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I described the public sentiment using DG ISPR's statements, I didn't say it was my opinion. I've clearly stated my personal opinion several times.
I don't consider them to be the gospel of truth, rather I believe that the truth lies somewhere in the between the two lies.

If truth is what, you are searching, then let me direct how - everyone can verify independently the facts on their own

Social Media platforms have been abuzz with heavy social media counters from INDIANS as well as PAKISTANIS after Indian media agency today morning released a set of pictures that showed a wreckage of PAF F16 which was shot down by INDIAN Mig 21 Bison after PAK fighter jets tried to retaliate against a action of INDIAN fighter jets blasting terrorist bases in Balakot, which is near Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Lets FACT CHECK & prove FAKE claims of PAKISTAN DGISPR Major General Asif Gafhoor as well as PAKISTANI social media Propaganda makers.

Dividing Our expose into :

1. AIM 120C AMRAAM missile showed by INDIA is sold to TAIWAN<—-Big Lie
Later yesterday in the evening Tri services chiefs exposed PAKISTANI lie of PAF F16 Falcon not used to attack INDIAN assets by exposing the actual wreckage of a AIM 120C AMRAAM which PAKISTAN fired at a INDIAN AIRFORCE asset whose wreckage fell in the INDIAN side of border. This is the closeup pic

Social Media platforms have been abuzz with heavy social media counters from INDIANS as well as PAKISTANIS after Indian media agency today morning released a set of pictures that showed a wreckage of PAF F16 which was shot down by INDIAN Mig 21 Bison after PAK fighter jets tried to retaliate against a action of INDIAN fighter jets blasting terrorist bases in Balakot, which is near Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Lets FACT CHECK & prove FAKE claims of PAKISTAN DGISPR Major General Asif Gafhoor as well as PAKISTANI social media Propaganda makers.

Dividing Our expose into :


(Photo Link : Tweet by Snehesh Alex Phillip via Link : )

The contract number mentioned here is “FA8675-05-C-0070” which can be easily found in Raytheon contract website :;

which says exclusively :

Raytheon Co. Missile Systems, Tucson, Ariz., was awarded on 28 December 2005, a $50,739,270 firm fixed price contract modification to provide for 102 Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile Air Vehicles under the foreign military sales program for the following countries: Czech Republic, Hungary, Jordan, Malaysia, and Canada. Total funds have been obligated. This work will be complete in July 2008. Headquarters Medium Range Missile Systems Group, Eglin Air Force Base, Fla., is the contracting activity (FA8675-05-C-0070/P00016.

i.e The AIM120C AMRAAM missile series with contract no (FA8675-05-C-0070) is sold to Czech Republic, Hungary, Jordan, Malaysia, and Canada & not TAIWAN( No where its mentioned that its sold to TAIWAN)

This clearly debunks PAKISTANI website Fake FACTCHECK link :

Missile shown by Indian generals appears to be one sold to Taiwan | The Express Tribune

AIM120C particular series(FA8675-05-C0070) not sold to TAIWAN!!! so for heavens sake stop fooling people.

2. F16 Falcon Jet Not used to attack INDIA<– Another lie
Now many of our readers must be wondering how such series of missile ended up in INDIAN side of Border after the attack by PAK Jets ?

Now Does it ring a bell, if it doesn’t… lets do it for all of you.
The answer to the question is this PAKISTAN bought second hand F16s from Jordan & inducted it in its airforce after US govt blocked the sales of F16 to PAKISTAN over inaction to stop terrorism.

Here is the Proof with Links : US-Pakistan F-16 Deal Is Dead: Islamabad Mulling Jordan F-16 Fighter Jets Instead

Now lets come back to the main agenda, the below pic shows wreckage of PAF F16 Falcon of PAKISTAN AIRFORCE which was shot down by a INDIAN Mig21 Bison


The serial number of the downed PAF F16 clearly shows : “80269”

Now how to check yourself & Confirm :


Here is a link of the F16 fighter jet database with the serial numbers of the jets : Airframes

You just have to enter the serial no & it will display the details of the jet

The Serial number in question is “80269”, if we enter we get result :

Now if we click on ” Details” on the right hand side of the result, We get :

Airframe Details for F-16 #78-0269

Now how to cross check if this Jordanian F16 is sold to Pakistan or not ??

Simple go to the Link : Airframes ,

In the search bar type PAF & click on search

You will get your answer is the 3rd Grouping ( Marked by the arrow ):


Q. )Now people might be confused why its showing Jordanian flag for a Pakistan jet still??

Ans- Because it’s a third party purchase b/w Jordan and Pakistan, USA is not involved.

Confirmation if Jordanians sold its F16s to PAKISTAN??

You can also confirm this if you dont get this diplomat link by going to the link : PAF inducts first batch of F-16 fighter jets from Jordan - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

Which now clearly proves that the Jet which attacked INDIAN military installations & was shot down by Mig 21 Bison is this Jordanian F16 jet which PAF inducted to address its depleting squadrons issue.

3. The Body in the wreckage is not a F16<– Another Lie
Now another big controversy that the PAKISTANI social media users are spreading is they are denying the downed jet is a F16 and saying its a Mig 21 which was shot down.

Now lets do a image analysis of the Engine found in the wreckage of the downed jet

Pic 1 is from outside view of the engine :


and pic 2 is surely engine inside part as both images compliment each other :


4. AIM120C AMRAAM is compatible with JF17<–Big Lie
Pakistani social media users are also peddling this lie that AIM120C is compatible with JF17 like the below PAK user


The answer to this question is this :

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But tell me, what's different in this narrative and the ones leading to the build up and during the 1965, 1971 & 1999 wars. Weren't such triumphalist narratives generating public hubris common all through, only to come crashing down particularly in 1971.You ought to refer to the post above your own. Unless of course, post facto strategic goals are about fighting an adversary 7 times your size to a standstill & is & has been the plan all along.Isn't it deja vu all over again?
You're right, and I agree. While the events of February 26th and 27th turned out to be positive for public morale as aided by the narrative, they're exactly the kind of sentiments that led to Pakistani establishment's complacency post-'65, and resulted in '71. While Pakistanis are joyous that we 'won' this skirmish, they're not realizing that India will now exercise ALL other options. They're not seeing the storm beneath the calm, whether its the diplomatic front, the economic front, the internal security front, the water front or the conventional forces front.

Pakistan did not gain anything from this entire episode, except perhaps re-establishing its conventional deterrence, which is not of much long-term value. I absolutely expect India to up the ante on the diplomatic side and increase its efforts to isolate Pakistan. Similarly, I expect India to attempt Pakistan's isolation in the economic area. I also expect the likes of BLA and TTP to reorganize and resume their operations, and increased politics by PTM. Strangling Pakistan by limiting its water supply coming through the rivers in India is also expected. Lastly, India will definitely plug the remaining holes in its armor (cue speedy acquisition of Rafale & more, BVRs, HASs, modernization of IA etc).

There are definitely troubled waters ahead for Pakistan, which could've been avoided.

I conceded a point to you just like a Lion as the King of the Jungle did in a fight between a donkey and a Tiger. The donkey got into arguments with a tiger stating that the grass has blue color and the Tiger opposed it saying that the grass is green in color.
The matter reached the Royal Court and the King Lion was asked to give his ruling. The Lion awarded a one year imprisonment to Tiger.
Do you know why?
For being a highly intelligent animal and acting as a stupid to get into an argument with a donkey.
Oh my, what have I done! Enraged THE Lion, the Absolute Supreme Leader of the jungle! I beg for mercy, not for me, but for the poor tiger (although I'm not sure if its the same tiger also masquerading as the lion). PLEASE forgive me! :cry:

If truth is what, you are searching, then let me direct how - everyone can verify independently the facts on their own
Exposing & Fact checking PAKISTANI Lies on PAF F16 & AMRAAM AIM120C which was used to attack INDIAN Military installation assets
Hello janaab.
Falcon vs Bison: Verifying a MiG-21 Wreck - bellingcat
Personal opinion: PAF did use the F-16s which launched AIM-120Cs, NOT compatible with JF-17s.
Bye janaab.
Please read my earlier posts. China supports Pakistan and North Korea as they are its extended arms thru which it is keeping the top three economies tied down and also keeping itself safe. What happens the day we take out Pakistan? I had written that as of now we have a triangle of forces between India-Pakistan-China. The moment Pakistan is gone, it becomes a straight line and a simple equation. In simple equation we have far superior tactical advantage over China. China fears this and so will support Pakistan even after making statements of being neutral in case of a war. They can't afford to be neutral. They will lose far bigger in terms of Geostrategy and domination in this part oif the world. China will become a nation locked down by far stronger enemies from all sides and their dream of taking over Taiwan will never fructify with a very strong India to its south. AND India which will have no enemies except China once we take out Pakistan. Was it not the reason that they gave Pakistan Nuke bomb design and also tested it? Was it not the reason why they transferred missile tech to Pakistan? We take out Pakistan and we will call off the bluff of China. It is as simple as that.

Sir, you mentioned nukes n missiles. How you see events play out in the short and long run which will degrade or remove these two elements which act as a shield for Pakistan and allow it to carry on with its activities.
Check the history of air violations around loc in last 15 years..... Tell me when did PAF responded with a response of a 24 jet formation ad and crossed LOc (Even if it was 1)..... Why did ISPR tweeted at 4 am ? Why did ISPR changed it statement twice ?(Just because you consider ISPR to be the gospel of truth)....

There are lot more to the story.

One thing I love about ISPR is they are quick to boast and quiet slow when it comes to making sense. The day of the dogfight ISPR blindly claimed to capturing 2 Indian Pilots. He was most likely so emotionally compromised with the latest developments he probably never even bothered to verify the facts with his own air chief before coming into the open. Sometimes the excessive bluster and uncontrolled excitement can come back at you later on. Which is one of the main reasons I keep telling people let ISPR do the information war. We really don't need to go that route. Those who needs to know the truth, they do. You can't fool the world leaders and the intelligence agencies.
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Sir, you mentioned nukes n missiles. How you see events play out in the short and long run which will degrade or remove these two elements which act as a shield for Pakistan and allow it to carry on with its activities.
They are not a shield for Pakistan but a curse for them. Have we not called off their nuke bluff already?
Which part of - The serial number of the downed PAF F16 clearly shows : “80269” is not visible & verifiable from F-16 site, for you as shown?
The part which displays a Turmansky R-25 engine's afterburner section in the SAME photo (as part of the SAME wreckage) as the "serial number". Unless of course the F-16 was using a Turmansky R-25 engine, in which case, I'm sure Lockheed Martin has some questions for PAF.

They are not a shield for Pakistan but a curse for them. Have we not called off their nuke bluff already?
That’s true..bluff has been called. What I meant was when we decide to take large tracts of their territory or when we decide to take back PoJK, will they gonna use these two items?
The part which displays a Turmansky R-25 engine's afterburner section in the SAME photo (as part of the SAME wreckage) as the "serial number". Unless of course the F-16 was using a Turmansky R-25 engine, in which case, I'm sure Lockheed Martin has some questions for PAF.

View attachment 5017
Have seen a mig 21 up and close.... oh yeah on a static display.... See the parts and its condition closely.... Unless HAL restarted the production of mig 21.... the pic cant be of mig 21 parts....
He is not saying f16 was not shot but the wreckage that is shown is not of f16 and that is correct, that serial number thing is quite a coincidence as the same photo from opposite side shows it as wreckage of Mig 21.
How do you know photo from other side is Mig 21 & not from separate location??? Can you show the photo, where some parts of above are visible from another angle? where both can be cross referenced simultaneously
Its other side allright, but still not proves its mig21 from other side, all i see is F16 pic from second reference point, where serial was “80269” and procured from jordan & as Vstol says with 3 parachutes
3 parachutes is true but this is not f16. Read the article there is video of this part, 360 degree video showing Indian flag on it and no it is not digitally morphed.
Falcon vs Bison: Verifying a MiG-21 Wreck - bellingcat

Also this pic:

Except that drop tank we have not found anything conclusive of f16 in terms of wreckage, even that drop tank was found near Mig 21 which makes it strange, but none of it means that f16 was not shot down. We may have to wait for sometime to get a clearer view of both f16 and damage at Balakot.
Again you are calling grass Blue. Please explain three parachutes.
I wouldn't dare raise my voice before the King of the jungle, lest someone be imprisoned again. All hail to the Supreme Leader, may he live long and rules over the vast swaths of the jungle. I heard a tiger speak though:
He is not saying f16 was not shot but the wreckage that is shown is not of f16 and that is correct, that serial number thing is quite a coincidence as the same photo from opposite side shows it as wreckage of Mig 21.

Have seen a mig 21 up and close.... oh yeah on a static display.... See the parts and its condition closely.... Unless HAL restarted the production of mig 21.... the pic cant be of mig 21 parts....
Aaaannnnndddd here's the I've-seen-it-MYSELF-so-better-believe-me expert, ladies and gentlemen.
I'd love to continue this 'conversation', but worldly matters await. Have a good one :)
3 parachutes is true but this is not f16. Read the article there is video of this part, 360 degree video showing Indian flag on it and no it is not digitally morphed.
Falcon vs Bison: Verifying a MiG-21 Wreck - bellingcat

Also this pic:
View attachment 5019

Except that drop tank we have not found anything conclusive of f16 in terms of wreckage, even that drop tank was found near Mig 21 which makes it strange, but none of it means that f16 was not shot down. We may have to wait for sometime to get a clearer view of both f16 and damage at Balakot.
So basically your whole argument is based on paint, right?? that's hilarious
3 parachutes & Serial number confirmation - which is better tangible proof its not Mig 21 is pushed as not evidence.
Have you considered, if PAF was considering a raid in India, they might have thought to paint the birds with Indian Flag to avoid easy visual identification in our airspace

My Maruti car has a Merc logo - gosh I must be rich:LOL::ROFLMAO:
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