Indian Political Discussion

Same can be said of you or anyone.
I dont blame congi slaves though. They are happy sucking upto foreign born leaders.
Reality was shown on 23rd may , if u say the 900million votes dont indicate reality , I feel sorry for you.
Anyways people sitting in their south Mumbai posh flats are avoid of truth and ground realities

I don't live in flats. Never lived in flats.

I'd rather live in a tank or a submarine.

On point though, I'm talking about lay public.

Especially the sort you meet on defence forums, twitter and WhatsApp (I guess Facebook too though I don't do Facebook).

I hear so much nonsense my ears are red and sore.

Ignorance is bliss.

Trust me Pakistan is nothing.

There is a war being fought on our own soil.

And it's to the death. One way or the other.

Pick a side. Or stay out of the way.

Cheers, Doc
I don't live in flats. Never lived in flats.

I'd rather live in a tank or a submarine.

On point though, I'm talking about lay public.

Especially the sort you meet on defence forums, twitter and WhatsApp (I guess Facebook too though I don't do Facebook).

I hear so much nonsense my ears are red and sore.

Ignorance is bliss.

Trust me Pakistan is nothing.

There is a war being fought on our own soil.

And it's to the death. One way or the other.

Pick a side. Or stay out of the way.

Cheers, Doc
Whatever you are blabbering applies to you also. You potray yourself as some sort of gyani and belittle what others say. Keep your wisdom to yourself if u cant respect what others say. U talk about FoE but when someone contradicts your thought u go on insulting him just like you did to @Pothead when said you are nothing blah blah
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Well Zaid Hamid blocked me for reminding him of Saudia hospitality but thanks to this thread my daily dose of entertainment continues.
I was gonna suggest you our own Indian version (vsdoc) for your daily does of entertainment but he is blocked 😕. Poor guy was going through puberty in his late 50s.
U talk about FoE but when someone contradicts your thought u go on insulting
That's ideology of left in nutshell, for left only my point of view matters don't you dare to speak against it fascist bigot. It's repulsive, kills every scope of debate and improvement, with their tiny little knowledge and even smaller IQ the only thing those people do is to belittle others, it's funny. It's like NDTV think they were No.1 on election result day because of their content, no they are not, people watch to see their meltdown but what else can you expect from so bright people.

They call themselves progressive but in name of progressiveness it's only insult, slurs and demeaning of tradition, little did they ever do for progressiveness, only grabbed power in name of poor and weak and used it for personal benefit keeping those poor poor.

Once upon a time I too liked few principles of left but soon I realized they never mean it, worst hypocrites. So shallow yet so boastful, it repels people, the demise of Indian left is not because of Modi, it's because of them, as soon as people start hating Modi they compel us to support him with the hatred and filth they bring into community at first chance.

Glad you learned your lesson, I knew you will when you first start engaging. It was Deja Vu for me. 😂

I was gonna suggest you our own Indian version (vsdoc) for your daily does of entertainment but he is blocked 😕. Poor guy was going through puberty in his late 50s.
What! When did he got blocked! Thread will turn into informative link farm now, sad.
Well Zaid Hamid blocked me for reminding him of Saudia hospitality but thanks to this thread my daily dose of entertainment continues.
He hasn't tweeted since 3 days. I think Pak army has prevented him from doing so since his war mongering was increasing the pressure on them to do something. It is good for him though, He will come to know the reality of his beloved army😉
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Nine from outside the IAS set to become joint secretaries in government

3 min read . Updated: 13 Apr 2019, 11:10 AM IST Utpal Bhaskar
  • The move is a tipping point and marks a breach in the hegemony of the IAS
  • In 2014, the Centre had mooted the idea of allowing lateral entry at the joint-secretary level


The positions have been the remit of the officers from all India services such as the Indian Administrative Service. Photo: Mint

New Delhi: In a move that was widely debated inside and outside the government for a year, the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) on Friday announced the results of nine lateral hires on contract at the level of joint secretary in various departments and ministries.

These positions have been the remit of the officers from all India services such as the Indian Administrative Service (IAS). The move is a tipping point and marks a breach in the hegemony of the IAS and comes in the backdrop of the Narendra Modi government consistently resetting the rules of engagement specifically with reference to the IAS which Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel famously called the “steel frame" of India’s government apparatus.

The selected joint secretaries for recommendation are: Kakoli Ghosh (Agriculture, Co-operation and Farmers Welfare), Amber Dubey (Civil Aviation), Arun Goel (Commerce), Rajeev Saksena (Economic Affairs), Sujit Kumar Bajpayee (Environment, Forest and Climate Change), Saurabh Mishra (Financial Services), Dinesh Dayanand Jagdale (New and Renewable Energy), Suman Prasad Singh (Road Transport and Highways), Bhushan Kumar (Shipping).

“Recruitment process for selection of candidate for Joint Secretary Level Post on Contract Basis (lateral Entry) for the Department of Revenue, Ministry of Finance has become infructuous at the Interview Stage," the UPSC notification stated.

In 2014, the Centre had mooted the idea of allowing lateral entry from academia and the private sector at the joint-secretary level. Initially 10 such lateral entries were to be selected and had drawn criticism from the serving and retired members of the Indian bureaucracy.

There have been instances wherein people from outside IAS have been brought in at senior positions in the central and state governments.

While Vijay Kelkar served at the finance secretary, Montek Singh Ahluwalia was India’s commerce and finance secretary. Also, Ram Vinay Shahi was India’s power secretary and Shashank Shekhar Singh served as Uttar Pradesh’ chief secretary.

The recruitments have been done in a bid to infuse domain expertise in key government departments and is aimed at bringing in specialized talent in various government departments, contributing to better governance. A case in point being Amber Dubey, who is partner and India head of aerospace and defence at consulting firm KPMG.

The National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government has been posting officers from other all India services such as the Indian Forest Service (IFoS) at the joint secretary level to the chagrin of the many in the IAS.

“It doesn’t make a difference. The bureaucracy has anyways been made redundant in the present dispensation. It takes you years to learn how to handle then system? Handling the central secretariat services has been even difficult for us. The IAS officers have hardly been coming for central deputation and hence the focus on other services to fill these positions. In a situation like this, it is just optics," said a retired secretary in the Government of India requesting anonymity.

This comes in the backdrop of the NDA government’s proposed cadre allocation policy on the lines of its overarching theme of “One Nation", drawing criticism from the bureaucracy. Under the new policy, officers from all India services such as the Indian IAS, Indian Police Service (IPS) and Indian Forest Service (IFoS) will have to choose their respective cadre from among the five zones comprising of 26 existing cadres. At present, officers from these three services are allocated a cadre state to work during their career along with central deputation postings.
The 10 lateral entry JS level positions were open to state government officers in similar positions, officials in public sector undertakings, autonomous bodies, universities, research institutes and those working in private sector companies, consultancies and multinational firms. Candidates were to be at least 40 years old, with those with a minimum of 15 years experience eligible to apply.

The period of contract will be three years from the date of joining and can be extended up to five years depending upon performance, the department of personal and training had earlier said. Compensation and perks offered are on a par with that offered to others at this designation.

The NDA government has also evolved its engagement matrix for the bureaucracy including the 360-degree review which goes beyond the officer’s annual confidential reports (ACR) to culling of non-performers.

Since the NDA government assumed office in May 2014, there have several been massive reshuffles of the top levels of the bureaucracy, including secretary-level appointments.

Also, senior IAS, IPS and IFS officers have been dismissed from service on grounds such as misconduct and misbehaviour, disproportionate assets, and prolonged unauthorized absence from duty. In addition, IAS and IPS officers have been prematurely retired on the basis of their performance appraisal reports, vigilance status and service records.

Nine from outside the IAS set to become joint secretaries in government
I gave you an Informative tag because your post helped me learn how out of touch with reality some of you are.

I don't blame expat Sanghis. They regurgitate what they are fed.

Let me tell you something.

The BJP is nothing. A pawn at best.

The Congress and the RSS are locked in a brutal existential war.

One that is going to end with one having its belly ripped open and entrails oozing into the earth.

We don't want to kill the Congress?

YOU son are nothing. No one.

You just THINK you know what is going on.

You just BELIEVE you control something.

Anything ...

Cheers, Doc

I sincerely hope your kind does not believe in the crap you just posted!!
If you guys do, you lot are beyond mental.

Who is Congress is going to fight the RSS until their entrails are on earth? WHO?
Don't confuse Congress with Left.
BJP sure is going to destroy left, not Congress, they can't, they won't & more importantly they don't need to.

LOL @ Cong leadership willing to lose their entrails in fight with RSS!
You think Sonia is in a Ideological war against RSS?

There are groups ideologically against RSS, Congress is not on the list. For them RSS is a election issue, nothing more.

Ask one top Cong leader to live like a Pracharak - then come and preach here about willing to forego entrails.

What a crappy post mate - absolutely Dumb.
When nothing else works, expat, sanghi is added, as if we think those are insults. :rolleyes:
He is a politician first and then a Maratha.

None of us buy the Maratha strongman tag he carries.

That was his chance.

Cheers, Doc
You can't! as Modi demolished all regional, tags, that is why Bharatis ( Hindus had enough of foreign rule)
saw MODI and voted accordingly! Time to decide "EITHER YOU ARE WITH US OR AGAINST US"? But be sure we will make examples of those who stand against. 😜
You can't! as Modi demolished all regional, tags, that is why Bharatis ( Hindus had enough of foreign rule)
saw MODI and voted accordingly! Time to decide "EITHER YOU ARE WITH US OR AGAINST US"? But be sure we will make examples of those who stand against. 😜

Doubt Doc has gotten the memo,
He is under the impression that old equations still hold.

this genius actually thinks top Cong leadership are willing to die in their fight against RSS. :D
I don't like it. Till yesterday you maintained that RaGa is the best PM we never had. Please make up your mind.

I have always given a list of alternative candidates who have working brain. Parikkar,Sushma and Rajnath Singh were on the list. I have listed Rajnath as a top choice many times before. If he had been in power, we would not have had gau lynching or the rabid hindutva playing to gallery.