GTRE Kaveri Engine

From our forum, I think we are going for both engines, Safran helping with our Kaveri.
RR for a new 110KN.

I hope we pursue both to avoid delay / failure.
Kaveri program has been shutdown. Plans were to certify K-9 by getting it modified as per SAFRAN's recommendations , then get it flight tested & certified. K10 was supposed to follow which probably would have been the MLU replacements for LCA Mk1/Mk1a. Now one doesn't know what's happening at that end.

Let's hope both programs run simultaneously. Our need for engines on this front is going to be tremendous & a huge drain on the exchequer in the forthcoming 2-3 decades if we only rely on imports.
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Kaveri program has been shutdown. Plans were to certify K-9 by getting it modified as per SAFRAN's recommendations , then get it flight tested & certified. K10 was supposed to follow which probably would have been the MLU replacements for LCA Mk1/Mk1a. Now one doesn't know what's happening at that end.

Let's hope both programs run simultaneously. Our need for engines on this front is going to be tremendous & a huge drain on the exchequer in the forthcoming 2-3 decades if we only rely on imports.

Statfront twitter Retweeted Safron offer of last year, today.
Not sure why..

I just pray that something materialises and we get the technical know-how to build the goddamn jet engine.

The article doesn't make clear what the JV is about. It's possible the British will be our primary partners though, but I'm just speculating. TVC will be developed with the help of Klimov.

So the AMCA will get an engine made with British help while LCA and MWF will get their future engines with French assistance, the way things are going.
Apparently that's what the article quoted says. To elaborate, RR & UK would help us in developing a 110 KN engine, possibly to power the AMCA. Perhaps that explains why GoI was sitting on the proposal by SAFRAN as it didn't go beyond suggestions of GTRE utilising the M-88 core & perhaps SAFRAN retaining the IPR thus making it's utilisation subject to royalty. That & the hefty fee they were asking for with no tangible long term benefits in terms of ToT or IPR.Wonder what happens to off sets committed by SAFRAN now? Any ideas? @Picdelamirand-oil ; @randomradio ; @vstol Jockey

I told ya already, there are two separate engine projects being developed through JVs. One with the French, and the other is this one. With both, we are gonna get full IPR. And it's not one or the other, both engine projects are necessary.

As for the K-10, the French claim the offsets are not enough to pay for the engine, so let's see what happens there.
I told ya already, there are two separate engine projects being developed through JVs. One with the French, and the other is this one. With both, we are gonna get full IPR. And it's not one or the other, both engine projects are necessary.

As for the K-10, the French claim the offsets are not enough to pay for the engine, so let's see what happens there.
I don't think SAFRAN's proposal included IPR for the simple reason they're recommending usage of the M-88 core with suitable uprating. In many ways it's a rehash of what they proposed in 2010 , a proposal which DRDO / GTRE accepted but IAF shot down .
What's with timing of a announcement,
RD 93MA for JF17
Now RR for us, though this going to take a decade to be fruitful.

Something from Safran in short time should be ideal.

Is it possible to have GE 404 EPE like GE414 EPE?

I don't think SAFRAN's proposal included IPR for the simple reason they're recommending usage of the M-88 core with suitable uprating. In many ways it's a rehash of what they proposed in 2010 , a proposal which DRDO / GTRE accepted but IAF shot down .

Yes, it's a continuation of the old deal, which the IAF in all their stupidity shot down.

AFAIK, the high thrust core's IPR is up for sale to us. And they are willing to sell the core design since it's not the same design used in the Rafale. Basically, this new core is of no use to the French. The Rafale uses a different core that generates thrust up to 75KN and can be uprated to 83KN. The core we want is bigger will generate thrust over 90KN. The price of this IPR is what's the bone of contention now.
What's with timing of a announcement,
RD 93MA for JF17
Now RR for us, though this going to take a decade to be fruitful.

The engine has to be designed from scratch.

Something from Safran in short time should be ideal.

Yep. The SAFRAN deal is the quickest way for us to get our hands on "usable" engine tech along with the certification experience. But we also have our own engine tech. It's not like we don't, it's just that it's been designed for smaller aircraft.

Is it possible to have GE 404 EPE like GE414 EPE?


The cost is gonna be extremely prohibitive for such a small production order.
What's with timing of a announcement,
RD 93MA for JF17
Now RR for us, though this going to take a decade to be fruitful.

Something from Safran in short time should be ideal.

Is it possible to have GE 404 EPE like GE414 EPE?


The French themselves do not have an engine with 90Kn potential. The max they have is M88 with 75KN one. India needs two. One 90 and another 98KN for Tejas programmes. So they have to develop an engine with us. But it seems they are quoting more to develop and also again not planning to share the IP of the core.
3D printed anti-icing assembly on the variable inlet guide vanes & front bearing of the drive shaft assembly for the Kaveri jet engine. GTRE re-designed the fan for inlet pressure distortion tolerance as will be seen with the use of serpentine intakes on Ghatak UCAV & AMCA.
This is a bad news for Rafale camp. At max another 36 will be ordered and then full stop.
Why? That aircraft engine will take 15 years to be certified & in all probability is meant for the AMCA. SAFRAN's collaboration will be sought for the K-10. They'd serve as replacements for the GE engines come MLU on LCA / MWF / TEDBF. Two different needs, two different programs.
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I don't think SAFRAN's proposal included IPR for the simple reason they're recommending usage of the M-88 core with suitable uprating. In many ways it's a rehash of what they proposed in 2010 , a proposal which DRDO / GTRE accepted but IAF shot down .
Look at the picture
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