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one an openly declared enemy and other not a friend

You don't really have "friends" the bigger and brawnier you get. India best get used to it.

Bigger you get, the more others like to prod you with the underdog irritants around you....because every layperson naturally takes to the underdog narrative by default. This goes for every big country relationship in the world.

People ought to take the legacy media less seriously...99% of them are complete idiots...everywhere....across the board. They are just a drama business purely. Indian society should engage facts and truths and even anti-media where relevant....rather than endlessly want media drama/narratives/feelz and worst of all...approval.

What India should also do is start to cooperate (behind doors) with those that want to break apart/dissolve the UN and start something new and more in tune with the world now. A few p5 members would be interested too I feel. UN "reforms" aren't going to go anywhere...its better to pull the rug from underneath its feet when the moment presents itself.

Regarding the caustic neighbour unwilling to play by the rules....use more firm stick as needed....this is good start now....given a sandbox has been discovered below the nuclear threshold and can be engaged as needed.

Start using the binary option right now and use it even more as you put more and more distance between you and them....and present it in relevant are with us or with middle equal equal.

There are huge options at India's disposal that must be used....rather than being too shy and timid.
You don't really have "friends" the bigger and brawnier you get. India best get used to it.

Bigger you get, the more others like to prod you with the underdog irritants around you....because every layperson naturally takes to the underdog narrative by default. This goes for every big country relationship in the world.

People ought to take the legacy media less seriously...99% of them are complete idiots...everywhere....across the board. They are just a drama business purely. Indian society should engage facts and truths and even anti-media where relevant....rather than endlessly want media drama/narratives/feelz and worst of all...approval.

What India should also do is start to cooperate (behind doors) with those that want to break apart/dissolve the UN and start something new and more in tune with the world now. A few p5 members would be interested too I feel. UN "reforms" aren't going to go anywhere...its better to pull the rug from underneath its feet when the moment presents itself.

Regarding the caustic neighbour unwilling to play by the rules....use more firm stick as needed....this is good start now....given a sandbox has been discovered below the nuclear threshold and can be engaged as needed.

Start using the binary option right now and use it even more as you put more and more distance between you and them....and present it in relevant are with us or with middle equal equal.

There are huge options at India's disposal that must be used....rather than being too shy and timid.

Yes Bharat should dissolve the UN. Instead form blocks with our traditional civilisational counterparts like Myanmar, Thailand, etc. This is the only meaningful thing. But there should be an organisation like UN, something new, to buffer things up, rather than to find solutions.
You don't really have "friends" the bigger and brawnier you get. India best get used to it.
Bigger you get, the more others like to prod you with the underdog irritants around you....because every layperson naturally takes to the underdog narrative by default. This goes for every big country relationship in the world.
Really Sir ? How come media, both foreign and domestic(yes, I consider them laypersons) never seem to take our side in trade disputes with US ?
What India should also do is start to cooperate (behind doors) with those that want to break apart/dissolve the UN and start something new and more in tune with the world now. A few p5 members would be interested too I feel. UN "reforms" aren't going to go anywhere...its better to pull the rug from underneath its feet when the moment presents itself.
Are there such countries at all ? That too in the P5 ? Which countries and what are their motivations ?
Regarding the caustic neighbour unwilling to play by the rules....use more firm stick as needed....this is good start now....given a sandbox has been discovered below the nuclear threshold and can be engaged as needed.

Start using the binary option right now and use it even more as you put more and more distance between you and them....and present it in relevant are with us or with middle equal equal.
There are huge options at India's disposal that must be used....rather than being too shy and timid.
I believe there is a political momentum building behind it. I am not saying its good or bad, its just that when precedents are set its hard to undo them without repercussions. Wouldn't you agree, sir ?
Yes Bharat should dissolve the UN. Instead form blocks with our traditional civilisational counterparts like Myanmar, Thailand, etc. This is the only meaningful thing. But there should be an organisation like UN, something new, to buffer things up, rather than to find solutions.
Oh come on man, just recently Thailand didn't want to participate in a military exercise to avoid offending the Chinese. Myanmar relationship is getting better, I can personally attest to that. But they too are hedging their bets. Overall its not as easy as you make it sound.
Vajpayee's advisory. lol
To play the devil's advocate, it's coz of such moves that we are able to do what we have today. As a soft state in more ways than one, we need to exhaust all means before we get into the final reckoning. To quote our epics, principally the Mahabharat - what were the moves of the Pandavas before the battle of Kurukshetra? I don't mean to invoke religion here, but this is default mode in the light of what our enemy is doing.
I'm still trying to come to terms with your visceral hatred of Islamic terrorism. I've noted your objections but am still amazed. I've interacted with your co religionists, having lived amongst them, but, unfortunately, have not seen anything resembling even a cursory condemnation from them. And these are highly educated and well placed individuals or businessesmen, across the sects of Islam, I'm referring to.

Perhaps, the overall shame Islam is subjected to, weighs heavily on their minds or perhaps all these sects have closed ranks. The most vociferous, among the opposition, are the Shias and their various sects, here in India . Never the Sunnis. Especially the Barelvis, who opposed divided India but stayed behind. The Deobandis, merely, upheld Taqqiya.

Just a thought, I thought, I'd spell it loud.
Well sir, its not a question of deen for me. My family has a history of more than 10 centuries that we know of --in terms of written and spoken knowledge-- in Maharashtra. We are too deeply rooted in this land. We have lost a life in '93 blast. We have paid in blood during '65's war. It was, it is and it will never be the question of deen for me or most of my family.

It is a simple question of existence. Pakistan want to deny India and by extension us that and it is but natural we feel like paying in kind. Nothing more and nothing else.

I doubt that I am any more anti-Jehadist than anti-anti-India.
i think russia is changing its color and what they want is to blackmail india for putting meat on the table.,it cant be coincidence that they are parroting the Pakistanis line now , went ahead with military exercise with pak after uri attack.
so india needs to be beware of both china and russia
one an openly declared enemy and other not a friend
Nothing out of ordinary - all news channel invite prominent speakers to talk in there channel
The channel in question is RT America - Its russian all right but operates out of America
The Interviewer is supposed to ask question, interviewers are generally Americans (and we all know there lvl of geopolitical understanding of matters outside USA) - that what Interviewer did, based on responses getting out of other side.
Pakistani Lady in turn did what pakistan has been doing for a very long time - respond in such a way, how the other wants to hear not the truth
So pakistan narrated a lie - dont judge us by last 10 year action, today we are different, not state sponsored terrorist etc.
Convincing a news anchor - that indeed you have turned a new leaf is easy, as it will go by your words, but convincing nation states that indeed you have changed for pakistan is all together a different ball game.
By state tangible actions - Russia is by all means, with India.
All International platforms & voted with India in each matter. Voted against Pakistan everywhere in all matters like FATF etc & like France, Russia too was the prominent country trying to convince China behind close doors on India behalf on Masood Azhar.

And the russian Pak exercise post URI - was on a small scale & focused only on anti-terrorism operations. So Pak can clean up its house.
India-Russia have had far bigger exercises - example
Indian Army -
1) Indra IX in Russia
2) SCO in Russia
3) Indra X in India
Indian Airforce -
1) Indra
2) Aviaindra
Indian Navy
1) Indra Navy 18
are some of the sizable exercises I can recall post URI with russia

It is pakistan objective to create Rift between India/Russia, as thats can be biggest gain for Pakistan & weaken India considerably. So dont fall for all propaganda or become part of propaganda to weaken India. Also Pak has already used USA for long & realizes with massive pak-China dept & other problems, it will have to become a colony of China in future or sour relation with it at some time & find a new patronage to support them. USA is unlikely to do that on earlier scale lvls, so the only option for Pakistan is Russia. Russia dont have deep pockets like USA/China & is unlikey to go full gun on Pakistan, unless India gives in its sovereignty to USA & becomes its puppet, which will never happen.
So PAk can try & try, Russian/India relations will previal & more so as China becomes even stronger military & economically - as joint Indo-russia threats will prevail. So relax nothing will happen
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Y m i blocked by raj 47 on twitter?
Becoz of the last episode on other defence forum where he was invited as a guest?
Was there a blanket ban?
Did you message him during the fiasco? If you did then you are certified with ISI mark
Y m i blocked by raj 47 on twitter?
Becoz of the last episode on other defence forum where he was invited as a guest?
Was there a blanket ban?

Chill, I am blocked by Shatrujeet. They, apparently, had not liked my dissent to their bullshit claim about something once. Don't recall what it was .. but I suspect about LCA.
Oh come on man, just recently Thailand didn't want to participate in a military exercise to avoid offending the Chinese. Myanmar relationship is getting better, I can personally attest to that. But they too are hedging their bets. Overall its not as easy as you make it sound.

I wasn't suggesting it as a quad like formation against China. More like a pro--pan-Asia quad that reinforces it and also guards against foreign pressures.
I wasn't suggesting it as a quad like formation against China. More like a pro--pan-Asia quad that reinforces it and also guards against foreign pressures.
You do realize that China is in Asia right? and most of the pressures in Asia(excluding the middle east) is largely due to the Chinese. I believe it was Lincoln that once said "A house divided against itself, cannot stand."
They were feeling left out... close to 8 drones shot down..... Fanboys has to be entertained.......
A few were shot last night too, allegedly. People were posting about it on DFI. Do we have anything concrete ?

Remember the pic of the first drone shot by us ? It was burned, broken to a million pieces. Yet here we have pics of drones being shot by Pak in pristine condition, not a scratch to be seen. What did they shoot it with ? Love ? Hugs ? Kisses ? And like you said we have an army of fools waiting to believe it.

What I think they did is : They bought the drone(always a Chinese made one, hat tip to Xi), placed it on the ground, took a picture and uploaded it to SM and people are worried we lost the narrative battle. People who cannot fight where it matters usually fight on twitter.
A few were shot last night too, allegedly. People were posting about it on Other Forum. Do we have anything concrete ?

Remember the pic of the first drone shot by us ? It was burned, broken to a million pieces. Yet here we have pics of drones being shot by Pak in pristine condition, not a scratch to be seen. What did they shoot it with ? Love ? Hugs ? Kisses ? And like you said we have an army of fools waiting to believe it.

What I think they did is : They bought the drone(always a Chinese made one, hat tip to Xi), placed it on the ground, took a picture and uploaded it to SM and people are worried we lost the narrative battle. People who cannot fight where it matters usually fight on twitter.

Ask the folks from way back in 1971 what the headlines in the western news papers were. We didn't win the Narrative battle even then. It did not make any difference then, it won't make much difference now. I personally don't think we should focus too much on "Narrative". Over the course of time the truth will come out.
IAF Stripped a Mig-21 engine to match pictures shown by Pakistan of the crashed fighter jet Published March 16, 2019 |
Indian Air force Engineers are convinced that some of the pictures shown by the Pakistani military as those of drowned Indian Mig-21Bis flown by Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman don’t belong to the Mig-21 engine and to verify those pictures an old retired Tumansky R-25-300 after-burning turbojet engine of another retired Mig-21 was stripped and compared with few pictures at the Pathankot Air Force Station recently. IAF has submitted a detail report to the government of India after old and new hand (Retired and Active Engineers ) took a detail look at the pictures and at the several parts of the Mig-21 engines to identify some parts which were passed on as the wreckage of Indian jet. The bone of contention seems to be part of the engine cover passed off as part of Mig-21 engine but doesn’t match to any part of the disassembled Mig-21 engine. Several Online Defence Analysts had called it as part of Mig-21 engine but they don’t match to the one found in the picture with disassembled Mig-21 engine said IAF report. IAF which has operated several Mig-21 variants from 60’s have a pool of talented engineers and technicians who are familiar with Tumansky R-25-300 after-burning turbojet engine at the back of their hand and can identify each nut and bolt due to their vast experience and also since Mig-21 is vastly operated jet in Indian Airforce which from the ’60s has operated and procured nearly 800 of them which is till now the single largest fighter jet ever operated by IAF in its history . IAF is also likely to carry out a third party verification of the images with Independent Russian experts so that it backs up the credibility of their report. IAF is also likely to engage unknown former engineers and technicians of F-16 from friendly nations who operate them to nail Pakistani cover up. It is also strange that Second most production aircraft in the world and still in operation in several countries no former F-16 technicians and engineers have come forward to refute Indian claims yet and silence from Trump administration is also not helping Pakistan.
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