Why do you think most upper cast organisations believe that casteism was good until British ruined it? And what is an upper cast organisation btw?
Why indeed.Why should church investigate cases of sexual abuses.
Of course there has been many cases where the police f**cked up. But it shouldn't mean someone else is to do the job of the Police. We ought to look at ways of improving the judicial and police systems in our country and not hand over such powers to people with vested interests.We have competent law enforcement and investigation agencies to do it. However something has to be said about the incompetent of the police investigation. In the infamous rape& murder of sister Abhaya case, the police investigation was so messed up and inefficient that even a CBI probe is proving to be difficult to get a conviction against the prime accused.
Why indeed.
Of course there has been many cases where the police f**cked up. But it shouldn't mean someone else is to do the job of the Police. We ought to look at ways of improving the judicial and police systems in our country and not hand over such powers to people with vested interests.
Unfortunately our system of politics favours the status quo mindset over a reformist mindset. Unless of course when the reform brings votes either immediately or in the long run, nobody will invest too much time or effort into police reforms or judicial reforms. The policemen won't take steps that will create too much of an improvement, they need govt. support.Threre is a dire need to make the CID ,of the local enforcement, as a competent team to investigate serious offense like homicide and rape, with reasonable degree of autonomy from political interference. But who is interested in police reforms.
Frankly, this notion among sections of the upper castes that caste was a British invention is bunkum. That said, in their eagerness to classify and codify the British may have unwittingly contributed to have exacerbated the case. Then again faced with a bewildering maze of sub castes where a particular sub castes in one section of a province may not have the same socioeconomic standing in another section of an adjoining province certainly didn't help matters.The dilemma in education is understandable. Upper caste groups and organization still believe that casteism was a British/Leftist invention and that the social apartheid practiced in India was a benevolent system, much loved by everyone until the British and leftist came along and corrupted it. Would upper caste funded education institutions, working among the Dalits, ever tell those people the truth about the system that deprived them of their human dignity. For that to happen a genuine sense of compassion for all Hindu communities must develop among us Hindus.
Frankly, this notion among sections of the upper castes that caste was a British invention is bunkum. That said, in their eagerness to classify and codify the British may have unwittingly contributed to have exacerbated the case. Then again faced with a bewildering maze of sub castes where a particular sub castes in one section of a province may not have the same socioeconomic standing in another section of an adjoining province certainly didn't help matters.
It brings up the case of the Bhumihars in eastern UP & Bihar in pre independent India. Initially castes as Shudra, they mounted a massive campaign to be included in the upper castes namely as Brahmins which in turn had a section of the Brahmins up in arms arguing with the British that the Bhumihars were in fact shudras. Now it's widely accepted that Bhumihars at some point of time in history emerged as a separate castes group born as they were from marital relationship between Brahmins & Kshatriyas. They were the janeu and were known to read the Vedas - important markers for the upper caste. In many ways it bears similarities to the Sambandham between Namboodari makes & Nair Females in Kerala except the Sambandham by itself didn't constitute a marriage & the off spring of such a union carried the caste of his / her mother. Then again, Nairs like quite a few communities in Kerala & coastal Karnataka follow the Aliyasantana / Marumukkatiyam system of matrilineal families.
The RSS's notions of caste are a bit weird although they can be seen as transitionary only if the next steps are visible. I recall an impromptu interview carried by NDTV immediately after the UP state election results were announced and YA was declared to be the CM designate. In that impromptu interview lasting a few minutes, YA said to Dorab Sopariwala & Prannoy Roy that "Jaati theekh hain, Jaatiwaad nahin". You can take this as axiomatic of what the RSS thinks on the subject.
I see this as a long journey and it's something which Sanaatan society began less than 150-200 years ago in the modern era. We've come a long way. We've a much much longer journey to cover.
Aa the Hindu deliberately forgets to add that ot was a HC orderThe Hindu (@the_hindu) Tweeted:
JUST IN| NCP chief #SharadPawar also named along with nephew Ajit Pawar by ED in connection with an alleged Rs. 25,000-crore scam, reports @deveshpd ( )
This is what I've always suspected. The Central Government is waiting for the elections in Maharashtra to conclude post which they'd go hammer & tongs after the NCP. And deep down Sharad Pawar has long been aware of this.