I have. Check her twitter, @RATHORE is on point here. Point is she has the same agenda as many of our liberals. Majority bad, minority good. Irrespective of who the minority/majority is. Except when the majority is Muslim or Christian. Her being linked to evangelicals is pretty well known, FRCA(UPA policy by the way) tightening under NDA really screwed up a lot of their conversion/soul harvesting work. You think that American missionary that went to the Sentinel island and got killed was a one off ? No its not, he was just a bit more delusional than the rest.
You are actually telling me you have never heard or come across her before ? What about Ashok Swain, heard of him ?
I have not come across her writing or her books. This is the first time I heard of her. Plus if allegations against her are based only on the tweet she asked questions on then I don’t see why she should be attacked. She is asking where is the evidence that it was a ram temple and that it was in use. You should answer the question instead of talking about her father mother etc. as a supposed evangelical she probably has more to gain by going against Aurangzeb then for him.