Indian Economy : News,Discussions & Updates

- Most of the economic activity happening in private sector after opening of market and i have hope new generation research oriented startups ll herald a era where private sector research activity ll surpass govt . But thats only a hope .

- Its true , though bureaucracy has stalled economic development of india . But they are nothing compared to their former selves . Their power has reduced . And there is this culture of projecting power and little ego ( thukrake mera pyar culture ) . For exp in our district a vehicle of a private owner was refused by IPS because it was being used by IAS ( he said something like ( not exactly ) " SP aur collector ka bich ka jo ego hai woo app samjhenge ) . I believe they ll adjust to the new reality in course of time .

- Regarding competing claims of different groups , i ll say when cake is small there is all kinds of politics on distributing it . When cake grows bigger the struggle for getting a piece ll reduce . Also i beleive society might turn individualistic as urbanization progress .

One thing that differentiate India and china in my opinion is india growing in age of information . If someone wants some information regarding something , learn some trade , skill its all out there . But at the end of the day we must keep improving upon education and health . Get more companies to invest here and sign freetrade deals .
Isn’t it strange people still criticize Indian education system when the product of the same system are significantly contributing all over the world in every sector? Whereas the great American education system has failed to produce enough STEM graduates in spite of 330 million population!!
Point is how the statistics is used and whether it makes sense to predict the future?

Do you remember my comment on a similar article predicting iPhones can’t be produced in India? Check the actual numbers now.

Havard is completely captured by commies and you will see many such hit jobs. Basically China is shit scared and will try everything to stop India’s growth.
Of course you can predict future. That is the whole point.

You can compare china 15 years ago approximately and see the difference.

illiteracy, Poverty rate, Human development index, female participation rate all are so different. In fact share of manufacturing decreased last decade. There is no sign of these things changing dramatically. India can never reach and sustain GDP growth of double digit for so many reasons.

India will continue to disappoint optimists and pessimists.

All higher education institutions are captured by the socialists world over. That does not mean basic statistics are wrong.
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Isn’t it strange people still criticize Indian education system when the product of the same system are significantly contributing all over the world in every sector? Whereas the great American education system has failed to produce enough STEM graduates in spite of 330 million population!!
The so-called 'captured' institutions like JNU and state-funded IIT/IIMs are the ones that produce quality graduates, filling the gap of the 'failed' US education system. Per year number are in few thousands. All other institutions produce lakhs of mediocre or useless graduates. Yes, it is strange to celebrate this.
The so-called 'captured' institutions like JNU and state-funded IIT/IIMs are the ones that produce quality graduates, filling the gap of the 'failed' US education system. Per year number are in few thousands. All other institutions produce lakhs of mediocre or useless graduates. Yes, it is strange to celebrate this.
First of all why exactly you are combining JNU with IIT/IIM ?? IIT/IIMs are not known to be “Captured” by commies. Are they?
Oh btw US is actually filled with such “useless” mediocre and useless graduates from “ all other institutions “ and one of them happens to be Mr Satya Nadella. I certainly celebrate when such “ useless graduates” outperform Stanford/Berkeley graduates.

I would strongly recommend to do some research before downgrading the achievements of your countrymen with words like “ useless and mediocre” !!
Of course you can predict future. That is the whole point.

You can compare china 15 years ago approximately and see the difference.

illiteracy, Poverty rate, Human development index, female participation rate all are so different. In fact share of manufacturing decreased last decade. There is no sign of these things changing dramatically. India can never reach and sustain GDP growth of double digit for so many reasons.

India will continue to disappoint optimists and pessimists.

All higher education institutions are captured by the socialists world over. That does not mean basic statistics are wrong.
If you can predict future, then you will be a billionaire. That’s what my faculty told us while teaching banking. ( I did work for short period in banking software).

Did anyone predict accurately about China’s rise 20 years back? Most people didn’t.
I visited China in 2007 and my observation was China is way ahead of us and India is not a competitor at that point. As usual my friends from IIM used some management terms and statistical data, to drive the point that India will beat China. The rest is history.

Statistical data is extremely important. However, any extrapolation/prediction based only on few statistical data ( while excluding on ground observations ) and liner model do tend to be wrong.

I agree about India disappointing both pessimists and optimists. Because they both use statistical data in a over simplified manner, to drive their own points.

Did anyone predict success of India’s digital payment system or the speed of infrastructure development? Please try using UPA era data to predict infrastructure developed over last few years.

BTW, you avoided my point about iPhone production in India. That article also used authentic data( not relevant though) and the prediction was proven awfully wrong.

You still want to believe these anti India rants, please feel free to do so.
First of all why exactly you are combining JNU with IIT/IIM ?? IIT/IIMs are not known to be “Captured” by commies. Are they?
Oh btw US is actually filled with such “useless” mediocre and useless graduates from “ all other institutions “ and one of them happens to be Mr Satya Nadella. I certainly celebrate when such “ useless graduates” outperform Stanford/Berkeley graduates.

I would strongly recommend to do some research before downgrading the achievements of your countrymen with words like “ useless and mediocre” !!

JNU and IIT are in the same category because they are both publicly funded.

I was one of those "useless and mediocre" graduates. It took me a lot of time to catch up, and now I regularly interview similar candidates. So don't tell me about the reality on the ground.

There are so many reports and studies pointing towards the same:

Do you have any research to present of employability of indian graduates ? Or just words from an NRI.

The fella you quoted as an example went to US for higher studies. Because of that he reached the position.
If you can predict future, then you will be a billionaire. That’s what my faculty told us while teaching banking. ( I did work for short period in banking software).

Did anyone predict accurately about China’s rise 20 years back? Most people didn’t.
I visited China in 2007 and my observation was China is way ahead of us and India is not a competitor at that point. As usual my friends from IIM used some management terms and statistical data, to drive the point that India will beat China. The rest is history.

Statistical data is extremely important. However, any extrapolation/prediction based only on few statistical data ( while excluding on ground observations ) and liner model do tend to be wrong.

I agree about India disappointing both pessimists and optimists. Because they both use statistical data in a over simplified manner, to drive their own points.

Did anyone predict success of India’s digital payment system or the speed of infrastructure development? Please try using UPA era data to predict infrastructure developed over last few years.

BTW, you avoided my point about iPhone production in India. That article also used authentic data( not relevant though) and the prediction was proven awfully wrong.

You still want to believe these anti India rants, please feel free to do so.
Did i say accurate? Did the writer say? The whole point was we will not be as big as China. So dont oversell. Thats all.

Why did you ignore all data about the current state? Smoke-screening anything can happen in 20 years is not a good enough argument.

Twenty years ago, China fixed the fundamental like education and health. Then only the high growth period happened.

India is still a small player in electronic manufacturing. In apple assembly, we are behind a small country like Vietnam. The story is still playing out, too early to take success as a given.
This article very much in line with the discussion taking place. @Ashwin @Bali78

Eager and young workforce but lack of labour reforms, higher levels of automation, poor logistics and infrastructure; all threatening a squandering of India's demographic dividend. Not an article for the faint hearted!

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Incase someone has some ill feelings for my earlier comment on bureaucracy and govt processes .

Let me share the 'real' ease of exporting from #India from the perspective of a small exporter who successfully sent his 1st outbound shipment and agreed to share his experience.I’m reproducing it with minor edit to make it readable.

2.All EPC memberships have been centralised now through a common portal of @dgftindia . Being merchant exporter focusing on agri products we wanted to take membership of all relevant EPCs - FIEO, APEDA, Coconut board, spices board in one go to avoid being harassed by authorities .

Initially @dgftindia site itself had bugs and we could not proceed on the application screen beyond a point. The dropdown menu for selecting years for which we are applying was not getting populated . There was no response from helpline either .. so this was stuck for a long time .

Eventually, we figured out that this was addressed if we re-entered the data on another field a couple of times . With this issue sorted out, we were able to apply for @FieoHq membership successfully . For other EPCs, the fees applicable was not updated by the EPCs on DGFT.

When we checked with @APEDADOC , we were asked to apply on the APEDA portal instead of @dgftindia . The APEDA site had even more bugs, so this could not be completed. We felt we have @FieoHq membership that should be sufficient for a #merchant #exporter.

Our biggest nightmare was with customs though .We were trying to get Bank AD Code registered for the relevant ports. Customs website ICEGATE was down and we could not get User Id/Password for long . There was no customer support of any kind. Helpline went unanswered
@CommerceMin .
7.Automated email replies have irrelevant suggested solutions eg check if cookies are enabled in ur browser n try again. Tickets were automatically closed without resolution.Once goods were at port we were informed that FIEO membership not enough.APEDA/commodity board memberships . . Eventually this process got done manually at the last minute with “additional costs”. (Hope you guessed what this additional costs really meant.) .

At CFS, we got to know boxes have to be serial-numbered . This is to enable customs to pick up boxes randomly by system for checking. So, we were asked to take entire consignment out of CFS to serial-number each box . Finally it was smoothened with help of pls guess. Goods shipped .

Then we were to submit #export #documents to our bank within 3 weeks. We eventually submitted the documents two days before the deadline, and got this submission acknowledged by the bank. @RBI @TheOfficialSBI .

A day later, we get a letter from bank informing we have not yet submitted export documents.If we don't do so, they'll have to report us to Enforcement Directorate for violation of FEMA.Can you believe it, a bank threatening its customers? It has to be a govtbank @idesibanda . Upon checking with the local branch we were told that "probably" it is a miscommunication and it asked us to ignore the letter. No apology needed if you're a government bank. In the end, it seemed like we had committed the crime of #exporting #MadeInIndia goods as a first time #exporter.
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Thats a positive development . Carl Zeiss to set up spectacle lens production facility in Bengaluru on land it bought 2 years ago. Looking to hire more workers in production and R&D too. “The group spends 15% of its global revenue on R&D”. will be the group’s largest ‘vision’ factory in the world. It will be able to manufacture 260,000 lenses every day.

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Exports by Indian sellers to Amazon marketplaces the world over are on track to surpass $8 billion in 2023 . Amazon Global Selling has grown to more than 1.25 lakh Indian exporters since its launch in 2015.

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JSW Steel is aiming to nearly double its capacity to 50 million tonnes in the next three years , i.e addition of 37 million tons . Claims they ll be
probably be the first steel company in the world which will be 50 million tonnes capacity and operate 100 per cent on renewable power (!)

IOCL has committed to invest Rs 54,000 crore in various projects in Tamil Nadu in the next few years, including a 9 MMTPA grass-root refinery at an estimated cost of Rs 35,580 crore. It will come up on about 1,300 acres of land in Nagapattinam .