Indian Missiles and Munitions Discussion

They re-grained (refurbed) a lot of prithvi 2s and has a decent stock of old Rus stuff that they not only prepare themselves, but also in house work has been done. Many interesting surprises are in stock.
Prithivi system is useless & outdated

We can build system like Agni-1P than we can pretty much build system like Iskander as well.
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Nirbhay is already available in a certain quantity and via multi platform use case. Plus , soon again
Btw I do not see mass use of high end stuff being used too frequently.

Irrespective of Usage, you need to have the capability. We haven't used anything for so many years. i.e post kargil. You need to have capabilities keeping possible scenario in mind whether war happen or not.
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Prithivi system is useless & outdated

We can build system like Agni-1P than we can pretty much build system like Iskander as well.

Agni P is costly for short range operations. It is good fro 500 km to 2000 KM strike (With lower Payload) or its derivative can be developed as carrier killer. Pralay is our Iskander sort of missile for 300 KM to 500 KM range operations. Its Quasi ballistic short range missile with hypersonic speed.
This will help in carrying out Balakot sort of strike more safely.

We do have Pralay.

2 of such type were in making. Gaurav and Guruthama. What happened to Guruthama?
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Agni P is costly for short range operations. It is good fro 500 km to 2000 KM strike (With lower Payload) or its derivative can be developed as carrier killer. Pralay is our Iskander sort of missile for 300 KM to 500 KM range operations. Its Quasi ballistic short range missile with hypersonic speed.

2 of such type were in making. Gaurav and Guruthama. What happened to Guruthama?
Maybe Garuthama MK1 was renamed as Gaurav. Here is some info about MK2 variant:

When Indian and Chinese army was face to face 4 years back and there were possibility of conflict, In my analysis, there were two areas where Chinese had an edge. 1st was long range cruise missile and another was longer range MBRL. If we make 300 km MBRL, we can neutralize one of the advantage which China has over us. If we operationalize ITCM, we can neutralize one more advantage of China to some extent. Our big plus point is Brahmos III steep dive cruise missile and Operationalization of Pralay. These are mountain warfare specific missiles and it gives a disproportionate advantage to us in mountain terrain. we need to neutralize Chinese advantages one by one. We do have Excalibur rounds as well. We can make one Ramjet powered guided cell like Excalibur which can give us a big advantage over our enemy.
I definitely agree that it's important to have options for more advanced munitions like cruise missiles, ramjet powered artillery, etc but I think most of the value the IA will get will be in the lower end of the spectrum - cheap loitering munitions, plenty of light weight artillery with decent enough range, shoulder fired missiles etc. The Chinese will have greater availability of everything and the IAF will struggle to contest the airspace even with the aid of Indian AD, so the IA will have to operate mostly self sufficiently. Cheap and lightweight shoot-and-scoot options will be critical.

Ultimately, India will be on the defense and shouldn't expect a coalition to resupply them endlessly for free like Ukraine. Self-sufficiency on the most commonly used missiles/munitions will be critical for the IA to resist. It has to be quick and cheap.

We need to mass produce these type of glide bombs as whatever success russia is having in donbass its mostly because of these type of cheap glide bombs/kits
Against Pakistan maybe, but against China in the Himalayas the utility will be limited. IAF will not have good sortie rates, and I expect them to be pulled far back and limited to air denial roles if hostilities do break out.
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Turkish recently tested Atmaca anti-ship missile with their own KTJ-3200 engine giving 3.2 kn thrust. Missile diameter is 350mm and engine 300mm. We will need this class of engine very soon. Our STFE is similar but weights 100kg+.

They initially went for the lower end of cruise missiles, but we began with long-range Tomahawk-like systems. It would be interesting to see the evolution of NASM-MR; I hope it has a turbofan/jet.

As i was saying new turbojet for NASM-MR

Yes this was discussed during the AAV seminar at the start of the year I think, from where we got to know MR is likely for min 300km range category , was discussed by Dr Tessy Thomas I think. Quite a few building blocks/core tech is about to get tested soon. STAR is also 350mm dia and now they have both the Brahmos 600mm and the crmc 1400 mm boosters available as proven option. So it will be good to stick suitable config article on top and make new missiles. Plus the dual/multi pulse option , air breathing propulsion many options even if manik derivatives take time.