India Anti-Satellite (ASAT) Missile Developments

This is a brand new stage, never seen before. Looks like the 1.4 meter wide K-4 first stage.
Also evident by the three rings and sets of skids. Typical of a tube / silo launched missile or a submarine vls
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So basically a PDV strapped to a brand new K-4 first stage.
I remember seeing pics of this stage back in 2015 when it was in static testing. They actually developed a new type of propellant for this stage.
I woud like to see its performances in its actual place, the K-4 slbm
It isn't..

Agni for Solid and Prithvi for Liquid are by far the most obvious choices for our new missile developments from existing bases. We have used these systems for 20+ years, flown them 100s of times, made 1000s of modifications on them and understand their aerodynamics like the back of our hand. We used Agni because it is an exoatmospheric solid booster. We used the Prithvi kinetic kill vehicle because we have used it dozens of times as a part of our BMD development program.
Another test within few days, that's what the massage is. Let's hope it turns true.
more the height less the orbital speed, this test was basically more for incoming missile at transit phase than to actually kill a satellite, speed of the satellite was around mach 23 at 300 KM.
This also gives us the ability to shoot down ICBMs. The full capability of the system is 2000Km in orbit. But that will need more tests.
Aren't military coordination done by geostationary communication satellites rather than LEO spy satellites?? So other than destroying some space eyes, does it really add in anyway to our ability to disrupt enemy communications/coordination? Is it posible for us to develop GEO ASAT??
3 pics of the missile are released I believe. This is the third

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Are we sure this uses a Agni-3/5 booster. I mean it can be a K-4 booster. No fins, so it must have thrust vectoring. @Parthu

My guess is that is because it is a space weapon, so no chance of using fins since no air in space, so forced to rely on thrust vectoring.

EDIT: It uses DACS in space.
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There are times when I think, Modi approved Mission Shakti, when he did, to take advantage of China's snub to India on the UNSC Bill on sanctions in the Masood Azhar case. The timing is impeccable. After the detente in Wuhan, followed by the Masood Azhar episode, the Chinese can't go beyond a point on criticism of the Modi regime or even sanctioning it.

For all those brilliant foreign policy analysts consider this, there's no such gain to be had by sanctioning MA beyond symbolism since Pakistan is beyond the pale of respectability to be shamed. Case in point - Look at the case of Hapig Saeed. There's a long term case being built up for when things reach a boil and all such instances will provide a bulky dossier, as & when we decide to prosecute our case in the UN for a final showdown with Pakistan as & when it happens.

Meanwhile, every time Modi wants to accomplish anything of value where China can play spoilsport, all he has to do is invoke the MA episode and the Chinese reaction on it, as a stick to beat them with, to get them in line. Real baniya thinking, me thinks.

Meanwhile Reham Khan's ex has no answer to Mission Shakti. Please take due note of the nomenclature. Operation Shakti was the name assigned to Pokhran -2 in 1998. At that point in time Pakistan being what it is responded with 6 tests to our 5. The least Reham Khan's ex can do is task SUPARCO with building such satellites. Whom are we going to target with these ASATs.

Ok fine. If you lack the expertise to build satellites, at least you can build the launch vehicles. Hell you already have MBRM's like Shaheen & MIRV's like Ababeel ( Abba) . These are the building blocks to any ASAT's. You don't even have any credible answer to our K series of SLBM's. Is this naya Pakistan? Look at ZA Bhutto and what he accomplished in purana Pakistan in the mid 70's in response to Pokhran -1. He assembled a team under the Qadiyani Nobel Laureate A.Salaam , whose gravestone eventually had the ayaats of the Quran scratched out later, to kick start your NWP.

Reham Khan's ex & Qamar maamu are losing the battle of perception here. You ought issue a NOTAM ( so sorry, I forgot you had a permanent NOTAM on your coastlines) to fire a couple of NASR's or at least of 2 of your Shaheen's or at least a couple of your Abba's. Your absence of a response is very distressing.
