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you make it sound as if it was almost a fixed match between Immi and Modi??

In a way, it is.

The problem is not that PM IK Niazi does not want to act, he is able to see clearly what shall occur should he choose not to. But the problem is group of Boys who are sitting on a US $100 Billion and counting money minting machine. They call the shots, they can easily place someone else in the chair. So, how do you strengthen his hands?

Right now, there is a segment, and here I completely agree with The Deterrent withing the Pakistani establishment that recognizes the clear and present danger Pakistan faces. But that group is made up primarily of the civil establishment (not exclusive, but primarily) and, in my very personal opinion, includes the present Chief. But, at the same time, there is a very strong lobby, nurtured on decades of systematised anti-India narrative, that predominates the military, which also takes the perks and potential windfalls as a right, hence, to assume that COAS will remain powerful after trying to seek peace, is like assuming that the Earth will spin from East to West as of now.

What we see now, is the military posture by India, that ensures that enough pressure is conveyed to Pakistani military and the general public as also, allows the GoP to maneuver. By not disclosing any data, allowing Pakistanis to troll the internet (it has happened always, they have been led to believe one thing and the reality was a shocker later) allows International Pressure to play in the dealings of PM IK Niazi and PA. At the same time, one would be very foolish to ignore the stance of P4 and the positioning of P5th of being someone looking to cut costs by literally telling Pakistan that it is on its own.

When this point, that China will ditch Pakistan in the first instance of a bullet being fired, was posted by us in the PDF, Pakistani members laughed. Indeed, Chinese and Pakistani trolls' actions can be seen. What is the result?

Similarly, Pakistanis are thinking that US needs them, Russia needs them etc etc. Incorrect.

All need India for undermentioned reason:

1. US: As long as pressure remains on Pakistan from Indians, US can get Pakistan to toe its line in Afghanistan.
2. Russia: Russia wants US out quickly from Afghanistan, for the obvious reasons of the propaganda value. Also, India is and will always be Russia's hedge against a resurgent China.
3. UK: Sorry, 51st State of US, population based - of India ;)
4. France: has invariably been with us, throughout history.
5. China: works on principles of Economics. Cut the costs :)
Full transcript of the audio:

Names of JeM terrorists killed:

In the recent strike by the Indian forces in Balakot, whoever was targeted, I know almost all of them. Most of those who have been killed are linked to Jaish-e-Mohammed. Almost all those who have been killed are from Jaish-e-Mohammed, almost all of them. I'm going to share some of their names, please keep them in mind.

Mainshah Abdar Zak, Lahore's Major Retd Havar Rana, Altaf Ali Chaudhary from Karachi, Mudassar Ali from Rawalpindi, Ustad Mohsin from Bahawalpur, Datta Khel's Tafail Dost. Two brothers from Dhannu Ali Khatak and Bahadur Khatak. They were two brothers who have been killed. A top commander of Jaish from Gujranwala has been killed. He was a crucial Jaish leader. Software expert Rana Mohsin Ali, Mianwali's Tafiq Umar, Moin Ali, Sardar Suhail, Dera Ghazi Khan's Capt Retd Mushtaq, Mandi Bawaldeen's Sheheryaar Deen, a special video editor from model town in Karachi's Tahir Ali Sheikh. An IED expert from Dera Lai Khan called engineer Rana. I have only named a few of them till now. These are the names I am aware of. These are the name I have details about.

Pakistan Army reaction:

The total number of terrorists killed is still not known. But the Pakistani army has surrounded the entire area in Balakot. They are thrashing and brutalising people. They are snatching their mobile phones. They have even shut down internet services in the area so that people do not circulate information, videos and pictures. But the scene at that moment was very disturbing because they were not even providing basic medical care to the injured at that moment. Those injured were screaming for help. But the (Pakistani) Army was so inhuman and they did not even allow doctors to go there. They burnt most of the bodies, most of them.

Bodies of JeM terrorists:

They got petrol out of cars and used it to burn the bodies. The remaining bodies were put in sacks and were dumped in the Kulhar river. Do you understand? They dumped the bodies in the river so that there is no proof available in the future. Even after they tried to cover up the matter, people have videos which they are circulating. It seems as if after the Indian strike, believe me, Jaish-e-Mohammed and ISI are rattled. They have moved all their men Waziristan-Afghanistan border. Do you understand? Since the strike, they shifted all their men from here and sent them to the Afghanistan-Waziristan border. If there is another strike by India at the Pakistani army camps, they will have no place to hide. We believe that if the Indian army continues to target the terror camps and continues to kill terrorists, soon we will be free of terror.
Did I not state that most severely injured were just allowed to die and only lightly injured guys were given treatment.
This is stupid, why to take names if you somehow got a close approximation of kill count?

Just one of the declared dead comes alive due to mistaken identity or whatever and the whole clip loses credibility of already not so credible Indian media. Why do they need to go in propaganda hyperdrive? "Large number of casualties" not good enough?

Mard-e-Momins won't accept single causality. :D
The current stand off will continue...The escalation ball is in our court and we will ensure to show off that the ball is with us..... The real action may happen and reply to attacking our BHQ will be given right after swearing in ceremony......
Remember the embassy attack in Afghanistan at the eve of Modi swearing in ceremony 2014 ? I am expecting something along those lines again.
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You did state .... But the burial ground and color change is not picked by our media yet...
The change of colour of earth in that ground and the kind of heaps it formed are a clear indication that something had been buried there recently. What could that be other than the dead bodies.
Remember the embassy attack in Afghanistan at the eve of Modi swearing in ceremony 2014 ? I am expecting something along those lines again.
Well it depends on which mood PA or ISI is into.... Also another factor is the so called non state actors... They can also work make their own calls.... Forth one are the terrorists in the eyes of Pakistan... though they have no presence here, But a stand off between India and Pakistan gives them Deewali time with less pressure from PA.....

Basically our relationship is a kichdi
Mard-e-Momins won't accept single causality.
They Never have Take Example of Kargil There NLI With Irregular militias Captured Peaks

Through Out the War or (Skirmish) they denied It

After one By one Peaks Started Falling One by One After More than 2 Lakh Shells from Various Artillery regiments

Pakistani Army Decade Later Released official figure 453 but Independent Sources claimed 700+
the US State Department quoted the Pakistani military casualties at 700, but according to the then PM Nawaz Sharif (quoted in Gulf News, February 2002), the entire Northern Light Infantry of Pakistan was wiped out during the conflict claiming 2,700 lives.

Denial is in Pakistani blood
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The problem is not the neighbor per-say. The problem is this : None of the resident "Read Indian PMs, Iranian PMs, Afghani Leadership" want to deal with it. Rajiv Gandhi wimped out, Bajpei quivered, Modi is swinging the sword to cut the smell here. He need to burn the trash or take it away. Terrorism is like the smell, you cann't cut it. You will have to take out the heap of garbage emitting that smell. But no one wants to do it. No one wants to attack the Pakistan Army or ISI. Because no one wants a war during their watch. No wonder terrorism has been a massive success for successive generation of ISI chiefs, PA generals and what not.

Modi's escalation ladder has been consistent in sending a message

1) Surgical strike in PoK - Exposing PA's machoism

2) Deep pre-emptive strike on terrorist camp - Calling nuclear bluff

With the kind of response from PA's for 1,2 I see no issues in modi doing the below

3) Gwadar or headquarters
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