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Can someone confirm this. Babaji saying we used Brahmos missiles on 5th 6th March..

I think he very near to truth as Rajasthan border is too hot and Pakistan continuously sending drones after drones even though they were shot down. Something big did happened which is Pakistani a-ss is full on FIRE... with afterburners..🙂

Their airspace was completely shut down and their media is under tight control, and they can shut down internet entirely in an area to prevent information leaks. An Entire war might have happened down there and we wouldn't really have any idea. India would not claim and ISPR would not say anything as well.

Can someone confirm this. Babaji saying we used Brahmos missiles on 5th 6th March..

I think he very near to truth as Rajasthan border is too hot and Pakistan continuously sending drones after drones even though they were shot down. Something big did happened which is Pakistani a-ss is full on FIRE... with afterburners..🙂
Please stop posting stuff like these. I mean Brahmos? Isn't there some common-sense filter before passing it on?!

This bozo-baba should take some effort and get creative.
if at all the brahmos was used, then it really means the sh*t hit the fan. the borders are hot, there maybe a movement and positioning of missiles within each others territory at the max.
if at all the brahmos was used, then it really means the sh*t hit the fan. the borders are hot, there maybe a movement and positioning of missiles within each others territory at the max.

Pakistan wouldn't mind missile strikes on its soil unless it was made public
H&D is everything
Update folks

Images - India, Pakistan Airstrike | European Space Imaging

PAKISTAN: Satellite Imagery confirms India missed target in Pakistan airstrike

This one is based on WV-02 on 27th Feb....

These folks are real.

Copy / Download all data from

27FEB2019_Pakistan close up 2_WV2_DigitalGlobe provided by European Space Imaging.jpg and 5 more files

This contains raw satellite images. This is worth in gold. We can analyze it later. I am at my workplace so will be hard for me right now. Copy it before it is taken offline.

@Nilgiri Thanks for advice back then...
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