News Indians Are Worse Off Under Modi

Yes, it is never too late to apologize and ask for forgiveness from Hindus your Ancestors genocided, Germans,Europe,West even today apologize for Holocaust, even though many might not be born in Hitler era. You are simply refusing to even acknowledge that your Muslims killed Hindus.

Do you realise these are two VERY different statements?

"Some Muslims rulers and invaders ordered killing of some Hindus in medieval India." : BTW, this is a historical fact and I agree with this.


"Most Modern Indian Muslim's ancestors killed large number of Hindus in medieval/ancient Indian." : This is baloney and ridiculousness.

Unless you assume most Indian Muslim's ancestors were Muslim rulers and invaders of medieval India. Which is a massively incorrect assumption and even it is biologically impossible!
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Do you realise these are two VERY different statements?

"Some Muslims rulers and invaders ordered killing of some Hindus in medieval India." : BTW, this is a historical fact and I agree with this.


"Most Modern Indian Muslim's ancestors killed Hindus in ancient Indian." : This is baloney and ridiculous.

Unless you assume most Indian Muslim's ancestors were Muslim rulers and invaders of medieval India. Which is a massively incorrect assumption and even it is biologically impossible!
Lets not go that far in history as you find it unpalatable your kind did such Genocides.

Then who killed Hindus in Partition? Aliens? Sea creatures from H.P.Lovecraft?,Dinosaurs?'
GB Majumdar who was once IG in West Bengal Police was eye witness to Calcutta Killings of 1946...jpg

If it was not Modern Muslims continuing the trend of Genocide of Hindus in modern era.

Apologize and Repent for Forgiveness from Hindus, or else there is no point, talking to a person who justifies Genocide of my Ancestors.
Lets not go that far in history as you find it unpalatable your kind did such Genocides.

Then who killed Hindus in Partition? Aliens? Sea creatures from H.P.Lovecraft?,Dinosaurs?'
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If it was not Modern Muslims continuing the trend of Genocide of Hindus in modern era.

Apologize and Repent for Forgiveness from Hindus, or else there is no point, talking to a person who justifies Genocide of my Ancestors.
No, before we even go there I want to be clear on one thing.

Do you agree that these are two VERY different statements? Its a yes and no question and nothing more.

"Some Muslims rulers and invaders ordered killing of some Hindus in medieval India." : BTW, this is a historical fact and I agree with this.


"Most Modern Indian Muslim's ancestors killed large number of Hindus in medieval/ancient Indian." : This is baloney and ridiculousness.
Inner peace, for being what they want to be. Indian hindus are secular by choice.
IMHO, secular is closer to the english word atheist or agnostic than the sentiment 'respecting/accommodating to all religion'. Seculars do not respect any religion or give a damn to any religion. Secular has as much to do with religion as baldness to do with hair style.

This is why I want/propose Indian government to be 'Secular' in true sense. Giving no shit to any religion. Heck I will argue India to be secular. India in present form since it become a nation can only prosper and remain intact if it accepts to be Secular in the true sense. Being Indian makes you neither Hindu or Muslim. You are merely a citizen of a great nation. Thats it.
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No, before we even go there I want to be clear on one thing.

Do you agree that these are two VERY different statements? Its a yes and no question and nothing more.
No i dont see it as two different questions, Hindus never went to Desert of Arabia to seek conquest, it was Muslims who invaded and committed barbarity as per Koran dictates a Infidel should be subjected to.
Nazis dehumanized Jews, it is corrected now, Your koran still calls Kafirs as Animals worth to be killed.
We didnt go looking for your kind, you came as a intruder into our home. A simple example would be a Murderer and thief, robbing the house, raping the women of the house he robbed and then kills the family members, then stubs his toe and says , there was a sacrifice from my side too.

You dont want to apologize for Genocide that makes you part of them.
No i dont see it as two different questions, Hindus never went to Desert of Arabia to seek conquest, it was Muslims who invaded and committed barbarity as per Koran dictates a Infidel should be subjected to.
Nazis dehumanized Jews, it is corrected now, Your koran still calls Kafirs as Animals worth to be killed.
We didnt go looking for your kind, you came as a intruder into our home. A simple example would be a Murderer and thief, robbing the house, raping the women of the house he robbed and then kills the family members, then stubs his toe and says , there was a sacrifice from my side too.

You dont want to apologize for Genocide that makes you part of them.
It was a yes or no question, so please answer it like that.
Inner peace, for being what they want to be. Indian hindus are secular by choice.
Inner peace doesn't mean getting your throat slit in the middle of the road, or your female members abducted,raped and forcibly married and converted to Islam in broad daylight in the name of Love Jihad. No one wants such inner peace really. Most people would love to live.
Will you Apologize and repent for the Genocide of Hindus, its a yes or no question.
Yes, I will. If my real ancestor committed those crimes.

BTW, I do not consider Turkish Mughals or Muslim invaders from centra Asia/Mid east to be my ancesstor. Neither does my DNA report for that matter. 23andMe that is. Now please answer that question.
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You do understand that Bharat is what it is because of Hindus whose Civilization is beyond 10000 years old.
When Muslims will choose to be Muslims , then why should only Hindus be Secular, 'Kya Secularism ka theka Hindus ne liya hai kya, poora desh ka'
You cannot ask Hindus to be this or that, Partition settled that matter once and for all. British partitioned as per Muslim wish to be a Islamic Pakistan and a Hindu India.
80% Can choose to be whatever they want. It is called Self-determination, you used that clause to forge Pakistan for just 21% Population. Don't say what Hindus can do or cannot in their homeland.

Do you realise these are two VERY different statements?

"Some Muslims rulers and invaders ordered killing of some Hindus in medieval India." : BTW, this is a historical fact and I agree with this.


"Most Modern Indian Muslim's ancestors killed large number of Hindus in medieval/ancient Indian." : This is baloney and ridiculousness.

Unless you assume most Indian Muslim's ancestors were Muslim rulers and invaders of medieval India. Which is a massively incorrect assumption and even it is biologically impossible!

No Muslim will ever accept the Hindu genocide throughout centuries, they will always either deny it or ignore it and those Muslims that claim to be "secular" or "moderate" will try to trivialise it by saying only "Some Hindus" were killed or it was like that only during those time blah blah..

At-least in this regard I appreciate the Pakistanis, almost all of them clearly say we ruled over Hindus for 1000 years, genocided and massacred Hindus and destroyed thousands of Hindu temples.

And the Muslims should be proud of what they achieved in India, they are only following Quran and Hadiths by handling Kaffirs the way they should be, instead it should be spineless Hindus who should be ashamed of themselves for getting divided as Kings during earlier times and in the present times all the 1 Billion Hindus should further hang their heads in shame for their inability to build 3 holiest temples at Ayodhya, Mathura and Kashi Vishwanath.

Try taking away Mecca and Medina from Muslims and they will destroy the whole world, even the Billionaire Muslims will become terrorists for their holiest lands and sites.
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At-least in this regard I appreciate the Pakistanis, almost all of them clearly say we ruled over Hindus for 1000 years, genocided and massacred Hindus and destroyed thousands of Hindu temples.

Pakistani are delusional if they think that 'they' ruled over Hindus for 1000 years. The ones who were rulers were those Mughals, Khiljis etc. None of them have anything to do with Punjabi Muslims in Pakistan who are in majority. They were Indians --possibly Hindus-- who coverted to the religion of rulers and btw so are Indian Muslims including I am. It is like saying Indian Christians from Kerala ruled over India for 200 years. Hell no! It was British.

No Muslim will ever accept the Hindu genocide throughout centuries, they will always either deny it or ignore it and those Muslims that claim to be "secular" or "moderate" will try to trivialise it by saying only "Some Hindus" were killed or it was like that only during those time blah blah..

Heck, I am ready to accept that a hell lot of Hindus were killed by Muslim invaders and conqueror -- possibly from Turkey or middle east. How many? I don't know but perhaps it can be estimated -- not in the ridiculous manner how @Aravind was doing it. Heck, some of these rulers systematically killed Hindus and went to desecrated their places of worship. These are historic facts.

What I find stupid is this baloney: "Modern Indian Muslims or their ancesstors are responsible for genocide of Hindus in India during past and also present. So they should apologize for that." This is pure bullshit!
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Pakistani are delusional if they think that 'they' ruled over Hindus for 1000 years. The ones who were rulers were those Mughals, Khiljis etc. None of them have anything to do with Punjabi Muslims in Pakistan who are in majority. They were Indians --possibly Hindus-- who coverted to the religion of rulers and btw so are Indian Muslims including I am. It is like saying Indian Christians from Kerala ruled over India for 200 years. Hell no! It was British.

You are just proving my point, deflect/ignore the topic and try to trivialise the matter. Reply to all the points of my post instead of this laughable deflection.
I just updated my post to address your points.

At last nice to see an Indian Muslim accepting the Hindu genocide by Muslims, I am not saying you personally did it or you are responsible, just the fact that it happened was not accepted by most of the Muslims.

You forgot to reply to my 3rd to 4th point, even these points are ignored or denied by most Muslims.
And the Muslims should be proud of what they achieved in India, they are only following Quran and Hadiths by handling Kaffirs the way they should be, instead it should be spineless Hindus who should be ashamed of themselves for getting divided as Kings during earlier times and in the present times all the 1 Billion Hindus should further hang their heads in shame for their inability to build 3 holiest temples at Ayodhya, Mathura and Kashi Vishwanath.
Most of Muslims in India and Pakistan are no way living by following Quran. Heck I personally know quite a few of them do not even Salat five times a day: A basic obligation of being a Muslim. Now as far as being proud of 'what they achieved in India' -- If you are talking about Modern day Muslims; then they have more immediate needs to cater than being proud of what 'what they achieved in India'. There are times when some take pride in 'those achievements' (if that is at all) of past but mostly it is hollow and most of Muslims know it. Heck Pakistanis know it as well that is why they keep harping about 'Noora' and his corruption a lot when Indians are not looking. I feel for a number of Muslims in sub-continent this entire 'ruled over Hindus 1000 years! Broke Hindus Temples etc! are coping mechanisms when their lives suck.
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Try taking away Mecca and Medina from Muslims and they will destroy the whole world, even the Billionaire Muslims will become terrorists for their holiest lands and sites.
If you take any religion's place of worship NOW, there will be violence. Yes, there is a packing order of violent response, some will be more violent, some less depending on a hell lot of things. Muslims, I believe will be more violent than rest because all over world they feel being pointed at for being responsible for anything wrong.
Most of Muslims in India and Pakistan are no way living by following Quran. Heck I personally quite a few of them do not even Salat five times a day: A basic obligation of being a Muslim. Now as far as being proud of 'what they achieved in India' -- If you are talking about Modern day Muslims; then they have more immediate needs to cater than being proud of what 'what they achieved in India'. There are times when some take pride in 'those achievements' (if that is at all) of past but mostly it is hollow and most of Muslims know it. Heck Pakistanis know it as well that is why they keep harping about 'Noora' and his corruption a lot when Indians are not looking. I feel for a number of Muslims in sub-continent this entire 'ruled over Hindus 1000 years! Broke Hindus Temples etc! are coping mechanisms when their lives suck.

So you accept that Muslims followed the Quran and Hadiths by genociding and converting the Hindus in India as well as destroying the Temples and Idols of Hindus?

What is your opinion on building the 3 holiest temples of Hindus at Ayodhya, Mathura and Kashi Vishwanath?

What will Muslims worldwide do if Mecca and Medina were razed to ground and a big, beautiful church or temple was built over it? How will the Muslims react to their holiest sites destroyed and other religions build their structure over it?
So you accept that Muslims followed the Quran and Hadiths by genociding and converting the Hindus in India as well as destroying the Temples and Idols of Hindus?
I personally think it had more to do with capturing territory with a violent declaration and a sign of ruling people. And at times it was simply whims of individuals than following Quran. These things happened quite a long time ago and I don't have a way to know what was the real motivation at that time.
What is your opinion on building the 3 holiest temples of Hindus at Ayodhya, Mathura and Kashi Vishwanath?
In what sense? In the sense of what should be done to them NOW? I don't have a solution. I do think it cann't be decided by courts. It is also not possible to be decided rationally as what should be done about them. It is an emotional issue and ego issue between Hindus and Muslims. Emotions are not governed by reason. Personally, if I was forced to take a decision, I will put it on referendum as what to be done to those places.