poor via the banking system, identification made possible via Aadhaar and many more economic changes for the better, which we will have occasion to discuss over the next few months.

To understand the motivations of the chorus (and/or their sloppy analysis), note the following. The chorus emphasises leakages in delivery to the poor; about some poor families not getting their food rations because they did not have the Aadhaar card. The next time your friendly anti-reform chorus reminds you of this tragedy—and yes, it is tragic—please ask them as to what the leakage was in the food delivery system in the non-Aadhaar, non-Jan-Dhan era. That leakage was 50 %—yes, 50 % of the food meant to be delivered to ration shops, and therefore the poor, disappeared into thin air. Actually, an air thick with corruption. That leakage is likely to be below 10% today; if not, let the chorus provide us with some facts on the magnitude of leakage today.

GDP growth is on an accelerating path to the 7-8 % range; and inflation is some 500 basis points—yes, 5 percentage points—below the 9% level bequeathed by UPA II. Yet, the claim is that the economy is no different. So, you figure out what is fake news and what is not. While at it, you will also be able to figure out the reason why respected opinionatti are coming out with the same, and possibly inaccurate, “analysis” days apart from each other. Cambridge Analytica, anyone?

Four Major Fake News Stories Busted
April 1, 2018


The week that just ended saw at least 4 major fake news being busted. These instances of fake news exposed a number of negative traits of the media which can be summarised as follows:

  • There seems to be a tendency in sections of the media to build narratives merely to show the Union Government in a bad light.
  • This seems to be paired with another tendency that is evident in sections of media and among some mediapersons: To always be ready to defend and help Rahul Gandhi and the Congress to safeguard their images.
  • Whenever any incident happens concerning weaker and marginalised sections, minorities and/ or the SC/ST communities, there is an apparent tendency to jump the gun and blame the BJP and organisations not on the left or centre-left before ascertaining the facts. This only contributes to building a false narrative of intolerance and disturbance of communal harmony.
  1. A Dalit youth was killed in Gujarat for riding a horse.
  2. Smriti Irani is distributing 10,000 cows in Amethi, which is funded by a Gujarat-based company under the CSR programme.
  3. The Union government had asked its ministers to skip Dalai Lama event in order to appease China.
  4. NCC cadet who posed questions to Rahul Gandhi and exposed his ignorance of the NCC was a member of ABVP, and thus a political operative.
The incident of a 21-year-old Dalit youth being hacked to death on Thursday night in Gujarat’s Bhavnagar was a reprehensible act that deserves the strictest condemnation. But the media needed to apply its mind before presenting it as a Dalit versus upper caste issue. Especially since such stories in recent times, such as Dalit youth stabbed for spotting moustache, had been proved wrong as it turned out that the Attack that triggered moustache protest by Gujarat Dalits was staged: Probe.

Karnataka Chief Minister S. Siddaramaiah, even used this report in an evident attempt to score a political goal:


In the present tragic case also, the primary investigation is revealing that there may be another angle to the killing. We, for our part, would not like to arrive at any conclusion as to whether the youth was killed for being a Dalit or otherwise since the investigation is on. However, the question is about “jumping the gun” on the part of the media.

As reported by the IANS news agency and reported by many media outlets, the police have claimed that the youth was killed for harassing girls.



Of course, the above report suggests that the real motive is yet to be established. But the question remains: Why is a section of the media apparently so enthusiastic to build a Dalit versus upper caste narrative before the truth emerges? For example, The Indian Express report carried an introduction which discusses community strengths in numbers in the area where the crime took place. Again, Business Standard still uses already busted fake news in an apparent effort to sensationalise the murder:



Four Major Fake News Stories Busted - The TruePicture

Beginning March 29, 2018 a few media outlets have published reports claiming that Union Minister Smriti Irani is gifting 10,000 cows to Amethi. These reports also maintained that the funding for this has been arranged from Gujarat Narmada Valley Fertiliser and Chemicals Ltd. Janta Ka Reporter, Asian Age, Jansatta are some of the media houses which published such reports and pushed this narrative:




What followed was a Twitter debate ridiculing Smriti Irani and questioning how a Gujarat-based company can be involved in Uttar Pradesh’s Amethi under Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). It should be remembered here that Amethi is the constituency of Rahul Gandhi. The usual suspects who jumped to the defence of Mr Gandhi on the NCC issue (please refer to our article Media as Rahul Gandhi Spokespersons?) by ridiculing a young female NCC cadet on a false premise were also seen debating fiercely on this. Salil Tripathi is one such example:





But soon, the GNFC tweeted that the news is fake and malicious. Mr Tripathi acknowledged the “clarification” without saying sorry for building a fake narrative referring to a report based on unverified sources.



Four Major Fake News Stories Busted - The TruePicture

Two of the big fake news stories in the week gone by were busted by The Ture Picture. One of these was the false narrative promoted by the media that the government had ‘surrendered’ to China by asking its ministers and officials to stay away from events honouring the Dalai Lama.


But on March 31, 2018, when the ‘Thank You India’ event actually took place, to mark 60 years of the arrival of Dalai Lama in India, it was seen that Union Minister Dr Mahesh Sharma along with Ram Madhav, National General Secretary of the BJP, participated.

Some of the stories pushing this false narrative are below:





What ultimately happened gave the lie to all the media reports and commentary, as seen in tweets posted by Union Minister Mahesh Sharma and Mr Ram Madhav:



Not only did they attend the event but they also rather strongly and emotionally stood by the Tibetan community. The media’s commentary in the run-up to the event was, of course, akin to how it kept insisting that India had ‘surrendered’ to China on Doklam, despite the evidence to the contrary.

Four Major Fake News Stories Busted - The TruePicture

Another patently fake story that The True Picture busted last week involved journalist Saikat Datta, Congress Social Media Cell Head Divya Spandana, and several other members of the commentariat like Salil Tripathi, Sushant Singh, Rifat Jawaid, et al.


When Rahul Gandhi was recently asked by a girl in Karnataka about NCC, he had replied that he did not know the “details of NCC training and that type of stuff”. The video went viral and people criticised Mr Gandhi for not knowing about the NCC. Naturally, some NCC cadets were not amused by Mr Gandhi’s “type of stuff” comment.

One such cadet, Sanjana Singh, spoke to ANI UP and conveyed her views frankly over this issue:


Things took an ugly turn when Saikat Datta, “South Asia Editor of Asia Times Online”, in a bid to paint the NCC cadet as a political operative, tweeted the screenshot of a certain “Sanjana Singh” who seemed to be with the NCC as well as the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad, complete with details of her college. He said: “NCC Cadet S Singh, who spoke about Rahul Gandhi’s lack of knowledge about the NCC on camera, is “Unit President” of the ABVP.”


Mr Datta seemed to have deliberately left out the profile picture of the Sanjana Singh whose profile he had linked, because, if one saw the picture of the cadet ANI UP took a byte from and compared it with the picture from the Facebook profile, it is clear that these two are different people:


We had considered then not posting the profile picture, but the bigger issue of Mr Datta, perhaps deliberately and even maliciously trying to spin an issue to make it look political, could not be settled without a picture comparison.

The Facebook profile that Saikat Datta posted a screenshot of seemed to have originated from a handle retweeted by Congress Social Media Cell Head Divya Spandana. Was Mr Datta aiding the Congress in spreading fake news to divert attention from the NCC issue and protect Rahul Gandhi?


It seemed that this was an open and shut case of spreading fake news and endangering the safety of a young woman, which we had busted.

For details about how the media appears to be acting as spokespersons of Rahul Gandhi and the Congress, please read our article Media as Rahul Gandhi Spokespersons?, published the same day (March 26) as the above story.

Four Major Fake News Stories Busted - The TruePicture
We need law to prosecute fake news peddlers.Not sure why govt. backed down.

Junaid Khan lynching: Fight started over seat, caste abuses, says Punjab and Haryana High Court

In its order granting bail to one of the accused in Junaid Khan’s murder, the Punjab and Haryana High Court has said that the initial dispute between the victims and the accused was “only regarding the seat sharing and abuses in the name of castes and nothing more”.

Justice A B Chaudhari made the observation in the order passed on March 28, granting bail to Rameshwar Dass. The order, which has been made public now, also reads, “There is neither any evidence of any preplanning to cause incident deliberately or intentionally or to create disharmony.”
Delhi High Court orders media houses who had revealed the identity of #KathuaCase victim and to whom notices were issued to pay Rs 10 lakh each to the court. The Court will transfer the amount to J&K victims compensation fund

Fake new clipping shard by Congress IT cell head



"I was not insulted," clarifies Manu Bhaker

GURUGRAM: Commonwealth Games winner Manu Bhaker is miffed with the news going around that she was insulted during a felicitation ceremony held in Dadri on Tuesday.

“I have not been insulted. My village elders came and I stood up. What does a normal person do when they meet their elders? Do they keep sitting? If I sat in front of them on the ground, I did nothing wrong,” said Bhaker.

The CWG winner went on to say that this is wrong reporting and it should be stopped. “Why do journalists go to any extent to create a sensational news? This I believe they do when they can’t get a story. Such type of wrong propaganda should be stopped,” said Bhaker. The ceremony was conducted to honour medal winners at the CWG 2018 from Haryana. In her first Commonwealth Games, 16-year old Manu Bhaker won India's first gold medal in shooting in the women's 10m Air Pistol event.
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Delhi High Court orders media houses who had revealed the identity of #KathuaCase victim and to whom notices were issued to pay Rs 10 lakh each to the court. The Court will transfer the amount to J&K victims compensation fund

Media might claim 'ignorance' now, but it was deliberate, name of the victim was 'important' in this case, otherwise it becomes one of the hundreds of such unfortunate news. Media knows very well what they are doing.

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This is a 2016 news, but that's how a false narrative is created:

Mumbai leather bag case: Barun Kashyap confesses to making false allegations against driver.

In a new revelation, film executive Barun Kashyap, who in August had made allegations of harassment for carrying a leather bag, has confessed that he had spun a story to disrupt communal harmony in Mumbai fuelled by his 'hatred for Hindus'.

Mumbai leather bag case: Barun Kashyap confesses to making false allegations against driver - Firstpost

Gau Rakshaks Threaten Mumbai Man For Carrying A Leather Bag.
They suspected the bag was made of cow hide.

Gau Rakshaks Threaten Mumbai Man For Carrying A Leather Bag

And the biggest problem with such fake news is; they spread the lie and that becomes the narrative, truth comes out much later, barely publicized, and nobody notices.....the false narrative prevails.
Four fantastical lies busted in the past few days is a window into the treacherous ‘liberal’ soul

By Nupur J Sharma

Posted on April 19, 2018

It is often said that the ‘Hate Modi’ brigade has morphed into a mangled, distorted version of ‘Hate India’ brigade. While the quest to undermine (and perhaps) replace the Prime Minister is an agenda they pursue feverishly, to meet that goal, they are willing to concoct fault lines that undermines the entire country. They display scant regard for all that the country holds sacred. All that holds the various threads of the society together. From dividing the society on the basis of religion and caste, to undermining the Judiciary of the country, no trick is off-limits, no length untraveled, no depths too low and no path too dirty to tread.

While the entire cabaal functions on a ‘one lie a day keeps the Modi away’ mantra, three nefarious lies have been busted in the recent past, that provides us a window of understanding into the troubled soul of an average ‘liberal’.

1. The Judge Loya death

Judge Loya, the judge who was presiding over the Sohrabuddin murder trial where BJP President Amit Shah was the main accused, passed away in December 2014.

But three years after the death, in November last year, a magazine named Caravan came out with a sensational story, which insinuated possible foul play behind the death, which was deemed as a natural death. Caravan’s story was later debunked to a large extent by an Indian Express article and an inconsistency, which the IE failed to address, was explored and debunked by us.

But the wild allegations didn’t stop. Insinuations that Amit Shah had something to do with the murder were kept afloat in a remarkable coordination between the Media, Lawyers, Congress and AAP.

In the case, Senior Counsel Dushyant Dave, Indira Jaising and V. Giri had appeared on behalf of the Bombay Lawyers’ Association, Former chief of the navy Admiral L. Ramdas, an intervenor, and Tehseen Poonawalla respectively. Senior Advocate Pallav Shishodia had represented Maharashtra based journalist Bandhuraj Sambhaji Lone, while Senior Counsel P. V. Surendranath had appeared for the All India Lawyers’ Union, another intervenor. Advocate Prashant Bhushan had advanced submissions on an intervention application on behalf of the CPIL.

To give a better perspective, Indira Jaising is a known Congress loyalist. She represented Navy Admiral L. Ramdas. Ramdas was the ‘internal lokpal of AAP’. He was also a part of the group that had filed a PIL in Supreme Court against the appointment of Lt. Gen. Bikram Singh as COAS. Interestingly, his daughter Kavita Ramdas is a former member of the Global Development Program Advisory Panel to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. She was also appointed as a representative to New Delhi by the Ford Foundation.

Tehseen Poonawalla is Nehruvian Congressman apart from being related to Robert Vadra. Bombay Lawyers’ Association is a repeat offender as far as intervening in such cases is concerned. They had also intervened in the Sohrabuddin encounter case. Prashant Bhushan is the former AAP member and life long “activist” who had sought clemency for Yakub Memon.

This incestuous bunch tried to undermine the judiciary by casting aspersions on its judgement and trying to prove that the death of Judge Loya was a ‘murder’ and not natural. Despite Loya’s sister, whose statements were used as a basis to cry foul denying everything. She said she was manipulated and that this entire episode was a media hit job. Congress used shady “whistleblowers” with questionable pasts to create this monster of a controversy. Loya’s son pleaded to be left alone, but the ‘cabaal’ lied that the press conference was organised by Amit Shah and the son was being coerced.

After this entire drama, the Supreme Court has finally set the record straight and perhaps showed these propagandists their true place. Today, the SC dismissed a petition that sought probe into the death of Judge Loya. The parts of the judgement that have been published in the public forum are scathing.

Justice Chandrachud, while pronouncing the judgment said,

“An aura of good faith was sought to be created by the petitioners, but as submissions progressed, it fell apart.”

The court said :

There is no reason to disbelieve the sequence of events leading to the death as narrated by the four judicial officers namely Shrikant Kulkarni, Shriram Modak, R. Rathi and Vijay Kumar Barde and the assertions of Bombay High Court Justices Bhushan Gawai and Sunil Shukre.

The Bench also came down on heavily on the petitioners for casting aspersions on the Administrative Committee of the Bombay High Court.

“Even judges of this court were not spared”, it said, referring to the request made by Prashant Bhushan for recusal of judges.

The court said that this PIL was a “full frontal attack on the Judiciary” and that there exists a case for initiating contempt proceedings against the petitioners and the lawyers.

The Supreme Court specifically named the Indira Jaising, Prashant Bhushan coterie and expressed anguish on their conduct during the trial.

Judge Loya ‘murder conspiracy theory’ has fallen flat on its face. The holes were punctured by many, but the bludgeoning blow has come from the Supreme Court itself. The tiring, dirty nexus exposed. The lies laid bare. The truth pronounced. Yet, there is no point wondering if the players in this nefarious game would apologise. They are too shameless to bother. The sanctity of the Judiciary doesn’t matter as long as their political motives are served and that is evident now with the loud shrieks of the usual suspects doubting the judgement, calling it a ‘black day for Judiciary’ and sticking to their dirt filled gun of lies.

2. Junaid Lynched because he was suspected of carrying beef

In 2017, an unfortunate crime took place. A young man called Junaid was murdered in a moving train. The unfortunate murder was given an interesting turn by the usual suspects. Many media houses reported how Junaid was killed because of the suspicion that he was ‘carrying beef’. The country’s “liberal” elite had taken to social media and the streets to claim “not in my name” when the beef theory peaked.

The High Court put this drama to rest in its recent judgement during the bail hearing of one of the accused. In no ambiguous terms, the Judge stated that the fight started over seat dispute and there was no religious motivation to the crime. The crime wasn’t preplanned and there was no intention of creating disharmony. The word “beef” appears nowhere. Not in the FIR and not in judgement of the High Court or the sessions court.

The entire intolerance debate and ‘not in my name’ coordinated drama that maligned India on an international stage was aimed at one thing and one thing only. To project the Prime Minister as a man who has turned India into “lynchistan” with his supposed Muslim hate. That the minorities aren’t safe. The usual atrocity literature was created, but this week, the truth prevailed. One wondered, however, was the damage already done?

3. Semengate

Hindu festivals are generally considered to be devious by the self-proclaimed liberals. Diwali creates pollution. Karva Chaut is regressive, and the list goes on. Usually, Holi is the festival where they talk about water conservation. This time, however, they took things a little further. Some girls alleged that semen filled balloons were thrown at them. This asinine allegation was picked up by the usual suspects and an entire narrative of how “dirty hindu men use Holi to molest women” was crafted.

This ridiculous lie was busted recently when the forensic reports confirmed that the balloons were not filled with semen but perhaps only with shameless Hinduphobia. The latter is my deduction, I must confess.

4. Saffron Terror

Perhaps the greatest fear of the left and congress ecosystem is the consolidation of Hindus and their votes. Lest they start asserting themselves and demanding rights denied or equality snatched away in the name of minority appeasement. Towards that end, a carefully crafted narrative was furthered by the Congress party. That of saffron terror. That Hindus can be terrorists too. That Islamic terrorism isn’t as bad and certainly not the only thing we must worry about.

According to reports, after the blasts, the police suspected the involvement of Pakistan based terror group Harkat-ul-Jihad-e-Islami (HuJI) in the blasts. The Hyderabad police had also interrogated about 90 men and charge-sheeted 21 of them including one Billal, who was considered the mastermind and was linked with HuJI.

But the Congress had different plans. Their poster face for this treacherous argument was Swami Aseemanand who was furthered as the mastermind behind the Mecca Masjid blast of 2007.

On April 16th 2018, all accused were acquitted of all charges by a special NIA court. The saffron terror bogey was demolished.

Congress is presenting its President, Rahul Gandhi in a new avatar. The temple going, janeu dhaari Hindu. And to solidify that aura, their previous assertions of Hindu terror had to be negated. They lied that the party or Rahul Gandhi had never used the term ‘Saffron Terror’. We had recently jogged their memory and reminded them of the times they indulged in this treachery. From asserting that Hindu Terror was a greater threat as compared to Islamic radicalization, to releasing a book titled “26/11 – RSS ki Saazish”, the Congress party did it all. Their lies now in shambles sending them looking for cover.

Four supremely perfidious lies exposed in quick succession. There have been no apologies and no retractions. Perhaps their aims have already been achieved. Perhaps the narrative they wanted has already been furthered. Perhaps the perfumed elite don’t care about the sanctity of this nation and her people. However, the truth is out there and perhaps, someday, the truth will overshadow their perilous existence.

And an appeal to my fellow countrymen with overflowing milk of human kindness, especially to those who still consider themselves Hindus, next time you outrage on something, or feel ashamed of your culture, just remember these lies. These are just four in one week, and there are 52 weeks in an year, and you have lived many years on these lies. It’s time to unlearn and open your eyes.

Four fantastical lies busted in the past few days is a window into the treacherous 'liberal' soul
A classic example of misrepresentation and distortion of facts:

ISRO’s bad luck continues as GSAT-11 called back from French Guiana launch site

ISRO’s string of bad luck seems to be continuing. In yet another mission failure, the communication satellite GSAT-11, which was slated to be launched from Arianespace’s rocket port in Kourou in French Guiana, has been recalled for further technical checking. The satellite was to be launched in May, but Ariane Space has declared that the launch has been postponed until the satellite is thoroughly examined at ISRO’s facility in the Indian city of Bengaluru.

then ISRO chief Kiran Kumar had accepted that lack of funds had been holding back the pace of activities for ISRO

What has happened actually:

Isro to check GSAT-11 power system redundancy, logic
Chethan Kumar | TNN | Apr 29, 2018, 04:27 IST

BENGALURU: The Indian Space Research Organisation (Isro), which last week decided to call back the GSAT-11 satellite, India's most powerful communication satellite, is addressing "potential glitches" linked to the satellite's power system based on lessons learned from GSAT-6A, which lost contact with the ground station.

AFAIK, It is up to client to request for postponement for additional checking, because ultimately it is the stakeholder.

This report contradicts its older report for fund shortage:

ISRO chairman says there is no shortage of funds in space agency
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