Indian Economy : News,Discussions & Updates

Even if we become the 3rd largest economy in terms of GDP nominal our per capita GDP will still be less as compared to any of the top ten economies with high GDP nominal. Yet it would certainly be better than our per capita GDP today. Now if this piece of news still makes you want to crib, I suggest you drive down to Bombay, join a dahi handi gang and crack your head against one. That'd make you feel even better.

Pakistan bashing on an Indian economy thread is off topic.

My cribbing or bashing my head has nothing to do with the hard realities of the sangh engineered slowdown and the morass the Indian economy finds itself in under the second term of BJP stewardship.

Maybe less cow would help.

Cheers, Doc
Taxing the wealthy is stupid. Rather one should make it more convinient to make the wealthy invest more.

But at the same time, the wealthy have failed the economy, a bunch of dunderheads.

Wealthy may have failed us, the working middle class, but they never fail their own. I was watching some marwari setu on Bloomberg, can't remember his name, who was gushing that the growing number of billionaires was one of the greatest achievements of India in the last 10 years. These fellows live in a self inflated bubble.
Wealthy may have failed us, the working middle class, but they never fail their own. I was watching some marwari setu on Bloomberg, can't remember his name, who was gushing that the growing number of billionaires was one of the greatest achievements of India in the last 10 years. These fellows live in a self inflated bubble.

Not true at all. The greater is the rise of billionaires, the greater is in the indication that people are getting richer.

The more the billionaires coming up, the better is the economy.
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Not true at all. The greater is the rise of billionaires, the greater is in the indication that people are getting richer.

The more the billionaires coming up, the better is the economy.

Yes the rich are getting richer, no doubt about that. 90% of that Forbes India list is probably paidashi rich. Indian economy seems to be, by the billionaires, of the billionaires and for the billionaires. We the working class will be like waiters at the billionaires banquet, exchanging notes on whether the billionaire I served was more wealthier than the one you served.
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Yes the rich are getting richer, no doubt about that. 90% of that Forbes India list is probably paidashi rich. Indian economy seems to be, by the billionaires, of the billionaires and for the billionaires. We the working class will be like waiters at the billionaires banquet, exchanging notes on whether the billionaire I served was more wealthier than the one you served.

The rich getting richer is a fact of life. It can't be helped. Making money is not something everybody can do, no different from how not everybody can dance or sing. No point getting hung up over it. If it wasn't for the rich, we would all be without jobs, probably ploughing land somewhere, either for ourselves or for someone else.

Whether you can join the richie rich club or not is entirely up to you. No one's stopping you.
The rich getting richer is a fact of life. It can't be helped. Making money is not something everybody can do, no different from how not everybody can dance or sing. No point getting hung up over it. If it wasn't for the rich, we would all be without jobs, probably ploughing land somewhere, either for ourselves or for someone else.

Whether you can join the richie rich club or not is entirely up to you. No one's stopping you.

I would have happily ploughed the land to make ends meet, if rich man hadn't stolen my land, polluted my life giving waters, rigged the laws, sowed the seeds of greed among our people. we know how the rich get richer, the tales of their illicit decadence reek from our newspapers every day. Trust me the man who ploughs his land lives a life of dignity better than any of the working class.
Wealthy may have failed us, the working middle class, but they never fail their own. I was watching some marwari setu on Bloomberg, can't remember his name, who was gushing that the growing number of billionaires was one of the greatest achievements of India in the last 10 years. These fellows live in a self inflated bubble.
I think it's high time we stop glorifying poor and demonizing rich. I grew up in probably some of the poorest regions of India. 90% kids of my class didn't have proper dress and half of them didn't have any kind of foot ware. We sat on floors till 5th grade since our school didn't have any furniture. Difficult to imagine ?? Well that was life for us. The only way out of that life was to study hard with least possible support from government or from any other sources.

After 30 years, I see half of my classmates are doing pretty good in life. One guy is a co founder of a security start up in Bay Area and was covered by Forbes couple of years back. Some folks who could not study much, started their own business and doing reasonably well. Of course there are few rotten apples who are still struggling to make ends meet. These are the ones who never bothered to study during school days and never worked hard after school days. I might sound ruthless, but I have absolutely no sympathy for such idiots who squandered all opportunities and now expect support by the virtue of being "poor" !!
Remember we all had the same obstacles and the same opportunities. Some of us burnt our *censored* off to reach where ever we are and in the process also created job opportunities for others by pumping money into the economy.

I would suggest to appreciate the hard work of the self made billionaires rather than making a mockery of them.

It's time for people to work hard and take charge of their own life rather than expecting the government to provide everything for them !!
I would have happily ploughed the land to make ends meet, if rich man hadn't stolen my land, polluted my life giving waters, rigged the laws, sowed the seeds of greed among our people. we know how the rich get richer, the tales of their illicit decadence reek from our newspapers every day. Trust me the man who ploughs his land lives a life of dignity better than any of the working class.

Are you some sort of commie? Nothing what you said there has anything to do with the rich. Look elsewhere.
I would have happily ploughed the land to make ends meet, if rich man hadn't stolen my land, polluted my life giving waters, rigged the laws, sowed the seeds of greed among our people. we know how the rich get richer, the tales of their illicit decadence reek from our newspapers every day. Trust me the man who ploughs his land lives a life of dignity better than any of the working class.
Dude.. Have you ever ploughed any land ?? I can bet you never did. My grand father was a farmer and one of my cousin is still doing farming. Let me tell you no rich man ever stole our land or polluted the water or rigged the laws which anyway affected anybody I know. Yet, life has been pathetic for farmers in my area since last 150 years ( I know my family history for 150 years).

I would urge to take a break and start looking at life from a more positive prospective rather than parroting these communist propaganda. There are good and bad people in every segment of society. For every Mallya, there is a Narayan Murthy, who not only created wealth but also distributed it ( Gardeners and drivers of Infosys are dollar millionaires).
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I think it's high time we stop glorifying poor and demonizing rich. I grew up in probably some of the poorest regions of India. 90% kids of my class didn't have proper dress and half of them didn't have any kind of foot ware. We sat on floors till 5th grade since our school didn't have any furniture. Difficult to imagine ?? Well that was life for us. The only way out of that life was to study hard with least possible support from government or from any other sources.

After 30 years, I see half of my classmates are doing pretty good in life. One guy is a co founder of a security start up in Bay Area and was covered by Forbes couple of years back. Some folks who could not study much, started their own business and doing reasonably well. Of course there are few rotten apples who are still struggling to make ends meet. These are the ones who never bothered to study during school days and never worked hard after school days. I might sound ruthless, but I have absolutely no sympathy for such idiots who squandered all opportunities and now expect support by the virtue of being "poor" !!
Remember we all had the same obstacles and the same opportunities. Some of us burnt our *censored* off to reach where ever we are and in the process also created job opportunities for others by pumping money into the economy.

I would suggest to appreciate the hard work of the self made billionaires rather than making a mockery of them.

It's time for people to work hard and take charge of their own life rather than expecting the government to provide everything for them !!

Don't glorify the poor and don't romantice the billionaire. I would happily settle for a India that has less billionaires and even lesser poor. I'm sure no billionaire cut law, bribed the government, pulled the strings of power, bumped off a competitor or two, on their way to billionairehood. The poor is an idiot because he doesn't share the morals of the very rich. Billionaires are the custodians of the nation's moral compass, after all have we seen any billionaire ever sent to the gallows.
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Dude.. Have you ever ploughed any land ?? I can bet you never did. My grand father was a farmer and one of my cousin is still doing farming. Let me tell you no rich man ever stole our land or polluted the water or rigged the laws which anyway affected anybody I know. Yet, life has been pathetic for farmers in my area since last 150 years ( I know my family history for 150 years).

I would urge to take a break and start looking at life from a more positive prospective rather than parroting these communist propaganda. There are good and bad people in every segment of society. For every Mallya, there is a Narayan Murthy, who not only created wealth but also distributed it ( Gardeners and drivers of Infosys are dollar millionaires).

Of course why would billionaires need to steal lands or our livelihood, when they have friends in power who are only too happy to oblige. Like you said billionaires are not idiots.

P:S - if you are from Bangalore I'll give you a guided tour of the Infosys campus at electionic city and perhaps you can help me meet these illusive millionaire gardeners and drivers at Infosys that I have missed all these years.
Of course why would billionaires need to steal lands or our livelihood, when they have friends in power who are only too happy to oblige. Like you said billionaires are not idiots.

P:S - if you are from Bangalore I'll give you a guided tour of the Infosys campus at electionic city and perhaps you can help me meet these illusive millionaire gardeners and drivers at Infosys that I have missed all these years.

Ah.. repetition of same propaganda.

Late the gardeners and drivers live in peace. I am sure they are better off without your enlightened thoughts and same is true for me as well.

I wish you all the best to find your perfect world.
Ah.. repetition of same propaganda.

Late the gardeners and drivers live in peace. I am sure they are better off without your enlightened thoughts and same is true for me as well.

I wish you all the best to find your perfect world.

Poverty is probably the biggest propaganda ever propagated by the poor.

During his stay in London, For the round table conference, Gandhi was asked by a British wag, eager to play up Churchill's half naked fakir jibe, whether he felt slightly under dressed for his meeting with king George. Gandhi replied back that 'The king was wearing enough for both of us.'

The poor of this country can rejoice from the fact that our billionaires have piled enough money for all the miserable poor and some more.
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