Indian Political Discussion

Muslim invaded and subjugated Hindus, this is both RSS's and Islamic fundamental's way of looking at history. Actually Central Asian Turks subjugated Rajput dynasties. Babar was a Central Asian Turk.

India(plains) was always invaded by Central Asians(mountains). If you study History properly you find that always people of barren areas like the deserts, mountains etc invade the civilizations of plains.

Kaniska was a Central Asian who invaded India. Kasnishka was no muslim or Hindu
Kanishka - Wikipedia

Rajputs of the deserts invaded the Gangetic plains of India.

Maharastra was hilly terrain with little agriculture.

Mogols of the steppes invaded the Chinese civilizations.

It was more of a trend than even that.

You could start with the immigrant Indo-Aryan speaking people from Central Asia.
Afterwards, the Persians or their feudatories reigned as far as Taxila, and the west bank of the Indus.
The Greeks came in, and, after Alexander, raided and conquered from their seat in Balkh to Kanauj in the UP.
The Scythians, or Scytho-Pahlava/Saka-Pahlava followed.
The Kushanas succeeded them.
The White Huns were the last in this cycle until a period of strong India-centred empire under the Imperial Guptas, and their increasingly weaker succession.
Soon after, the period of Rajput supremacy began. They, like the Guptas and the Maukharis, were successful against the invaders, even confining the latest, not from Central Asia, the Arabs, into a corner of the Indus Valley.
Then the invasions began again: Persianised Turks from Ghazni, Turks from Ghor, and then an influx of Turkish, Persian and Arabic individuals and families, all the way until a well-known family from Samarkand conquered the Sultanate. The influx continued, and stopped only some time after the colonising of India by the British.
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@Infowarrior, which books of history did you study to have such a third rate knowledge of History? If Baber was a central Asian Turk then who were Mongols?

That is what they were called; they were not Mongol at all, they were Turks who cited Mongol ancestry to improve their social standing.

Babar came from the sub-set named Chaghatai Turks, with a dialect of their own, that Babar himself had a hand in improving and popularising.
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That is what they were called; they were not Mongol at all, they were Turks who cited Mongol ancestry to improve their social standing.

Babar came from the sub-set named Chaghatai Turks, with a dialect of their own, that Babar himself had a hand in improving and popularising.
Actually the Moghuls referred to themselves as Timurid or Timuri . The word they chose to describe themselves is Gurkan ( son in law in Xagatai Turkish after Timur's marriage into Genghis Khan's descendants family )
Actually the Moghuls referred to themselves as Timurid or Timuri . The word they chose to describe themselves is Gurkan ( son in law in Xagatai Turkish after Timur's marriage into Genghis Khan's descendants family )

Accurate enough. However, the clan or sub-set that Babar and his ancestors belonged to were Chaghatai, whereas Timur was Barlas. The relationship was that the son-in-law of Timur, a Chaghatai, soon supplanted the original line with his own descendants.
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Please report and move on.we may not go thru each and every posts and may miss some..... not intentional.... reporting will help us in keeping it clean

I've gone through and reported every single post, including the one that started it all. Now let's see how timely and effective your response is; because I don't believe I see a single one of his comments missing as opposed to several of my responses to his taunts which all magically disappeared.

I could take this comment of yours at face value but the trend/pattern is awfully suspicious; where his taunts remain untouched and most of my responses are deleted; and I hope that this strange trend will not be visible in future modding actions.
Accurate enough. However, the clan or sub-set that Babar and his ancestors belonged to were Chaghatai, whereas Timur was Barlas. The relationship was that the son-in-law of Timur, a Chaghatai, soon supplanted the original line with his own descendants.
Babar derived his ancestry fromTimur thru his father's side and from Genghis Khan thru his mother's side. You can't classify him as purely a Xagatai . These were essentially a Turco Mongol mix , heavily Persianized in culture . The latter led to them being described as Moghuls by the Persians to distinguish them from the other Turks and Mongols who continued with their old ways in Central Asia ( CA).
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CPM is relevant only in 2 states.... Kerala and tripura......If they agree to Yechuri's idea then their existence in kerala would be under threat.....Nothing much about the municipality as mentioned here..... Such arrangements in pamchayats and municipalities are happening already...I mean across party lines..... But this point is more to do with assembly 2019 elections...
CPM's traditional anti-capitalist ideology has become irrelevant, I see a metamorphosis in CPM. People like Karat want to stick to rabid anti-capitalism and Socialism, while progressive Yechury wants to change with time. Yechury is right, addressing income equality and countering fascist forces is more relevant.

I see Socialism and Capitalism as two opposing forces, too much of both is bad for society. If there is too much capitalism then, income inequality will harm the society (1% India have 75% of the wealth). If there is Socialism then then it promotes mediocrity and punishes talent. Time for them to evolve.
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It was more of a trend than even that.

You could start with the immigrant Indo-Aryan speaking people from Central Asia.
Afterwards, the Persians or their feudatories reigned as far as Taxila, and the west bank of the Indus.
The Greeks came in, and, after Alexander, raided and conquered from their seat in Balkh to Kanauj in the UP.
The Scythians, or Scytho-Pahlava/Saka-Pahlava followed.
The Kushanas succeeded them.
The White Huns were the last in this cycle until a period of strong India-centred empire under the Imperial Guptas, and their increasingly weaker succession.
Soon after, the period of Rajput supremacy began. They, like the Guptas and the Maukharis, were successful against the invaders, even confining the latest, not from Central Asia, the Arabs, into a corner of the Indus Valley.
Then the invasions began again: Persianised Turks from Ghazni, Turks from Ghor, and then an influx of Turkish, Persian and Arabic individuals and families, all the way until a well-known family from Samarkand conquered the Sultanate. The influx continued, and stopped only some time after the colonising of India by the British.
You are right.
I think some kind of Geography, military tactics, weapon technology, how economics factors cause wars(people of the barrens invade people of fertile plains, which caused this trend in this case), etc is necessary for understanding History properly. There should be more overlap between subjects. With more emphasis on critical thinking and logic.

Babar derived his ancestry fromTimur thru his father's side and from Genghis Khan thru his mother's side. You can't classify him as purely a Xagatai . These were essentially a Turco Mongol mix , heavily Persianized in culture . The latter led to them being described as Moghuls by the Persians to distinguish them from the other Turks and Mongols who continued with their old ways in Central Asia ( CA).
The point is ... Turk's son is a Mixed-Turk. Just like an Chicken's egg comes before Chicken.
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You are right.
I think some kind of Geography, military tactics, weapon technology, how economics factors cause wars(people of the barrens invade people of fertile plains, which caused this trend in this case), etc is necessary for understanding History properly. There should be more overlap between subjects. With more emphasis on critical thinking and logic.

The drivel that you post in the garb of logic and reasoning is just propaganda. Goes with your name though. Good job though you need to try a little harder.
The drivel that you post in the garb of logic and reasoning is just propaganda. Goes with your name though. Good job though you need to try a little harder.
I try to use my logic and reason to counter any propaganda that is not in the good interest of society.
Compliments, @Parul. Very apt twitter reproduced.

An afterthought: it might be the strong PM's deliberate decision for the mob to do what he wanted to see done, and maintain a masterly inactivity. It has been known to happen before, this kind of rajdharma exercise.

The whole country Knows How Much LEEWAY the Government of West Bengal and Kerala
ALLOW to Islamic Fundamentalists and CPM Lynch mobs

Since they are Secular governments they are allowed to get away with all acts
of Omission and Commission

You secularists are basically shameless people
I try to use my logic and reason to counter any propaganda that is not in the good interest of society.

Society? Nah

Although you taking the mantle of entire society is mildly amusing, I will rank the combo of your 'trying to use logic' and 'good interest of society' higher up the laughter index.

Tip: Like I have repeatedly pointed out, if you are pretending to be and to do what you are and doing respectively, info warrior is a singularly bad choice for a name.