India News: According to the preliminary report on the tragedy, the three-way accident involved the Bengaluru-Howrah Superfast Express, the Coromandel Express, an
I had told about this in the very begining itself. The initial green signal was changed to loopline signal after the train was already on loop line. A clear case of sabotage and that too when the mainline was free for coromandal express. The station masters know at what speed a train will cross their station and in this case Mr. Mohd. Shaeef was the station master. who did this mischief. Normally as long as there is train pressure on the tracks, the track change does not take place by the track changing system even if the signal is changed. The loopline signal is way ahead of the actual loopline change over of tracks to allow trains to slow down to required speed. So when Coronamdal express cleared the green for main line and the track pressure was lifted, someone changed the signal to loopline resulting in shifting of track to loopline. These signals are designed to turn red after the passage of a train past the signal and after that signal has to be reset for the new train from the changeover control room.
If the initial signal was for mainline and green, the changeover can be done when the entire train has passed over the signal box switch located below the track. If the loopline changeover had been done prior to train crossing the signal, due to interlocking of signals, the green signal could not have been given and it would have automatically gone to yellow and white indicating change over to loopline. So it is very clearly a case of sabotage in which the station master waited for the train to go past the green signal at full authorised speed and when it went past the green signal and was about to reach the loopine changeover, he changed the signal to create changeover to loopline.