India-Bangladesh relations.

Adani reduces power supply to Bangladesh by half over payment backlog

Since July, Adani has been charging more than in the previous months, Bangladesh says

By Asifur Rahman
Fri Nov 1, 2024, 10:44 AM
Last update on: Fri Nov 1, 2024, 01:20 PM

India's Adani Power Jharkhand Limited (APJL) has stopped half of its power supply to Bangladesh, saying it didn't receive the outstanding bills.

Data from Power Grid Bangladesh PLC showed the Adani plant reduced supply on Thursday night.

The 1,496-megawatt-plant is now producing around 700MW from a single unit, impacting the national production. Bangladesh reported a shortfall of more than 1,600MW last night.

Earlier, Adani wrote to the power secretary asking the Bangladesh Power Development Board (PDB) to pay the bills by October 30.

"Otherwise APJL shall be constrained to take remedial action under the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) by suspending power supply on October 31," Adani wrote in the letter seen by The Daily Star.

The letter, dated October 27, said: "As you [secretary] are aware, the deadline is approaching shortly and till date, PDB has neither provided LC for an amount of $170.03 million from Bangladesh Krishi Bank nor cleared the outstanding amount of $846 million."

A PDB official told The Daily Star that they had cleared a portion of previous dues earlier, but since July, Adani has been charging more than in the previous months.

He said the PDB has been paying around $18 million weekly, while the charge is more than $22 million.

"This is why the due payments increased again," he said, adding that they had submitted last week's payment to Krishi Bank as well, but due to a dollar shortage, the bank failed to open a letter of credit against the payment.

About the additional payment, he said, when the PDB raised a question on the coal pricing in February last year, they signed a supplementary deal that obliged Adani to quote coal prices less than the rates charged by the other coal-fired power plants, such as Payra and Rampal.

After the tenure of the one-year supplementary deal, Adani has again started charging as per the PPA. According to the PPA, coal prices are calculated based on the average price of two coal indices -- the Indonesian coal index and the Australian Newcastle index -- which increases the prices.

The Adani letter said the company once again requested PDB to expedite payments of "material defaults" no later than October 30.

It said Adani revised the deadline for suspension of power supply to October 30 from October 20, in response to a PDB letter on October 17, which confirmed that Bangladesh Krishi Bank has agreed to issue LC within 10 business days.

"We reiterate that non-submission of LCs and non-payment of outstanding amount within due date are the material defaults of PDB under the PPA, which has adversely affected the performance of APJL to supply power to PDB," it said.

"We have been facing tremendous difficulties in managing working capital for making payment to coal suppliers and operations and maintenance contractors on account of huge outstanding payments from the PDB and the non-availability of LC, as well as our Lenders having withdrawn the working capital support," the letter added.

Adani said that during the period of suspension of supply, the company reserves its right to recover capacity payments under Section 13.2(1) of the PPA.

Adani has been pressing the interim government to pay the dues since they took charge. Gautam Adani, chairman of Adani Group, also wrote to Chief Adviser Muhammad Yunus.

Adani reduces power supply to Bangladesh by half over payment backlog
Adani reduces power supply to Bangladesh by half over payment backlog

Since July, Adani has been charging more than in the previous months, Bangladesh says

By Asifur Rahman
Fri Nov 1, 2024, 10:44 AM
Last update on: Fri Nov 1, 2024, 01:20 PM
View attachment 37671

India's Adani Power Jharkhand Limited (APJL) has stopped half of its power supply to Bangladesh, saying it didn't receive the outstanding bills.

Data from Power Grid Bangladesh PLC showed the Adani plant reduced supply on Thursday night.

The 1,496-megawatt-plant is now producing around 700MW from a single unit, impacting the national production. Bangladesh reported a shortfall of more than 1,600MW last night.

Earlier, Adani wrote to the power secretary asking the Bangladesh Power Development Board (PDB) to pay the bills by October 30.

"Otherwise APJL shall be constrained to take remedial action under the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) by suspending power supply on October 31," Adani wrote in the letter seen by The Daily Star.

The letter, dated October 27, said: "As you [secretary] are aware, the deadline is approaching shortly and till date, PDB has neither provided LC for an amount of $170.03 million from Bangladesh Krishi Bank nor cleared the outstanding amount of $846 million."

A PDB official told The Daily Star that they had cleared a portion of previous dues earlier, but since July, Adani has been charging more than in the previous months.

He said the PDB has been paying around $18 million weekly, while the charge is more than $22 million.

"This is why the due payments increased again," he said, adding that they had submitted last week's payment to Krishi Bank as well, but due to a dollar shortage, the bank failed to open a letter of credit against the payment.

About the additional payment, he said, when the PDB raised a question on the coal pricing in February last year, they signed a supplementary deal that obliged Adani to quote coal prices less than the rates charged by the other coal-fired power plants, such as Payra and Rampal.

After the tenure of the one-year supplementary deal, Adani has again started charging as per the PPA. According to the PPA, coal prices are calculated based on the average price of two coal indices -- the Indonesian coal index and the Australian Newcastle index -- which increases the prices.

The Adani letter said the company once again requested PDB to expedite payments of "material defaults" no later than October 30.

It said Adani revised the deadline for suspension of power supply to October 30 from October 20, in response to a PDB letter on October 17, which confirmed that Bangladesh Krishi Bank has agreed to issue LC within 10 business days.

"We reiterate that non-submission of LCs and non-payment of outstanding amount within due date are the material defaults of PDB under the PPA, which has adversely affected the performance of APJL to supply power to PDB," it said.

"We have been facing tremendous difficulties in managing working capital for making payment to coal suppliers and operations and maintenance contractors on account of huge outstanding payments from the PDB and the non-availability of LC, as well as our Lenders having withdrawn the working capital support," the letter added.

Adani said that during the period of suspension of supply, the company reserves its right to recover capacity payments under Section 13.2(1) of the PPA.

Adani has been pressing the interim government to pay the dues since they took charge. Gautam Adani, chairman of Adani Group, also wrote to Chief Adviser Muhammad Yunus.

Adani reduces power supply to Bangladesh by half over payment backlog
We should somehow delay the operationalization of the Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant in Bangladesh as it is in an advanced stage of completion.
Any doubt that this is a color revolution....
"Bangladesh is our country of the year, for toppling a despot and taking strides towards a more liberal government"

Yup, reality is a bigger meme. LOL!

Both Time Magazine and The Economist provide pretty good clues to when these so-called populist agendas take place.

Regime change operations in India began after Time wrote a scathing article about Modi in 2019. So that works like an announcement to people involved. The regime change in BD also started off with an article about Sheikh Hasina in Time.

May 2019 - Modi

Nov 2023 - Hasina

The Economist is quite a bit more blatant.


Hasina. More lols.

So keep an eye out on whatever Time comes out with about India and other countries of interest for India, the Globalists always announce their move well beforehand.
We should somehow delay the operationalization of the Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant in Bangladesh as it is in an advanced stage of completion.

A bit too late. At best Russia has renegotiated repayment, and it's a pretty big loan. Best case, they won't build new reactors.

We are indeed in a terrible neighborhood. It's time to be practical and get ready for the long term instability.

What we really need to control is outside our control for the next 10 years; foreign interference. UK's a lost cause, but we need a red wave in France and Germany, so the new political powers can then attack the anti-India cabal in the West.
A little bit of fire and accident can always happen.

If that's the case, it's easier to attack other means of power production, significantly less controversial. It's easier to just cut them off from raw materials.

But we are not going to do that when the Islamists have the backing of the West. Hence my previous post about a red wave in Europe.

Instead we can work with BD's enemies in Myanmar. BD also has separatist elements like Bungabhumi and other tribes that hate their central govt like Kuki-Chin along Myanmar's border.
You can always "deal" with Russians.

Nothing can be done about the 2 new reactors since construction is pretty much complete. The Russians are not going to risk their reputations at this point. BD is interested in 2 more reactors, and the Russians can be persuaded to delay those indefinitely if necessary.

Right now, we need BD to go through elections as fast as possible, which Yunus is trying to delay to end 2025 and beyond. The faster BNP comes to power, the faster both people in BD and India see how inept the party is, and the quicker the increase in Awami League's legitimacy in the eyes of the people. So we don't need to do anything unecessary until well after the elections. We need people in BD to regret their decision, or if we do anything beforehand, the govt will simply blame India for their ineptitude.

@randomradio are you remembering my previous post? roughly it was " If we are ignoring the military the way we are doing right now, in 10 years Bangladesh will be in a position to wage war on us and win". i fear it gonna happen.

@Rajput Lion

Nah. Read between the lines. They are desperate. They need economic investments, so they are trying to invite China into BD in a very dumb fashion.

American money's dried up with USAID. They have a refugee crisis they cannot afford. Pissing off India has increased raw material prices so their textile industry has started losing its competitive edge. And India and Russia have started pressuring BD to pay their bills.

Yunus has no money to run BD and he has no control over the BD army. In the meantime, US and India are working on regime change operations.

So his only chara is to sell BD to China.

Our move is to demonstrate to the people of BD that Awami League is their only choice, and we have to do that without revealing our hand. Awami has huge support in BD, that support base will only increase as long as Yunus keeps making mistakes after mistakes. And this is one of them.
Time to start a military action. Its an opn threat, and we don't have a lunanic US president in Washington for time being.
TiMe tO StArt MiLiTaRy AcTiOn....
Lol...reactionary, immature, do people write such childish reactions without thinking is just amusing to me. Yes, IA is on standby waiting for armchair generals to give them the go ahead to invade a sovereign country....😂

India has retarded neighbours with rickety economies, while india itself is a $4T behemoth that is growing it's GDP at 6/7/8% p.a. Prosperity/industrialisation is the aim, at whatever the cost it may be. No wars/conflicts for next 25-30 years.

Here, we have geniuses advocating for a conflict with a 170 mil country. Incredible.
Use the entire spectrum of diplomatic tactics available but never go into a war even at the cost of slight provocations/embarrassments.

India letting Hasina in and letting her live was already a bad look. Hasina is a weak & pathetic wannabe dictator that shouldve never left her country. Lost all her credibility with that 1 stupid move. Proved to everyone that she was India's puppet.
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