News Indians Are Worse Off Under Modi

if that happens, report and move on please. do not continue to derail the thread. there is lot of space in the forum to discuss land of hundu etc.

are we doing good under Modi or Not? your reasons?
If you say so,
Yes, if we were not doing any good, why would there be such a big reception at Davos or the fact, China got a bit cautious after Doklam standoff and uses its proxy Global times to warn India not to intervene in Maldives.
There is a change in mentality of people slowly with the 'Swacch Bharat Abhiyan'. Common people scold others if they urinate in open. There is a visible change in Hyderabad, there are no Trash bins across the street overflowing or trash thrown in street.
The Hyderabad Municipal Corporation has assigned Garbage collectors who collect garbage every alternate day from each home and they are sorted into Bio Degradable and Non Bio Degradable garbage.
The Waste collectors are each paid 50 rupees per house and they collect Waste from 1 or 2 streets That earns them around 30,000 Rs per month. If this not employment then what is?

Hyderabad’s Rajendranagar, Has Got 100% Success In Segregating Waste And Ensuring Garbage Collector Is Paid
Rajendranagar in Hyderabad sets a clear example of how planned waste segregation and treatment strategies can lead to proper management of waste

Telangana, Waste Management

Written By: Saptarshi Dutta | Edited By: Sonia Bhaskar

| June 30, 2017 11:17 AM |


  • Rajendranagar is the only circle in the city to segregate 100 per cent
  • Waste is segregated at source by the residents
  • Garbage collectors can earn up to Rs. 50,000 a month in the circle
New Delhi: Management and segregation of waste in urban areas is a consistent challenge that is also being taken up under the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, apart from toilet building to end open defecation. Urban civic bodies often find it difficult to implement waste segregation techniques in urban spaces due to lack of initiative on both the civic body’s part, as well as the local population. In Hyderabad’s Rajendranagar however, waste segregation has been successful throughout the division as authorities and citizens came together to engage in comprehensive waste segregation techniques.

Rajendranagar is one of the most populous divisions in Hyderabad, with a population of about 2.24 lakh. The division comprises 5 wards, with 97,600 households across 52 square kilometres which generate a considerable amount of waste every day, ranging from 25 to 30 tonnes. Despite generating such an amount of daily waste, Rajendranagar has managed to segregate waste daily. The waste management mechanism in the circle is such that despite the generation of so much waste, it does not pile up. The waste is segregated and dealt with on a daily basis. Nearly all the households in the circle segregate waste before handing it over to garbage collectors.

The circle has a vermicompost plant and two dry waste collection centres. The vermicompost plant is where all the organic waste is dumped and post a composting process, usable manure is manufactured. Due to daily segregation and collection of waste, nearly 2 to 3 tonnes of organic waste is sent to the vermicompost plant every day, which is enormous, considering the size of Rajendranagar. Plastic waste is sent to the two waste collection centres, where the waste is recycled in bulk. On completion of the recycling process, the waste is sold to companies. This way, the waste generated daily is treated daily. The waste yard at Jawaharnagar, where most of the city’s waste is dumped, does not see the addition of any waste from Rajendranagar, a fact civic officials are proud of.

Residents of Rajendranagar segregate waste regularly
Rajendranagar is a success story every part of the city should look to replicate. The residents practice segregation and handover the waste to the garbage collectors. The waste is treated within the circle itself and is not dependent on landfills or external plants for treatment. This calculated practice of dealing with waste has made Rajendranagar very successful, said Dr. P. Padma, Assistant Medical Health Officer, GHMC.​
Apart from ensuring that it is the only circle in Hyderabad which segregates 100 per cent of the waste generated, Rajendranagar has also become a circle ensuring steady income for the garbage collectors. For waste collectors employed by the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC), waste collection is a steady and sustainable source of income. GHMC owned tricycles are driven by waste collectors, who drive these around the residential areas of Rajendranagar and collect waste. The monthly average income of a waste collector working at the Rajendranagar division is around Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 60,000. Rs. 30,000 is earned by waste collectors on selling non-biodegradable waste to ITC, which has a contractual agreement with GHMC to buy waste from the civic body. The rest is earned by the waste collectors via door-to-door collection fee of Rs. 50 from each household. ITC uses the paper or cardboard waste for packaging of FMCG goods.

The GHMC’s ensuring that garbage collectors are given the whole amount collected from households, which is a great step towards ensuring fair and deserving payment for their work. Each worker is allotted a particular number of households in Rajendranagar and is responsible for collecting waste from them daily. The monthly fee paid by these households is collected by the garbage collectors and retained by them. In addition to that, these workers sell a part of their daily waste to ITC which pays them in exchange. On an average, a worker can earn anywhere between Rs. 20,000 to Rs. 30,000 per month by selling waste to ITC.

To ensure that absolutely nothing goes to waste in Rajendranagar, the civic officials have also began an initiative named ‘Wall of Kindness.’ Instead of disposing old clothes, books, footwear or any other items of domestic use, the GHMC has requested people to deposit them at the ‘Wall of Kindness.’ Those who cannot afford to buy clothes and similar essentials can pick them up from the wall. The initiative has been taken under the ‘Swachh Rajendranagar’ campaign to ensure that the needy people in the area are not deprived of essentials. Till now, two such walls have been put up in Rajendranagar, and the civic body has also put up sheds to ensure that rain doesn’t dampen the kindness displayed by people. The civic body also plans to put up three more such walls in the area.

The Wall of Kindness is an example of the circle’s humane side
Rajendranagar’s commitment to tackle waste has seen success because of how the division has been proactive in ensuring that waste is segregated at source and tackled on a daily basis, whether by selling to a third party or by sending the waste to recycling plants. The ‘Wall of Kindness’ initiative shows a more humane side of GHMC towards making Rajendranagar a part of the city where nothing goes to waste, literally.
People who are wondering how waste is segregated, The GHMC has given every house two Buckets, the woman in picture is showing its color coded, Green bucket is for bio degradable,wet,perishable waste and Blue for non Bio degradable waste.
The color coding is so easy even a lay man will know where to put the waste into which bucket and prevent an unnecessary headache for Waste collectors to sort out and segregate waste products.
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Akbar ordered a general massacre of 30,000 Rajputs after he captured Chithorgarh in 1568. The Bahamani Sultans had an annual agenda of killing a minimum of 100,000 Hindus every year.( 100k Hindus every year killed 1lakh x 1000 years= 100,000,000 during peace time rule of your Muslim kings)

Wow! Thats some freaky maths right here!
Bahamani Sultanate existed from (1347 - 1527) for 180 year! And you are taking that as 1000 years! Wonderful! I do not even need to dispute 100K figure you are claiming.

You mentioned you are a 'insider' in Indian Medical field. I hope you are not anyone's doctor!


Bahmani Sultanate 1347 to 1527 - Google Search

And for the last time, there are not 'MY' Muslim rulers. They are some Muslim rulers.
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As a keen student of history, I would like to know the data which lead to above conclusion. Please don't confuse me being biased towards anyone but out of my own curiosity, wanted to know more about it.

War, Violence, Terrorism, and Our Present World

Bengal Famine of 1760s-70 claimed about 10 Million lives. Amritya Sen commented on this sometimes back as how the feudal system and taxation put in place by British East India Company was responsible for it. If you need more information on it, I can dig it up for you. Otherwise its an easy google search.

And then there was Bengal Famine of 1940s which claimed about 2 million lives.

Bengal Tiger and British Lion

The worse part is that Bengal was a very prosperous place before British ravaged it. It had never suffered famines like this in past ie before 1760s.
As a keen student of history, I would like to know the data which lead to above conclusion. Please don't confuse me being biased towards anyone but out of my own curiosity, wanted to know more about it.

Please remind me about this after Wednesday. Good question, since you asked for a detailed analysis of the quantification.
Wow! Thats some freaky maths right here!
Bahamani Sultanate existed from (1347 - 1527) for 180 year! And you are taking that as 1000 years! Wonderful! I do not even need to dispute 100K figure you are claiming.

You mentioned you are a 'insider' in Indian Medical field. I hope you are not anyone's doctor!


Bahmani Sultanate 1347 to 1527 - Google Search

And for the last time, there are not 'MY' Muslim rulers. They are some Muslim rulers.
Did you look at the article i posted it goes into detail of the massacres and you want to be a Apologist for Genocidal Muslims, proves the fact, there are no moderates in your kind.
That is a general rule of thumb agreed for the massacre of Hindus by your Muslims not only Bahmani sultants, but all Muslim rulers were like that, infact your kind did even worse during Partition, The figures are much higher, your kind goes into a euphoric glee recording in meticulous detail the killing of Kafirs,Hindus or any other who is a non-Muslim, Yazidis were the latest addition to your genocidal ways in 21st century.

GB Majumdar who was once IG in West Bengal Police was eye witness to Calcutta Killings of 1946. Here is what he saw-Hindu girls were mutilated and hanged like butchered animals. Work of Muslim League
GB Majumdar who was once IG in West Bengal Police was eye witness to Calcutta Killings of 1946...jpg

Try to cover up your ancestors crimes, you will pay the price for it eventually, and you have the gall to talk to Hindus as if you are a epitome of morality? when you should be begging for forgiveness from Hindus.

What has me being a Doctor got to do with anything about your Islamic Genocide of Kafirs,

Wow, i hope you are not someones employee, Might turn out to be another San Bernadino again.
Facts speak for itself, your kind has problems with everyone all around the world,that is the reason Peaceful Buddhists in Myanmar are fed up of your Jihad and giving it back good to you.
US President Donald Trump wants to ban Muslim immigration from 9 Islamic countries for a reason.

If they are not your rulers, then why do you refuse to apologize , ask
for forgiveness for the genocide of Hindus done by your kind? Why do you stake claim on our temples or our temple land or for that matter our land , Bharat.

Its easy to disassociate, it is a clever way out your kind practises, its called, " No true Scotsman fallacy".
You disown people who are Muslims and say they are not Muslims and Islam doesn't do this etc. When infact the disowned Muslims were following the commands of Koran as ordained to follow. Please do tell who is a real Muslim, LOL
You think this will fool people about your agenda?
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This is Ankit Saxena
whose throat was slit by Muslim family for loving a Muslim girl.

See how Secular he was in real life, a real secular paid with his life for Sickularism, this is what happens to Secular Hindus in real life.
That is why i say Secularism, brings only death and misery to Hindus. There are no benefits for Hindus to be Secular, better be a staunch Hindu and live .

This Islamo-fascism against #Hindu women in #Pakistan, only idiotic and farcical liberals, wil...jpg
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Did you look at the article i posted it goes into detail of the massacres and you want to be a Apologist for Genocidal Muslims, proves the fact, there are no moderates in your kind.
That is a general rule of thumb agreed for the massacre of Hindus by your Muslims not only Bahmani sultants, but all Muslim rulers were like that, infact your kind did even worse during Partition, The figures are much higher, your kind goes into a euphoric glee recording in meticulous detail the killing of Kafirs,Hindus or any other who is a non-Muslim, Yazidis were the latest addition to your genocidal ways in 21st century.

GB Majumdar who was once IG in West Bengal Police was eye witness to Calcutta Killings of 1946. Here is what he saw-Hindu girls were mutilated and hanged like butchered animals. Work of Muslim League
View attachment 1709
Try to cover up your ancestors crimes, you will pay the price for it eventually, and you have the gall to talk to Hindus as if you are a epitome of morality? when you should be begging for forgiveness from Hindus.

What has me being a Doctor got to do with anything about your Islamic Genocide of Kafirs,

Wow, i hope you are not someones employee, Might turn out to be another San Bernadino again.
Facts speak for itself, your kind has problems with everyone all around the world,that is the reason Peaceful Buddhists in Myanmar are fed up of your Jihad and giving it back good to you.
US President Donald Trump wants to ban Muslim immigration from 9 Islamic countries for a reason.

If they are not your rulers, then why do you refuse to apologize , ask
for forgiveness for the genocide of Hindus done by your kind? Why do you stake claim on our temples or our temple land or for that matter our land , Bharat.

Its easy to disassociate, it is a clever way out your kind practises, its called, " No true Scotsman fallacy".
You disown people who are Muslims and say they are not Muslims and Islam doesn't do this etc. When infact the disowned Muslims were following the commands of Koran as ordained to follow. Please do tell who is a real Muslim, LOL
You think this will fool people about your agenda?
Cut all the crap and defend the claim that Muslims rules killed 100 million Hindus based on that 1 Lakh per year x 1000 years? Are you aware how much population and area was under Muslim rules for how long during those 1000 years? Such stupidly simplistic claims expose you as a charlatan.

I will love to see your sources for those claims. You know real sources not sound bites.
This is Ankit Saxena
whose throat was slit by Muslim family for loving a Muslim girl. View attachment 1710View attachment 1711
See how Secular he was in real life, a real secular paid with his life for Sickularism, this is what happens to Secular Hindus in real life.
That is why i say Secularism, brings only death and misery to Hindus. There are no benefits for Hindus to be Secular, better be a staunch Hindu and live .

View attachment 1712
What does this has to do with your claim of 100 million Hindus killed by Muslim rulers. Stick to that and stop this stupid whataboutry.
Cut all the crap and defend the claim that Muslims rules killed 100 million Hindus based on that 1 Lakh per year x 1000 years? Are you aware how much population and area was under Muslim rules for how long during those 1000 years? Such stupidly simplistic claims expose you as a charlatan.

I will love to see your sources for those claims. You know real sources not sound bites.
Ohh.... why cut all the crap? feel disgusted by your kinds genocidal ways? Facts are facts T
The Sources are mentioned with glee by your muslim rulers in their autobiographies and recorded by other historians from other religions.
Do ask the sikhs, Do read the article i posted was from a sikh website.
Ohh.... why cut all the crap? feel disgusted by your kinds genocidal ways? Facts are facts T
The Sources are mentioned with glee by your muslim rulers in their autobiographies and recorded by other historians from other religions.
Do ask the sikhs, Do read the article i posted was from a sikh website.
I repeat. What is your source for your claim that Muslim rulers killed 100 million Hindus in 1000 years of rule? If you have none, then buzz-off.
What does this has to do with your claim of 100 million Hindus killed by Muslim rulers. Stick to that and stop this stupid whataboutry.
Why are you having colic pains? if i intend to post a message about the lunacy of Secularism and why Hindus get only death and misery under it and no benefits, why does it bother you? That is not whataboutery. It is called showing real facts in real world which you want them brushed under carpet so you can claim to be a saint and peaceful.
I repeat. What is your source for your claim that Muslim rulers killed 100 million Hindus in 1000 years of rule? If you have none, then buzz-off.
LOL, Go read your Islamic rulers Autobiographies like Tuzk-e-Timuri , Aurangazeb,babur,ghazni, Tipu Sultan etc. or the fact your Islamic court poets recorded it with glee, the genocides. Ask for forgiveness and repent before Hindus for Genocide or else buzz off.
LOL, Go read your Islamic rulers Autobiographies like Tuzk-e-Timuri , Aurangazeb,babur,ghazni, Tipu Sultan etc. or the fact your Islamic court poets recorded it with glee, the genocides
I guess you have no facts on your side, so please spare any moral high-ground -- which you have none as well because no moral high-ground can be built on foundation of lies.

As far as Secular framework or rather I will say diverse and mixed society in India goes: I have given you enough evidence of what likes of Tata did for India since way back before independence. If you choose to ignore it, do it at your peril. All the people working for Tata or doing profitable business with them will simply ignore you and your worthless Far-Right-Hindu-Nationalist ideology. History is full of such failed impractical ideologies and this one will find its place as well; in the dustbin of history.
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I guess you have no facts on your side, so please spare any moral high-ground -- which you have none as well because no moral high-ground can be built on foundation of lies.
First ask FOR FORGIVENESS AND REPENT. The sikh gurus were killed by your Muslim rulers , dont tell me they dont have facts on their side.
Read the article oh Terror apologist, they have quoted various sources and authors in that article i posted. Its not my problem if you are selectively blind to Genocide committed by your Islamic rulers. Do read it again.
I state facts i dont need moral ground with people who committed genocide of Hindus.
First ask FOR FORGIVENESS AND REPENT. The sikh gurus were killed by your Muslim rulers , dont tell me they dont have facts on their side.
Read the article oh Terror apologist, they have quoted various sources and authors in that article i posted. Its not my problem if you are selectively blind to Genocide committed by your Islamic rulers. Do read it again.
Let me ask this one thing. What does a person has to do for atrocities committed by a very different bunch of persons quite a while back? Only because they share the same religion? This is pure guilt by association. For most of Indian Muslims, those rulers were not even ancestors because most Muslims in India coverted to Islam sometimes in the history. Heck in Indian subcontinent tradition of caste is still present among Muslims which is absent from rest of the Muslim countries. Put it simply, 'we' are Indian who accepted to become Muslims not Muslim who accepted to be Indians.

BTW, I will love to apply that Doctrine of Apology to Christians as well then. How many British will apologize to Jewish folks because a fellow Christian ordered Jewish genocide in WW2. Its hilariously ridiculous.
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I guess you have no facts on your side, so please spare any moral high-ground -- which you have none as well because no moral high-ground can be built on foundation of lies.

As far as Secular framework or rather I will say diverse and mixed society in India goes: I have given you enough evidence of what likes of Tata did for India since way back before independence. If you choose to ignore it, do it at your peril. All the people working for Tata or doing profitable business with them will simply ignore you and your worthless Far-Right-Hindu-Nationalist ideology. History is full of such failed impractical ideologies and this one will find its place as well; in the dustbin of history.
I have already demolished your argument of TATA, BATA,WIPRO etc. in previous threads, How is it far right if i ask Hindus not to be Secular, You still haven't answered my question.
" Name the benefits Hindus get for being Secular "
Just answer this simple question,
I have already demolished your argument of TATA, BATA,WIPRO etc. in previous threads, How is it far right if i ask Hindus not to be Secular, You still haven't answered my question.
Hindus can choose to be non-secular. India cannot justifiably choose to be non Secular.
Let me ask this one thing. What does a person has to do for atrocities committed by a very different bunch of persons quite a while back? Only because they share the same religion? This is pure guilt by association. For most of Indian Muslims, those rulers were not even ancestors because most Muslims in India coverted to Islam sometimes in the history. Heck in Indian subcontinent tradition of caste is still present among Muslims which is absent from rest of the Muslim countries. Put it simply, 'we' are Indian who accepted to become Muslims not Muslim who accepted to be Indians.

BTW, I will love to apply that doctrine of Apology to Christians as well then. How many British will apologize to Jewish folks because a fellow Christian ordered genocide. Its hilariously ridiculous.
Yes, it is never too late to apologize and ask for forgiveness from Hindus your Ancestors genocided, Germans,Europe,West even today apologize for Holocaust, even though many might not be born in Hitler era. You are simply refusing to even acknowledge that your Muslims killed Hindus.

Err, you wanted to a separate Islamic nation in 1947, 90% voting for Muslim League speaks volumes.
Hindus can choose to be non-secular. India cannot justifiably choose to be non Secular.
You do understand that Bharat is what it is because of Hindus whose Civilization is beyond 10000 years old.
When Muslims will choose to be Muslims , then why should only Hindus be Secular, 'Kya Secularism ka theka Hindus ne liya hai kya, poora desh ka'
You cannot ask Hindus to be this or that, Partition settled that matter once and for all. British partitioned as per Muslim wish to be a Islamic Pakistan and a Hindu India.
80% Can choose to be whatever they want. It is called Self-determination, you used that clause to forge Pakistan for just 21% Population. Don't say what Hindus can do or cannot in their homeland.