Indian Political Discussion

Majuli island, Brahmaputra, the foundational seat of धर्म,वैष्णव संप्रदाय,Assam. Head of Majuli monastery objected to xtians indulging in conversions, xtians complained against him and against the law the ever obliging local court ordered his arrest.


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The Keezhadi excavations are quite interesting and dates for the the site are pretty old, but not really surprising. Considering that Ashokan rock edicts, from 3rd century BCE, clearly mentions well developed kingdoms of the Cheras and Pandyas, historical period of south India could easily be contemporary to the NBPW culture in the Gangetic basin. The graffiti markings on the clay ware is interesting, but it is yet to be established if represents a writing system at all.
Funny isn't it. As if Lord Ram was born in some jhuggi jhompdi that we can say that the small chabutra was his birth place. he was born in a Palace and the palace can't be just the size of chabutra.

Architecture evolves with time but the labels stick. A 17th century CE palace will not be the same as a palace complex from 3000 years back. Pharaohs of Egypt used to live in Pers( palace) which most of today's upper middle class folks would look down upon as tacky.