News Indians Are Worse Off Under Modi

Sorry for nitpicking but Hitler was against Christianity personally.
Hitler was a Catholic.

My point was to show the ridiculousness of judging guilt by mere association, it is even better because after being a Catholic he did everything that was too much anti-Catholic. So, a number of British who are Catholic should apologize for something they never did just because they are Catholic; nor something their real ancestors, ie those in their family tree, never did? It is this ridiculousness I am trying to point at. But the point is worthless now, we know you can bring a horse to a well but you cannot make it drink!
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So non secular states dont face such issues? Or once the whole society turn hindu, we will become utopia?
Yes it will, There won't a constant threat from Inside your house then. Look at world history and how Conquest was made from inside out in Middle eastern nations,We already experienced one conquest from Inside out in 1947 partition. If we dont set the rules,our Kids will be in grave danger from coming battles.
syria was hyper secular.jpg
syria was hyper secular.jpg
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A sincere request to both @Aravind & @Shajida Khan to cool off . This is getting both ugly and personal apart from ruining the discourse out here in general and this thread in particular. If you can't help but respond to each other , please exercise the option of the ignore icon .

I'm the last person to involve the moderators who've been a bit lenient - the way I prefer it instead of having a big brotherly attitude constantly breathing down our necks forcing sanitised & politically correct opinions .

But this exchange is getting tiresome.
Agree - I cleared out of this thread a while back - look at the title and then look at the posting.
What I will say is one can’t be an apologist for what happened by beings 1000 years ago. To blame the 200 million Muslims that are Indian nationals for this is retarded - these people chose to remain in India and should have the respect as other Indians. Peace
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Agree - I cleared out of this thread a while back - look at the title and then look at the posting.
What I will say is one can’t be an apologist for what happened by beings 1000 years ago. To blame the 200 million Muslims that are Indian nationals for this is retarded - these people chose to remain in India and should have the respect as other Indians. Peace
I second that. I am setting @Aravind on ignore as someone suggested.
Born as one. But not religious or pro-christian in his personal beliefs.
Which is exactly my point!

Hitler -- Nazi nationalist, world dominator, war mongerer, Jewish genocidal committer and... a Catholic by birth and baptization.
British Catholic -- Their parents and ancesstor were catholic.

Should all British Catholics apologize for war-crimes of Hitler? I think not!
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Which is exactly my point!

I am a non practising Catholic (but a practising christian, it's a bit complicated) but I do condemn crusades and inquisitions.

In my opinion there is a tendency among Indian Muslims to view as 'glory period' and lionizing some despotic rulers which seems (and is) insulting to many in the Hindu community. There is the case of this Bollywood couple naming their kid Taimur .Or Tipu Sultan for that matter, who is hated by both Hindu & christian communities of North/central Kerala but is portrayed as a hero by even moderate Muslims here.

I wouldn't hold any Keralite Muslim responsible for what Tipu did but do they really have to celebrate Tipu ?

It's same as what we Indians feel when British RW British media portrays Gen. Dyer as a hero & British rule of India as some sort of philanthropic civilizing mission.

The point is there is simply no point in opening up old wounds. And this applies to everyone.
Or Tipu Sultan for that matter, who is hated by both Hindu & christian communities of North/central Kerala but is portrayed as a hero by even moderate Muslims here.

Also applicable to South coastal Karnataka & Kodagu ( Coorg) which is why Siddharamiah's celebration of Tipu Jayanti is so problematic. Tipu , himself didn't exercise any religious zealotry within the territories he inherited but in the lands he conquered , it was a different story .
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I am a non practising Catholic (but a practising christian, it's a bit complicated) but I do condemn crusades and inquisitions.

In my opinion there is a tendency among Indian Muslims to view as 'glory period' and lionizing some despotic rulers which seems (and is) insulting to many in the Hindu community. There is the case of this Bollywood couple naming their kid Taimur .Or Tipu Sultan for that matter, who is hated by both Hindu & christian communities of North/central Kerala but is portrayed as a hero by even moderate Muslims here.

I wouldn't hold any Keralite Muslim responsible for what Tipu did but do they really have to celebrate Tipu ?

It's same as what we Indians feel when British RW British media portrays Gen. Dyer as a hero & British rule of India as some sort of philanthropic civilizing mission.

The point is there is simply no point in opening up old wounds. And this applies to everyone.

I briefly touched upon this in my post as a reply to @Ironhide. My thinking is that Modern Indian or subcontinent Muslims at times look at those conquests and despotic rulers as a hollow vicarious coping mechanism when their own lives are not going according to their plans. I don't think the Muslims of the subcontinent are anyway connected to those royals and invaders. From Pakistan, I have heard and read narratives of Hassan Nisar about how they sometime claim that they were once rulers of Spain. A ludicrous viewpoint! Arabs and Pakistan cann't be more different! This is what, I believe, is the reality of these venerations and calling one's community great. An empty coping mechanism.

But then most of Muslims I know are also practical folks. A lot of them are business-persons -- AFAIK. You can not carry stupidity and idealism in the same pocket as business and pragmatism. They can tell which side of the bread is the butter and it shows.

At times though some-people who like to stir shit for profit and fun do these things to stay in limelight. Ask yourself, you are a second rung actor -- when compared to more successful Khans and recent upstarts -- what will you do? Just stir the pot a little! Or look at Owasi, what is the better way to remain popular? Again the same thing!
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True. Its a misconception that secularism involve accommodating all religion. In fact it means giving no damn to religions( or a polite no) and do what is right to do.

When I said hindus are secular by choice, that means we are fine with state being secular in real sense. You can see that how easily you can abolish hindu customs under law and wont find much hue and cry.


That is an illusion. There are many ways in which we crook the system.

What do you make of that scam, the Hindu Undivided Family?
I know that, I very well know that. Muslim rule influx in northern India became a thing only in 1000CE. Delhi sultnate became something in 1100-1200 CE or so.
This is a fun video to watch.

Nice, but too many mistakes.
Yes I have a plan, but it might need some polish.

Foreign policy of a country is actually the attitude and behavior of its majority population. (In this case it is us Hindus) (We Hindus as a society will have to learn to be more mature) (We can't go back in time, we have to look forward)

Pakistan's majority religion is Islam, which has a monotheistic nature. While our religion Hinduism has predominant polytheistic nature. Majority of the world religions have monotheistic nature.

In Hinduism, the Vedas have lots of Monotheistic aspect.

Verily He is one
Single, indivisible, supreme reality.
- Atharva Veda 13/4/20

He is the sole sovereign
Of the universe.
- Rig Veda 6/36/4

God has no image.
- Yajur Veda 32/3

If Hindu society is given incentive to gravitate towards higher forms of worship, Then Hindu society is actually giving positive incentive(enticement) to others(monotheistic cultures, which exhibit a genuine aversion to polytheistic nature), then people of other monotheistic religion will slowly gravitate towards us Hindus(return). This is just like chosing to dress smartly for work, making yourself more likable. The puritanical sects like Salafis will have less reason to complain, and their space will get marginalized, they gain strength by spooking Muslims about us Hindus. They play a role similar to VHP.

Pakistan is fixated on Kashmir, because of religious reasons and river water that originates in Kashmir. Pakistan's majority population and culture is Punjabi, which is agrarian, which holds majority sway over its foreign policy. Pakistan is facing acute water scarcity.

We will have to give some incentives to Pakistan(investment), loosen our hold on Kashmir a little(;))... joint administration. On the condition that it will stop all its subversive activities. Pakistan will open up more towards us, Markets access for investment. (Return)(As a larger country we will have to be more mature and endure a little) Once we capture their markets, and give access to our own markets, its economy will become more dependent on Indian economy. (Be more generous than China). We are actually loosening our hold on Kashmir a little;), to entice whole of Pakistan towards India. Be more generous in water sharing agreements, invest in irrigation projects in Pakistan, teach them drip water irrigation, a huge positive incentive to agrarian Punjabi population. We will get access to Land route to Central Asia, and Iranian Oil and Gas. We can utilize Paskitan to catalyze our growth.

Once Pakistan gets more strategic space, there is a high probability that its relationship with China will start loosening...

I can’t believe people like you exist!

You are so sold on your sanctimonious ideology, no amount of actual facts on the ground can change your opinion.

Just remember that while you pontificate in the comfort of your home, it is poor Indian Soldiers who are blown up on a weekly basis by the Pakistani army.

Pakistan is least concerned about water.

If they were they would be building dykes along the Indus and sending out government delegations to study drip irrigation and setting up committees to improve water conservation. They simply DO NOT CARE and they have never cared. They only started mentioning water after some US thinktank mentioned it as a concern some years back. If you look at the news before that never ever ever ever has Pakistan mentioned water as a concern with regard to Kashmir. In their minds it was always the question of Muslim majority .

Their interest in Kashmir is purely medieval. They want to assuage their humiliation and bring back what they consider their glory years by Breaking India and subjugating it.

Pakistan is not some rational, modern people with a scientific temperament, nor do they want to be. They think in terms of “ what is allowed” or is “not allowed “ .

60 years of talking to them has achieved NOTHING . Manmohan Singh bent over backwards for them.

Your answer to making peace between Hindus and monotheistic religions is to make Hinduism monotheistic? Seriously? Why?

Why not just leave religion to personal preference?