Data is irrelevant??? well what can I say, In information age if one has the audacity to say this... SMH. Data is everything, literally. You don't like it because it chucks you out of your skwed perception. Like it or not, data is what reality present itself through.
Strange that you went to Bangladesh and Saw Chinese Capital eqipment, they were not Chinese investment but bought by BDeshis, with their own hard eraned money. Have you been to India ? have you seen our Coal based Power Plants by Independent Power Producers ? almost all built after 2007 are Chinese and they are huge in numbers. Also Capital equipment are produced by China at such cheap prices any other country will not be able compete with it. Unless it is technology Chinese haven't been able to copy.
As far as Kolkata is concerned it was dead a long time ago.. almost since early 90s... the Left front Government killed every bloody industry (textiles, jute, heavy engineering and metal) in the state through politicizing labor unions. Killed its education by saying computers take jobs away and didn't introduce Computer Science in Schools curriculum till 2006. Basic English was taught in Class 7. Jabalpur is better than Kolkata in such terms.
I am from Kolkata was born and brought-up there, so spare me the BS, I have seen my home state die at the Left-Red-Commie hands. Its beyond redemption, CM didi is just keeping it on life support, I hope she is successful. Kolkata is not an equivalent to rest of India. Have you seen the textile industry in Surat, or the diamond industry or ever been to Jamshedpur ?
Politics is dirty when we do it... is it benign when China does it ? We have perception extremes like self guilt and mental inhibition/ remorse in acting in self interest... or overtly proud on no foundation. when China bullies its neighbors in SCS , does its perception take a positive rating ? when we do it is dirty politics. You can spare the self flagellation.
Realization hitting me now that, People rather be perceived good than smart, even if the smart decision does work more in favor rather than perception of just being morally superior.
That makes other major political party Pro-India. Isn't it ? It's a world where all is fair, Chinese will win some moves.
Perception of yours that the glass is always empty, its your cognitive bias that is.... PA guy is a non issue but Jadav abduction was end of the world isn't it? The Royal family members were killed/assassinated in 2001 (Yeah that was a failure and so there were others) you could have also put in what about Kargil, or what about when we got invaded in 62, or \the attack on parliament, or Operation Parakram... see...
Also, You know Nothing about NE Insurgency because probably news never reached there, so it never happened. Isn't it ? You still are not able to digest the point that We have never been better in NE, That we have better realtions with Myanmar, than what we are today. Some data and information are not to be in the public domain. as far as NE is concerned,
@Aashish will concur, over the last decade Situation has dramatically improved. Sukmas were quite common in through 60-80s.