Sir, I don't think any F-16s are stationed at Halwara.These are the F16 pens right?
Sir, I don't think any F-16s are stationed at Halwara.These are the F16 pens right?
Negative, these are old. NGHAS will be for eastern bases and construction hasn't started yet.
Just illustrating permanent deployment of decoy aircrafts.
These shelters are large enough to house the Su-30s. IAF has built 2 sizes of HASs, larger ones (usually with 2 exits) for Su-30s and Helis, smaller ones (one exit) for all the remaining types of jets. It is the larger type which is lesser in quantity as compared to requirement (~250 Su-30s). Nevertheless, a limited amount of such shelters is available at all FOBs, including Srinagar.The airforce was saying sukhois are not forward deployed due to lack of they have been.Are these shelters proof against pre emptive strikes or is this a conscious risk they are taking?
Which one is the most advanced bunker buster presently? Also why didnt spice2000 record videos of balakot operation?
This is not a bunker buster ,this is a building destroyer.Last operation IAF used penetrator bunker buster version which made small hole in roftops ,went in and then exploded shrapnel inside killing all soft targets inside without destroying building.Pakistani propaganda used this to claim bombs missed.So this time we got spice mk84 variant which will demolish the whole building itself leaving no scope for enemy propaganda war.
For video you need optical tv camera guidance munition,IAF had the crystal maze ,but they couldnt be used in balakot due to bad weather.