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Finally. This is the response I always wanted for terrorist aggression.

Message: If they can't control their soil. We can do it for them

A Brilliant first step for the " India strikes Back" sequel
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NDTV and Barkha were first to create confusion of Balakot in POK even after ISPR initial tweets, later ISPR also tried to sow confusion to hide their incompetence. Don't know if they were advised by Indian jurnos to spin that way or picked up from Barkha and cousins but these definitely tried to divert the topic oftentimes.
That hag is a grade one imbecile. I wish I could use stronger language but my up bringing prevents me from abusing a woman though she richly deserves it.

Both she & Sardesai remind me of Alfred E Neumann and his immortal line - What, me worry? Much like @Guynextdoor & @BMD out here.

How can it be pre emptive after Pulwama ?

This is only a threat of future pre emptive strike .
Try to understand. It is the "right" message. Everyone has a right to self defence. India carried out action in self defense to prevent an imminent terrorist attack based on a non-specific intel.
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When you observe Pakistani people on SM ,it is quite clear that they have been totally brainwashed by their military into believing its larger than life image .Their public will lap it up whatever they say.To change this narrative a public humiliation of Pakistan military was needed ,which would have changed the narrative and forced their public to question its military.For this a big visible strike was a need of the time.But in return we get strike on some abandoned terror camp located deep inside a jungle.This seem to be a political strike more than a military strike, with a motive to garner votes,rather than inflicting any major damage on our enemies.

Pakistan army will hit our uniformed forces in full public view

,and what we did in returnView attachment 4546 ,took the easy way out,as predicted. Observing people here I don't find the behavior much different than the Pakistanis. This was not a proper revenge or retaliation.These camp will be up and running in few weeks .Until then wait for the next BIG attack.

By the way what happened to "taking back POK","Navy ,Army being utilize ","this time going to be big".
Its just getting started, even if it means we just dropped shit in their territory its still a big deal. For every thing there needs to be a start, I think this is it. We can consider it probing, will reassess and then repeat it again.

No doubt those tents will be up & running again else where but the intentions has been conveyed. Next time when we strike one or two of their military assets they will know supporting terrorists and losing valuable military assets is not a profitable venture.
View attachment 4551

Look what i found, US DoD Classified Docs mentioning Balakot as a training camp of JeM
This is from 2004.Guess they did the tour of their entire nation in the interim and returned to Balakote now when then didn't forsee a threat from the Yanks. And undertook Pulwama. With the GoI acting on the report you've attached. It'd make a good MAD feature.
Here is another fun thing :
Tweet 1

"Indian aircrafts intruded from Muzafarabad sector."

"Indian aircrafts’ intrusion across LOC in Muzafarabad Sector within AJ&K was 3-4 miles."

View attachment 4552

The nearest LoC is 20 + KM. So if IAF intrusion which "came from Muzafarabad Sector, caused external fuel tanks to be dropped near balkote; how it can be "just 3-4 miles: ?
Gafoora is confused how to spin, 1st spin fall flat now new spin is needed but 1st one already revealed few things what to do? :LOL:

These incompetent nincompoops are trying to hide the embarrassment and getting PR advices from Indian assets too. Don't be surprised if they directly make Barkha DG ISPR cuz she sowed confusion in better way then this idiot.
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