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Bhai jan hame bhi samjha de............Hum toh bewakoofya hain........:p
Anyway a lot of chatter about Pakistan finding oil, how true is it ?
The so called "oil well" is in Patch G near Karachi. Its a bit controversial. The well is provisionally called Kekra-1. The actual company digging it is saying it is likely a gas well. The digging actually started in Jan and they will send samples to verify in March to April. Issue is that : till they actually dig and verify, they don't know if there is gas or oil or nothing beneath the earth's surface. And not just that, they won't even know if the patch is commercially viable.

Exxon-mobil and ESA --the main explorers-- are hoping for about 3-8 Trillion Cubic Feet of gas. As a comparison the latest patch in Iran is 66 TCF. 3-8 is nothing to scoff on but it is not a game changer as Pakistani will like you to believe. For another comparison they have a similar patch in Sindh called Sui, which is proving to worthless. Not just this, previously, they have drilled this area since 60s and as late as 2003 and nothing turned out.

So till the Gas or Oil actually start pouring out, we have cute Tidus telling us what we think about this "oil well".

I didn't see MSA there. What a disappointment! And I guess, just when you're faced with an immovable object but you've ceased to be an unstoppable force, all you have is sloganeering.

Looks like he didn't get the invitation this time for sabotaging his own party image with his comments and spilling water over pakistani game to ouster Modi. These Pakistani morons are very superficial. Their parade might have some fake and tamasha content to show aerial engagement of 27th feb.
Exxon-mobil and ESA --the main explorers-- are hoping for about 3-8 Trillion Cubic Feet of gas. As a comparison the latest patch in Iran is 66 TCF. 3-8 is nothing to scoff on but it is not a game changer as Pakistani will like you to believe.
Pardon me Sir, but I will scoff at that. I come from a state where we have nothing much of value but Natural gas, so it is kind of personal I guess. We, the people, were sold dreams of how a better future awaits us after discovery of a huge gas reserve in the Assam-Arakan basin in Tripura. This is circa early 2000s. There are no official dates as to when exactly gas production began but it had to be before 2009. Aprox. 5.5 MMSCMD was said to be needed by the OTPC project to run. EPC contract of about Rs. 2200 crores has already been awarded to BHEL on 11 August 2008. I know the machines(turbines and stuff) arrived in 2008 itself, I personally saw them being transported. It would be safe to say that we've been producing at least that amount of gas from 2009. Project was officially commissioned in 2013, but the plant has been running long before that. When you do some "back of the envelope" calculations this is what you get.

At least 5.5 MMSCMD for the last ten years. So that's [ 10*365*5.5] million meter cube = 20075 million meter cube = over 20 billion meter cube

And this is just from one well, supplying to one power plant. We have more than 116 functional wells since early 2000s and about 76 of them are producing 4.3-4.5 MMSCMD. Importantly, the success ratio of gas discovery is 1:2 in the state against the world success ratio of 1:5. Many ONGC officials went on record stating that the present production capacity barely scratches the surface of what is actually recoverable. ONGC wants to double gas production by 2022. Private players like Vedanta are entering the scene. We are currently exporting gas to all the "seven sisters" plus Sikkim and to WB in small quantities. We are also exporting electricity from that OTPC plant to all of Northeast and Bangladesh. Suffice it to say, we have Natural gas, loads of it. Pretty rosy picture right, well here comes the not-so-rosy part.

Every industry needs support infra to go with it. Gas needs pipes to be transported and those pipes need money to be built and maintained. And like every other bunch of self-respecting people, we thought we could sell some stuff we produce, make some money and build the infra that we need. Except it didn't really work out that smoothly, its a long story but now you have the state govt. running to the central govt. for money every other day. Its f**k**g embarrassing.
We don't have the crime rates in our state that Pakistan has, we don't have the violence or the extremism(when was the last time you heard of a terrorist attack in Tripura ?). We don't have the over-population, or the "large territory governance problems". With all the positives you'd think we would be the "Arabs of the sub-continent minus the sharia", at least that's the dream our politicians sold us. And yet here we are.:cautious:

That is precisely the dreams the IK govt. is selling. They have more problems at hand than what they are accounting for. Who knows maybe it will work, but until it does I will scoff and scoff loudly.

Mods I am sorry for going OT, but I felt like I had to say that. Please do move it to a relevant thread.
India, Pakistan came close to firing missiles at each other on February 27

Research and Analysis Wing secretary Anil Dhasmana communicating to his Pakistan counterpart Inter Services Intelligence chief Lt Gen Asim Munir that there would be an escalation in the Indian offensive if the pilot was harmed.The two also discussed the Indian army’s deployment of 12 short-range surface-to-surface missile batteries in Rajasthan, the people added.

“Don’t know about nuclear button or nuclear flashpoint. But PM Modi gave green signal to all measures if any harm came to the IAF officer at the hands of Pakistan Army …. India was prepared to go down the missile road on February 27 , ” said the CCS member.

Interestingly, the Pakistani civilian and military leadership believed India was planning to launch at least nine missiles at Pakistani targets on the evening of February 27, people familiar with developments in Islamabad said. In response, the Pakistani side had made preparations to retaliate by firing at least 13 missiles at Indian targets, they added.

The Indian diplomats, the CCS member and intelligence officials said the missile deployment, and the fact that the entire Indian military machine was on red alert, prompted Rawalpindi GHQ on the same day (February 27) to inform Delhi that it would release the pilot and that a statement to this effect would be made by Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan in Parliament on February 28.
The so called "oil well" is in Patch G near Karachi. Its a bit controversial. The well is provisionally called Kekra-1. The actual company digging it is saying it is likely a gas well. The digging actually started in Jan and they will send samples to verify in March to April. Issue is that : till they actually dig and verify, they don't know if there is gas or oil or nothing beneath the earth's surface. And not just that, they won't even know if the patch is commercially viable.

Exxon-mobil and ESA --the main explorers-- are hoping for about 3-8 Trillion Cubic Feet of gas. As a comparison the latest patch in Iran is 66 TCF. 3-8 is nothing to scoff on but it is not a game changer as Pakistani will like you to believe. For another comparison they have a similar patch in Sindh called Sui, which is proving to worthless. Not just this, previously, they have drilled this area since 60s and as late as 2003 and nothing turned out.

So till the Gas or Oil actually start pouring out, we have cute Tidus telling us what we think about this "oil well".


Sorry going off topic but, This reminds me about story of similar oil reserve found in my native village:

During days of Chachaji (in early 50s) when India was exploring new source of Petroleum, they came to my village for a possible oil reserves. for almost an year they did multiple soil tests and digging. Even our lands of adjacent areas were purchased by govt, everyone was happy. But all off a sudden everything halted, after inquiring our elders were told that it was a very small block and the reserve is not commercially viable . Till this date land is not officially returned to original owners :p. Sometimes new generation jokes that when all main reserves would end then may be (on one fine day), we will dig oil and sell :cool:. After seeing Pakistani optimism, couldn't help but co-relate with that.
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Well, last night was quite a fun watching our 'Aman ki (Tam)Aasha gang and other Pak sympathizers whining and scolding Modi with all new kind of narratives (expletives) like immature, childish or the act of barring entry to Pak mission as demeaning India's image globally. In all of this someone from Pak tweeted that is Modi afraid of Pak Cuisines or music played on the occasion. I am wondering about why Omar, Suhasini, Shekhar Gupta, Pravin Sawhney, Rajdeep and gang were more upset? was it due to missing nice Kebab and Biryani or a missed opportunity to collect their reward for the year in person or something else? :unsure:
@_Anonymous_ or @Guynextdoor any thoughts guys?
Well, last night was quite a fun watching our 'Aman ki (Tam)Aasha gang and other Pak sympathizers whining and scolding Modi with all new kind of narratives (expletives) like immature, childish or the act of barring entry to Pak mission as demeaning India's image globally. In all of this someone from Pak tweeted that is Modi afraid of Pak Cuisines or music played on the occasion. I am wondering about why Omar, Suhasini, Shekhar Gupta, Pravin Sawhney, Rajdeep and gang were more upset? was it due to missing nice Kebab and Biryani or a missed opportunity to collect their reward for the year in person or something else? :unsure:
@_Anonymous_ or @Guynextdoor any thoughts guys?
You're asking the wrong guy. You should be asking this question of @Guynextdoor . He's a die hard fan of UndyTV and similar media who share fiberal / Liberandu views and of course the Leftists.
Oi oi......Lot of people getting ideas these days
It's time to snatch Pakistan's nuclear weapons
The idea is quite old. In fact the US has sought & received assurances from China, that if push comes to shove and the US sees it's interests gravely threatened, they'd move in to take out Pak nukes and China wouldn't interfere.
In fact, India has such a game plan too. Whether we're co ordinating such efforts with the US or not is unknown at this point in time .Those in the know out here are tightlipped about it.
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US has sought & received assurances from China
You do realise that Pakistan without nukes is like a bird without wings, an absolutely meaningless entity. I cannot grasp under what condition would the Chinese agree to this.
they'd move in to take out Pak nukes and China wouldn't interfere
I don't know how possible it is to take out nukes again I can't see China not interfering.
In fact, India has such a game plan too.
Bro..............:cautious:. Come on, are you saying we have that capability ? We just started using force against them, realistically it will take a long time before we can actually pull these kinds of ops.

Hypothetically if we were to take out nukes at our current capabilities, how would we do that ?
You do realise that Pakistan without nukes is like a bird without wings, an absolutely meaningless entity. I cannot grasp under what condition would the Chinese agree to this.

I don't know how possible it is to take out nukes again I can't see China not interfering.

Bro..............:cautious:. Come on, are you saying we have that capability ? We just started using force against them, realistically it will take a long time before we can actually pull these kinds of ops.

Hypothetically if we were to take out nukes at our current capabilities, how would we do that ?
I know as much as you do. I'm merely reporting to you what I've read over the years on this subject.
Well, last night was quite a fun watching our 'Aman ki (Tam)Aasha gang and other Pak sympathizers whining and scolding Modi with all new kind of narratives (expletives) like immature, childish or the act of barring entry to Pak mission as demeaning India's image globally. In all of this someone from Pak tweeted that is Modi afraid of Pak Cuisines or music played on the occasion. I am wondering about why Omar, Suhasini, Shekhar Gupta, Pravin Sawhney, Rajdeep and gang were more upset? was it due to missing nice Kebab and Biryani or a missed opportunity to collect their reward for the year in person or something else? :unsure:
@_Anonymous_ or @Guynextdoor any thoughts guys?
So you are telling me you still watch TV. I don't and I would recommend you do the same. Its bad for my mental health. The few rare occasions when I watch TV, I stay far away from news channels. I mostly watch "Pawn Stars" or "Storage Wars" on History TV 18.
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Talking about nuke and all those fancy dreams is far fetched for now. I think right now IAF has to concentrate on how the will retaliate to Pakistani misadventure on 27th Feb.
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Has anyone been to PDF in the last few weeks? The "news" these guys are generating and celebrating are beyond ridiculous. Are they all bots or real humans?

Those are the death howls of a dying propaganda channel. The raison d'etre of a Propaganda source is dead if target victims know its a propaganda site. And that's whats happening over the last few weeks, as a desperate Pakistan has tried to flood SM, MSM with whatever mix of propaganda and misinformation to somehow try and stave off a national humiliation. In the process, Indians and non Chinese-Pakistani groups have left in droves, disgusted by in your face lying.

Meh. Good luck to them. Disappointed that this is how my post starts here. But oh well....
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