Indian Economy : News,Discussions & Updates

Innovation in the agriculture sector has a big potential to fight with All ill effects of slowing down of economy. In fact measuring everything in terms of GDP itself is a Bulshit concept. We should work at micro level to improve the quality of life in rural sector by reducing various expenses. if we shape our agriculture on an around cows, our villages can become very rech and prosperous with very high quality of health. This may expand to cities and urban area as well. This is a very big subject which I will discuss in much detail and it will require a separate thread. If we shape our agriculture and animal husbandry around the cows and do all this in our traditional way we can have much more prosperity . All our HDI parameters will go up. I will discuss this in detail sometime in a separate thread.
I know that many of our members will disagree with me, and it will require a lots of convincing and discussion to reeducate them.
If we do some basic things, we may prosper like anything. Gradually, close down all chemical fertilizer units. Don't allow new refineries. Educate children in yoga, Vaidic mathematics, sanskrit, and other traditional Indian sciences. Remove unnecessary subjects. Teach them only traditional and useful things only. Other languages can only be taught from higher secondary. Work on water conservation and forestation in big way. Dump the junk food. Way of happyness and prosperity certainly don't come in the direction in which we want to go.
Innovation in the agriculture sector has a big potential to fight with All ill effects of slowing down of economy. In fact measuring everything in terms of GDP itself is a Bulshit concept. We should work at micro level to improve the quality of life in rural sector by reducing various expenses. if we shape our agriculture on an around cows, our villages can become very rech and prosperous with very high quality of health. This may expand to cities and urban area as well. This is a very big subject which I will discuss in much detail and it will require a separate thread. If we shape our agriculture and animal husbandry around the cows and do all this in our traditional way we can have much more prosperity . All our HDI parameters will go up. I will discuss this in detail sometime in a separate thread.
I know that many of our members will disagree with me, and it will require a lots of convincing and discussion to reeducate them.

Yes the brilliant idea of imran khan for rescuing pakistan is to give chickens . come on dude every arm chair economist claims to solve all problems with all kind of crap.

Cost of living has increased too much small farmers no longer can afford to raise animals. Its funny you pick cows over many other animal. If only emotions dont come in the way of reality. .
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Yes the brilliant idea of imran khan for rescuing pakistan is to give chickens . come on dude every arm chair economist claims to solve all problems with all kind of crap.

Cost of living has increased too much small farmers no longer can afford to raise animals. Its funny you pick cows over many other animal. If only emotions dont come in the way of reality. .

You say this because you don't know the ground realities and the changes have happened in rural life because of renaissance in farming sector and animal husbandry. Your knowledge of economics is bookish and far away from ground realities. You really don't know what is happening at grassroots levels and people are working to solve these problems.

Yes the brilliant idea of imran khan for rescuing pakistan is to give chickens . come on dude every arm chair economist claims to solve all problems with all kind of crap.

Cost of living has increased too much small farmers no longer can afford to raise animals. Its funny you pick cows over many other animal. If only emotions dont come in the way of reality. .

If you educate yourself about some names who were given Padma awards like Subhash Palekar and Bharat Bhushan Tyagi, you will come to know about the work they have done grassroot level and decreasing the cost of farming almost to zero, you will know the realities going on at Grass root level. They are consulted buy Niti Aayog to develop model to increase and double the income of farmers by 2022, which is an objective and dream of hour Prime Minister. It is totally a Cow based agriculture which reduces your farming cost to zero for Fertilizer and insecticides. In this model of farming you will require only e 30% of the water then what was required with chemical fertilizers. This pushes the income of the farmer steeply upward. The experiments of this farming done across the India are highly successful without any exception. This will reduce the poverty of farmers and in rural areas and bring prosperity among the the lowermost people of income pyramid. Just to boost this, our government has allocated Rupees 1500 crore for organic farming. Just conserve the cows and go for organic farming will solve big numbers of problem including poverty and health.
Yes the brilliant idea of imran khan for rescuing pakistan is to give chickens . come on dude every arm chair economist claims to solve all problems with all kind of crap.

Cost of living has increased too much small farmers no longer can afford to raise animals. Its funny you pick cows over many other animal. If only emotions dont come in the way of reality. .

And how much funnier can it get that a bag of Cow Shit sells for $15 in the US!!
You say this because you don't know the ground realities and the changes have happened in rural life because of renaissance in farming sector and animal husbandry. Your knowledge of economics is bookish and far away from ground realities. You really don't know what is happening at grassroots levels and people are working to solve these problems.

My father is farmer. So stop imaging things about me. Its funny you can tell lot more about me just by my comment . do you read comments like palm or tarot cards ?

The thing is, unlike other countries India have too much population with less land area . In many countries a single farmer owns hundreds if not thousand of acres of land. In India you cannot . which results in low productivity and higher cost. You want us stuck with agriculture whether we like it or not . But people in villages no longer want to do hard labor or agriculture . we want cushy jobs , we are willing to spend time in schools to achieve it.