News Indians Are Worse Off Under Modi


Active member
Dec 5, 2017
Note: Take criticism is good.

Panos Mourdoukoutas, Contributor Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own.

India’s Prime Minister Modi should spend less time abroad telling foreigners how well India is doing and more time at home asking people how they feel about his administration.

Because as Modi is heading to Davos, Switzerland, to address the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum this week, Indians think they are worse off than they were three years ago.

That’s according to a Gallup survey, which finds a big decline in the percentage of Indians who rate their lives positively enough to rate it as "thriving" since Modi assumed office.

The survey findings provide a different picture from that which one gets when looking at India’s financial markets. In fact, they have been soaring, up close to 50% in the last two years.

Table 1

Index/Fund 2-year Performance
Global X MSCI Pakistan (PAK) -7.30%
iShares S&P India 50 (INDY) 49.69%

Source: 1/20/18

Nonetheless, only 3% of Indians consider themselves thriving in 2017 compared to 14% in 2014 (see table 2 below).

“India’s largely rural population initially led the decline in life evaluations, with thriving dropping from 14% to 7% between 2014 and 2015, and edging even lower to 4% and 3% in the years after that,” according to Gallup. “Declines among urban Indians have been much more gradual, although they are down in the past year, dropping from 11% to 4%.”

Table 2
Metric 2014 2017
Indians Thriving 14% 3%
Unemployment rate 3.53% 4.80*
Monthly Wages for Low-Skilled Workers 13300INR 10300 INR
Living Wage Family 17300INR 17400INR
Per Capita GDP $1647 $1842**

*Q4 Forecast

Source: Trading and Gallup News.

These findings may come as a surprise to some. Modi has maintained a stable political and macroeconomic environment, reformed the tax system, and fought corruption with demonetization. These policies have helped India’s economy outperform most emerging markets in per capita GDP growth, and improved the country’s business environment, as inflation has dropped.

That’s how India became the world’s fourth-fastest-growing economy in the world in 2017, according to the World Bank’s latest edition of Global Economic Prospects.

Meanwhile, international agencies have lifted India up in a number of global rankings. Like World Bank’s 2017 ranking of “ease of doing business,” where India climbed from the 130th position last year to the 100th position this year.

Still, Modi’s policies have yet to touch the masses. Living Wage Family in India remains almost flat in the 17300-17400 INR/Month range over his tenure. Meanwhile, wages paid to low-skilled labor decreased to 10300 INR/Month in 2017 from 13300 INR/Month in 2014 (see table 2).

Then there’s the persistence of corruption, the rise of nonperforming loans in state-owned banks, high taxation, poor public health, and chronic income inequality — something that Modi inherited from previous administrations (see The World Inequality Report 2018).

All these could explain the misalignment between the high hopes of the Indian people for their economy and what they are personally experiencing.<<<

“The people had high expectations, and those expectations have not been satisfied. GDP growth is still above 5 percent, but it has slowed down sharply from past rates of 8 and 9 percent,” says Udayan Roy, an Economics Professor at LIU POST.

“And even the above-5 percent GDP growth is not creating jobs fast enough,” he continues. “There’s this phenomenon of ‘jobless growth.’ India is demographically quite a young nation. And the young people are entering the labor force at too fast a rate compared to job creation. So, these young people are getting frustrated.”

This week Modi joins other world leaders in setting the vision and the agenda for the global economy. That’s a great honor for India and Modi. But before setting the agenda for the world economy, he must set the agenda at home.

After all, as the Gallup survey concludes, “when people see their lives headed in the wrong direction, they want change.”

That should be of great concern to Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Indians Are Worse Off Under Modi
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Still wasting your time posting silly articles! It won't work here with people who form opinion living in this very country and are rooted on ground. But nice try info warrior :rolleyes:

Sometimes it looks to me the war ain't going according to plan. Change of tactics needed.
NOT Forbes, this is an opinion of Indians on a specific question posed by Gallup.

Translated : if true then Modi will lose election, thats how democracy works.

Anyway, now to facts

1) Indias ranking on global competitiveness index has improved by 31 places since Modi took power. From 71st to 40th.

2) Indias ranking on ease of doing business index has improved by 41 places since Modi took power. From 141st to 100.

3) CPI inflation when Modi took power - 7 pct. CPI inflation now 2.52 pct.

4) Indias ranking on tourism competitiveness index has improved by 25 places since Modi took power. From 65th to 40th.

5) Indias ranking on corruption perception index has improved by 15 places since Modi took power. From 94th to 79th.
Still wasting your time posting silly articles! It won't work here with people who form opinion living in this very country and are rooted on ground. But nice try info warrior :rolleyes:

Sometimes it looks to me the war ain't going according to plan. Change of tactics needed.
If you read the article with open mind, you will understand how government-corporate-media nexus is looting people of India.
I just want to save people of India from selfish ruthless politicians and corporates. Corporates are using Hindutwa and media clout to loot people of India, religion is truly opium of the masses. When I was young I was a huge devotee of Lord Ram, and got emotional about Ram Mandir. But after I understood the real intention, I have come to despise religion. Shouldn't patriotism be towards the people, and not towards a piece of land. Why no political party speaks about Agrarian Crisis or under-employment or income-inequality or corporate loot of India's resources. Why everyone is running after money ? Why there are no real patriot leaders left in India ?
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If you read the article with open mind, you will understand how government-corporate-media nexus is looting people of India.
I just want to save people of India from selfish ruthless politicians and corporates. Corporates are using Hindutwa and media clout to loot people of India, religion is truly opium of the masses. When I was young I was a huge devotee of Lord Ram, and got emotional about Ram Mandir. But after I understood the real intention, I have come to despise religion. Shouldn't patriotism be towards the people, and not towards a piece of land. Why no political party speaks about Agrarian Crisis or under-employment or income-inequality or corporate loot of India's resources. Why everyone is running after money ? Why there are no real patriot leaders left in India ?

More gibberish, fake claims, lies and lots of empty words.

Heres facts

1) Indias ranking on global competitiveness index has improved by 31 places since Modi took power. From 71st to 40th.

2) Indias ranking on ease of doing business index has improved by 41 places since Modi took power. From 141st to 100.

3) CPI inflation when Modi took power - 7 pct. CPI inflation now 2.52 pct.

4) Indias ranking on tourism competitiveness index has improved by 25 places since Modi took power. From 65th to 40th.

5) Indias ranking on corruption perception index has improved by 15 places since Modi took power. From 94th to 79th.
Financially the worst step by Modi is imposing Chip and pin card payment on people. India like most south Asian economies has been happily cash dominant.
Paying by card means banks get at least 2.5% of every transaction and they keep the money for as long as they want.
Quite a few things:-

1. "Contributor Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own."
2. Report in question is

Noteworthy point. The report is about perceived 'feel good' among a selected group of people from various nation. They do it for a decade: from 2007 till 2017 and then for 4 years 2014 till 2017. There is no talk of salary and unemployment data in this report!

Here it is noteworthy that India has been negative about 'feel good' since 2007. They felt 2007 was better than 2017 and 2014 was better than 2017. Infact leaving a uptick in 2010, it is a downward trend.

More interestingly, they are feeling worse and worse since 2014. Something here does not connect with the popularity of Modi. The entire narrative that 'Indians feel worse under modi' does not make sense, because anything we have seen in past state-elections is that Modi has seen massive appeal in most of the India. Goa, HP, MH, UP, Gujrat and so on. I highly doubt that most Indians will answer positively to the question that "India is getting worse under modi" even though they may answer in yes to "India was better in 2007 or 2014". And I guess this is the crux of the matter!
The author is trying to read too much in the tea-leaves here. 'Feeling' is a very complicated beast and it is hard to attribute it to governance alone, and more so the current governance alone.

All the other data is collected from various source by the author. Lets see how well he does!

Unemployment rate 3.53% 4.80*
*Q4 Forecast

Source :

What the author is doing is rather dishonest. He is putting a higher-frequency forecast: quarterly one, against a longer term data: yearly. This is classic case of apple-orange comparison. Like comparing the lowest speed of going from Pune to Mumbai at a choke point to the Avarage speed of journey for going from Agra to Delhi.

Here are the recent trends of unemployment in India :

India Unemployment Rate | 1983-2018 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast -- these are year over year trends. It seems downward to me.

If you want to see tends in higher-frequency, here are few:


From Jan '16 till date there has been a downward trend in unemployment on a monthly basis. You can also compare it month over month for past two years.

Monthly Wages for Low-Skilled Workers 13300INR 10300 INR
Living Wage Family 17300INR 17400INR

This is interesting. You know where this data comes from?
Here: - Global Salary Info: Minimum Wages, Salary Survey, Gender Pay, Salary Check Living wage Series - India, October 2017 - In Indian Rupee, per Month

It has two rather peculiar charecterstics :

1. It is noteworthy to point out that "Living Wage Family" not growing is not a bad thing! Living wages as described in the source is

Living Wage describes the adequate living standard.

2. For low-skilled wages, I find this measurement quite inaccurate. Why? This is why!

Table shows the lowest monthly Minimum Wage in a country, when available. Reported monthly earnings of workers in low-, medium-, and high-skilled occupations are obtained from the voluntary WageIndicator web survey on work and wages. Results in the table are rounded.

Voluntary WageIndicator Web Survey! Really? How many housemaid know about this? Or farm labourers? Heck even in US or Canada, you will be hard pressed for non-tech-savvy folks to know about it. This is a very poor source of data. A door to door survey might have made more sense!

In all, folks, BE VERY CAREFUL! These kind of shoddy journalism is extremely harmful! I know this will be waved in front of government official and heck even big and sophisticated investor types will read it and form opinions because it bears the name forbes. This is the harm which media does! It short-circuits people's critical thinking and deep-diving.

@Nilgiri Comments?

@Infowarrior Pal, be a real Info-warrior and look deep and think hard. All that gets reported needs to be critically examined.
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It's not that high.

To promote cashless transactions, RBI reduces MDR charges for debit cards

That's for stuff like Master and Visa. But for RuPay, it is 0.01%.
It may be low for now to bait people.
Once it gets going they are sure to raise charges as it is in western countries. We pay 2.5% and upwards to banks for every transaction. They charge us for spending our money. Also the trader does not get his money straightaway. The banks have something called processing time, inwhcih they hold the trader's money i paid to him for his goods, for 2 weeks and then release. If a dispute is raised by some custome,say for cashback,then the banks use that as an excuse to hold the money for even longer.
This has damaged small businesses such as a small shopkeeper to the point of no return and now only large chain stores survive.
So its double whammy. Total bank dominance on your money, in which you never actually get to see your money,it becomes a number on a screen and based on that, total corporate dominance on businesses.
It may be low for now to bait people.
Once it gets going they are sure to raise charges as it is in western countries. We pay 2.5% and upwards to banks for every transaction. They charge us for spending our money. Also the trader does not get his money straightaway. The banks have something called processing time, inwhcih they hold the trader's money i paid to him for his goods, for 2 weeks and then release. If a dispute is raised by some custome,say for cashback,then the banks use that as an excuse to hold the money for even longer.
This has damaged small businesses such as a small shopkeeper to the point of no return and now only large chain stores survive.
So its double whammy. Total bank dominance on your money, in which you never actually get to see your money,it becomes a number on a screen and based on that, total corporate dominance on businesses.
There is a major difference. To understand that you need to understand how this entire payment industry is set-up. I guess you might already know that. In short, for any credit card / debit card payments there are a lot of players involved who put their cuts. Out of these there are big Credit Card Associations like Master, Visa, Discover, America Express etc and a credit card issuing banks like HSBC etc. These two are the cause of biggest expense in payment industry.

What has happened in India is rather interesting. In india, Indian banks have formed a Section 8 non profit group called National Payments Corporation of India, NPCI who has started a parallel Association called RuPay. One of the driving points in section 8 companies is that they are bound by law not to maximize their profits and to use their profits only to further expand their activities. No dividend is payed to the members who hold its shares. Instead it solves a common problem in commerce, science and arts for an Industry. It is more like a cooperative organization for an industry.

This is why NPCI is much less likely to charge more as compared to US / Western CC Associations as it is an industry funded and owned entity. Individual banks will compete among themselves for market share and will keep the cost of payment services sane. Even in US the majority of cut (2.1% + 0.1 cent) per transaction is charged by CC association. What is responsible for higher cost of payment services is the CC association mafia EMV+Discover,AmEx,Diners club etc.

BTW in India NPCI was actually promoted by RBI in formation and RBI holds regulatory control over NPCI.
It may be low for now to bait people.
Once it gets going they are sure to raise charges as it is in western countries.

In the mid term, cards will become history. Transactions will be carried out through Aadhaar using your biometrics.

So even the banking network will change. RBI only charges 0.01%.

We pay 2.5% and upwards to banks for every transaction.

RBI controls this, not the banks. They won't increase the rate.

They charge us for spending our money. Also the trader does not get his money straightaway. The banks have something called processing time, inwhcih they hold the trader's money i paid to him for his goods, for 2 weeks and then release. If a dispute is raised by some custome,say for cashback,then the banks use that as an excuse to hold the money for even longer.
This has damaged small businesses such as a small shopkeeper to the point of no return and now only large chain stores survive.
So its double whammy. Total bank dominance on your money, in which you never actually get to see your money,it becomes a number on a screen and based on that, total corporate dominance on businesses.

Although I can't say for sure, I doubt it's like that in India. It won't take so long that it will restrict cash flow, there will be a time limit.
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RBI controls this, not the banks. They won't increase the rate.
NPCI (owner of RuPay) is non-profit and by law cannot pass its profits to members who hold its share. Its under Section 8 of companies act of 2013. There is much less motivation for it to test the limits which it can charge as compared to JC-Diners, EMV, AmEx etc. So you are right, its less likely that they will increase this number.

For us Indians, we should ask for RuPay cards from our banks more and more for daily use.
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NPCI (owner of RuPay) is non-profit and by law cannot pass its profits to members who hold its share. Its under Section 8 of companies act of 2013. There is much less motivation for it to test the limits which it can charge as compared to JC-Diners, EMV, AmEx etc. So you are right, its less likely that they will increase this number.

For us Indians, we should ask for RuPay cards from our banks more and more for daily use.

Personally, I think, except for credit cards, even that will only exist for a limited time, all the card network companies will disappear in India because of RuPay.
Personally, I think, except for credit cards, even that will only exist for a limited time, all the card network companies will disappear in India because of RuPay.
Well, from I have seen by reading the history of industries, systems and companies and structures follow Lindy's Effect. A informal effect made popular by Nassim Taleb. It says, the amount of time a organically structured system is expected to live is directly proportional to low long it has been in existence. Meaning a company exisisting for 100 years will likely to drag its feet for another 20 years before folding. A company which has been in existance for 3 months will likely to fold in 3 days. That sort.

So, EMV JC-Diner AmEx in India will still remain for another 5-6 years a minimum and may never fold. I just hope that RuPay does not do something stupid and becomes popular.
In the mid term, cards will become history. Transactions will be carried out through Aadhaar using your biometrics.

Debit, credit cards, ATMs will be redundant in 4 years: Niti Aayog CEO

So even the banking network will change. RBI only charges 0.01%.

RBI controls this, not the banks. They won't increase the rate.

Although I can't say for sure, I doubt it's like that in India. It won't take so long that it will restrict cash flow, there will be a time limit.
If done this way as you wrote the idea may benefit. But if done western, capitalist way, you will end up like us the western citizens. Our money belongs to banks not us.
@Infowarrior the actual headline is: "Indians Are Worse Off Under Modi", at best you can add a ":Opinion" with it, not ":Forbes", especially after the disclaimer in the first line: "Contributor Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own". Let's be honest with what we post.
@Infowarrior the actual headline is: "Indians Are Worse Off Under Modi", at best you can add a ":Opinion" with it, not ":Forbes", especially after the disclaimer in the first line: "Contributor Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own". Let's be honest with what we post.

You are trying to completely silence him you chaddi!

This is India. Remember, Proselytism good, dawah good, ghar wapsi BADDDDDD!!! There is no room for honesty here.
More gibberish, fake claims, lies and lots of empty words.

Heres facts

1) Indias ranking on global competitiveness index has improved by 31 places since Modi took power. From 71st to 40th.

2) Indias ranking on ease of doing business index has improved by 41 places since Modi took power. From 141st to 100.

3) CPI inflation when Modi took power - 7 pct. CPI inflation now 2.52 pct.

4) Indias ranking on tourism competitiveness index has improved by 25 places since Modi took power. From 65th to 40th.

5) Indias ranking on corruption perception index has improved by 15 places since Modi took power. From 94th to 79th.
Good for you man, now I think that people are meant to loot each other, the smart business man or politician will fool the average Indian. Actually, I'm against Human greed. ;)

Who will benefit from all the facts you mentioned. >>> corporates the business men and the politicians they fund. Are corporates business men = India ? We should analyze things properly,

Try thinking for the common Indian... If your patriotism is towards people of India... then you will understand me.

@Nikhil @bonobashi
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Good for you man, now I think that people are meant to loot each other, the smart business man or politician will fool the average Indian. Actually, I'm against Human greed.

Who will benefit from all the facts you mentioned. >>> corporates the business men. Are corporates business men = India ? We should analyze things properly,

Try thinking for the common Indian... If your patriotism is towards people of India... then you will understand me.

I think the real problem is that the people here understand you only too well. :devilish:

You are like Rahul Gandhi trying to tell people that Modi is bad. It only makes him look like a clown.
You are trying to completely silence him you chaddi!

This is India. Remember, Proselytism good, dawah good, ghar wapsi BADDDDDD!!! There is no room for honesty here.
Everything is good, just do it on merit, don't use reservation like anti-conversion laws. If you can't compete with the rich Arabs and Christians, its your loss, you will have to earn your followers on merit. Stop using Hindu muslim riots to get votes. We in the south are too smart educated for the Hindutwa trap, no point in killing Gauri Lankesh, now everyone is a Gauri Lankesh. You can jail Lalu Prasad Yadav but you can't jail his conviction.

Lingayat minority tag likely before 2018 polls
Lingayat minority tag likely before 2018 polls - Times of India
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