Dravidian chief caught while clearing superstition in his home
hey you are back !!they specialize in right levels of everything...
hey you are back !!![]()
By that token Irfan Habib should change his name to what it was before his forefathers embraced Islam. And he's supposed to be a "Marxist" historian. He's even credited the Mughals for uniting India ( including Pakistan, Afghanistan & Bangladesh) for the first time in the history of the sub continent.
But why only name, why not his religion also?By that token Irfan Habib should change his name to what it was before his forefathers embraced Islam. And he's supposed to be a "Marxist" historian. He's even credited the Mughals for uniting India ( including Pakistan, Afghanistan & Bangladesh) for the first time in the history of the sub continent.
Civvies being conspiracy buffs is fine. Political leaders should avoid it. If she gets political benefits by spinning these stories, then you can bet you bottom dollar every other politician would follow suit. Politics in India is a circus anyway, rewarding this sort of behavior would only make it worse.Mamata Didi appears to be conspiracy buff like me
Correct, given CY-2 was planned and launched much ahead of the current economic slowdown. But context hardly matters to her. What matters is CY-2 landing is a more recent event than 370 removal. Thus it is likely to score more points.Kashmir is a better candidate for diversion than Chandrayaan 2.
The timeline isn't probably correct but otherwise its true. The CY-2, as it was previously envisaged, was supposed to draw the lander from the Russian Phobos Grunt mission. But that mission failed, so we had to do it ourselves. But it has been a great learning for ISRO. We will see the fruits of that soon. Hopefully we will succeed.According to reports if not for the UPA dillydallying and Russian inefficiency, we probably would have lauched the second moon mission around 2012/13.
It's actually opposite, civilians must be better informed as politicians always spin things for their gain.Civvies being conspiracy buffs is fine. Political leaders should avoid it.
They always are. Out of every 1000 civilians 10 might be conspiracy buffs. The rest are not. Out of every 1000 civilians 1 is a politician. But that 1 politician can do more damage then those 10 other conspiracy theorists. That's why I am fine with having civvies as conspiracy theorist/buffs(I have to admit conspiracies bring a certain spice to my otherwise boring lifecivilians must be better informed
Sure they do. Which is why I wrote they "should" avoid it. Just like I'd say they should not be corrupt, we all know how that's going.politicians always spin things for their gain.