Indian Political Discussion

Ashok Swain (@ashoswai) Tweeted:
Often people ask me, being a Hindu why do I despise Hindutva politics - I am not an atheist, rather a temple-going practicing Hindu. Here I explain why I hate Hindutva's hate of Minorities! Why Does Hindu Diaspora In Developed Multicultural Countries Hate Minorities Back Home In India? ( )
He's a turncoat. Once we give him more money he will write against the West. But why Netherlands, Nordics are pushing this narrative? Their hate of Dutch East India Company failing to make profits as Vikings of their lore? Surely these North Pole dwellers got a grudge against us.
Listen, the world will watch in awe what we do!
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Isn't this true about most biographies. All biographies tend to have a positive bias, usually in favor of the subject. This is because most biographies tend to depend exclusively, for subject material, on the personal papers of the subject, first person accounts of those close to the subject. All of this tend to give a slanted and one sided perspective.
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Isn't this true about most biographies. All biographies tend to have a positive bias, usually in favor of the subject. This is because most biographies tend to depend exclusively, for subject material, on the personal papers of the subject, first person accounts of those close to the subject. All of this tend to give a slanted and one sided perspective.
The critic is your usual leftist with a deeper shade of red to him than most. That translates to virulent Hinduphobia of the most extreme kind.
The critic is your usual leftist with a deeper shade of red to him than most. That translates to virulent Hinduphobia of the most extreme kind.

Neutral perspective is these days a premium affair. Neutrality may be good thing as a national foreign policy, but for a scribe it presents the dangers of being ignored. A writer will live with ignominy than obscurity.
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If they don't drag him by collar this whole exercise will be useless. Images that instills fear in the hearts of corrupts must make it to the front page. Chidambaram abused the power given to him to please his master even when he was HM of 1.25 Billion people.

Those who thought themselves invincible, untouchable are now running like cowards, Karma is a bitch, similar thing should happen to Shinde. That shameless *censored* claimed BJP RSS have terriost camps to please his master Rahul. They lodged fake cases, they created rift between agencies because some were not towing the line, officers were hunted for not doing illegal work, whole country was put at the disposal of Sonia Gandhi. Some journalists made big money during those years don't know when are they going to face the music.
Every b*stard's time will come, Ahmed Patel also needs to be nailed, along with the other family lapdogs and the family itself. I remember how this piece of shit tried to frame Modi and Shah as Home Minister. I remember how he tampered the Ishrat Jahan Case and raked up 2002. How he tried to nail Shah for encounters of terrorists & criminals, and how Modi was grilled for 9 hours by the SIT.

Difference is, Modi and Shah are men, they stood up and they willingly went through every single trial and every single hoop without hiding; and coming out clean after being put through an extensive legal wringer. This corrupt, evil f*cking coward on the other hand; ran, hid and barricaded himself in his house at the first sign of trouble.

His time has come, and he's the first of many more.

Is law enforcement this random in USA too?