News Indians Are Worse Off Under Modi

Now you say that Commie is a bad word? Imagine those jokers being part of the govt for 10 years !!!

That will tell you why I think Congress is a bad word - except when it comes to being an alternative to the RSS+BJP.
So you are commie or a congressi? or its commie + congressie..
Why is RSS involved in this? It is not a political party? Not all BJP guys are from RSS and not all RSS people are BJP leaders.

Why should I be either? What sort of understanding of political science do you have, to think in the categories that you do?

As for the RSS, it interferes in every way with the BJP; for all practical purposes, the government consists of lackeys of the RSS.
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You are the poster child of believing in belief. Your issue here is that you not only believe that minorities have not contributed much to India and have no benefit to offer to Hindu majority. It is actually belief in belief. It is much similar to how people believe in superstition even though you show them it is incorrect. Such thinking is impervious to all facts, because it does not need any facts. Its merely something you hold close to your heart mostly for no reasons.
you are the only one who thinks Hindus, country are run by Minorities. You talk the same nonsense British said, If we leave you wouldn't be able to govern yourselves. As if islamic invasions did a favor for Hindus. This is same like British saying we gave your Railways etc. There ware many countries which developed well without a invasion. i am the poster child? The Majority of Hindus feel what i feel. Secularism give us nothing but death and misery ,persecution in our own land by Abrahamic invaders.
Nope What Minorities contribute is riots, bigotry, religious persecution of Hindus in their own land. Love Jihad etc
The minorities are well below the tax payers bracket and they pay nothing, instead they ask for more freebies , subsidies etc. When our temple money/ funds are used to build Minority Institutions. After 1000 year rule, the Minorities want sympathy and freebies from our tax and cash, Why? Why should we pay for it?

It is a fact 1000 years of Invasions .Abrahamics committed Genocide of Hindus, you want us to forget all of it and be merry with you? You wont even say sorry for your Ancestors crimes, but mock us our way of life, religion, culture, customs and even occupy our temple lands and talk as if you did us a favor by occupying our Temple land. What a cruel joke.
Our memory is still fresh from Partition and the daily riots , Love Jihad your fellows do. Why should we placate you, did you do us a favor?by staying back after rioting for a separate Islamic country. You killed, raped, converted and made Hindus run back to India as refugees, why shouldn't we treat you the same way as you treat your Minorities?
We get no incentives for keeping you back, you are free to go anytime, since it was your dream land and you asked for it, we gave it, Now don't ask for the only land we have left to be Secular to Accomodate your lot. You got 55 Countries Islamic, why do you want only Hindus to be Secular in their only homeland left? Why so you could Persecute and wipe us all out using Secularism as a facade for your activities?

There are Millions of Hindus who want our land to be Hindu Rasthra and Secularism thrown out. That time is approaching.....

I ask again ' List me the benefits, Hindus get by being Secular'?
you got no direct answer for my questions, you merely beat around the bush dodge the question by using Conjectures.
Hindus pay taxes and run this country, it would be a bloody joke if you say 80% are run by 15% Non- tax paying, below income tax bracket, subsidy,quota, reservation seeking Minority.:LOL:
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HINDUISM itself terms secularism Else we would not have worked and lived together with so many different religions
When the Parsees came to india were there any riots? Rather they were welcomed and accepted part of our society.
And here we are looking at religion of peace. Parsees were not submissive to say, but they maintained an excellent ideal. They practiced their religion privately, built their fire temple, celebrated their festivals. The respected the other religions (Hinduism) and were respected in return,
The Parsees did not come to india to expand their religion but to preserve it, How many parsees in Pakistan?

Hinduism adjusts to other religions so that they can co-exist with harmony, but when other religions try to provoke us by doing something contrary to our beliefs we are supposed to keep quiet in name of Secularism???

Hindusm is secularism, and to ask more of it is stupidity, rather the previous congress govts have been asking the majority to be silent and submissive and nothing can be worse than statement of the puppet MMS when he said ".. the muslims have first right on our national resources ..." Honestly I have no clue where MMS got it out from, surely his mouth was not moving ..

Secularism is a word of West, ours is different its called Dharma, there is no word,meaning in western context for the word 'DHARMA'.

It is time we got rid of the Western brackets we put on ourselves and reclaimed the destiny, soul of Bharat from these so called Abrahamics, who cannot live with others , or bear to see others doing well.

This video clearly describes what Chanakya had foreseen,with the advent of Foreign Religions alien to Bharat would do to it.
And every word is coming true, these so called token Secularists will die soon or wilt away in future wars that will happen as Demographic change happens,Kashmir, Assam, West Bengal,Kerala are live examples of what was predicted by Chanakya and what these human rights, Token Secularists will do. They all will come running to the so called 'Communal, Kattar Hindus' to seek refuge and say you were right all along in future conflicts, if they manage to live from the swords of so called Secular Minorities and not be converted or worse killed.

23 year old Ankit Saxena was a law abiding citizen with great potential in his photography career and was ambitions just like any young man should be.
He was stabbed in his neck multiple times in broad daylight in Delhi. His only crime- he fell in love with a Muslim girl in his neighbourhood and asked her family for her hand for marriage. The girl too was in love with him.
The girl's family was against this because Ankit was a Hindu. They murdered him in cold blood and when Ankit's mother reached the spot, they beat her as well.

While the murderers were running away the passers-by caught one of them and thrashed him till the police arrived. But Ankit is gone for good. He died in his mother's lap.
Another victim of Islamic bigotry- an abomination which is hidden by the liberals as it serves their agenda. So understandably, there will not be a whimper from the intolerance brigade, no one will mourn his loss on their message to people. Because he was a Hindu and it doesn't seem that
23 year old Ankit Saxena was a law abiding citizen with great potential in his photography car...jpg

Saw this news a day ago...the media very cleverly hid their respective religions...just called it an honour killing.... Are you naive to the war and coverup unleashed against Hindus in the garb of Secularism.

You ignore the signs and symptoms it will spread to a point it becomes cancer and too late to save. Watch and heed the warnings, from History.
'Prevention is better than cure'
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You can add more, Shapoorji Pallonji, Bombay Dyeing,

BTW, Bajaj is not Parsi company but Marwari, Jamnalal Bajaj was the founder, Birlas are Marwaris too .
Most Parsis, we collaborators with Islamic kings, Since they were Persian these Islamic Invaders let them take jobs as Administrators. How else would a Invader from Persia exercise Administrative control on Majority population of Hindus, if it wasn't for the Persians refugees, who were well versed in local language and society.

When the British, came the Parsis benefited from Opium trade, why do you think they got so rich under British rule, While Hindus were squeezed for tax and resources.
The British considered them outsiders to India, the same way British were to Hindus. So they put Parsis in the same bracket as themselves provided they would work for British.
Tata steel location was envisioned by Swami Vivekananda whom JRD Tata approached seeking his advise on the correct location to start a factory.It was the vision that Swami Vivekananda saw and told him about the Iron deposits to start TATA steel factory.
We tolerated all this, because that group behaved well, kept their religion to themselves, didn't want to clash or convert us.

That is not the case for the Middle Eastern cults.
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you are the only one who thinks Hindus, country are run by Minorities
Wrong I never thought that! Quite the contrary actually. I only claimed that minorities like Parsis have made disproportionate contribution to the country as compared to their size.

You talk the same nonsense British said, If we leave you wouldn't be able to govern yourselves.
I think by 'we' you meant non-Hindu minorities, isn't it? its apple and oranges here. British were a imperialistic rulers looting the country. Minorities have been living in the country contributing to its growth for quite sometime now. This is a straw-man argument and will-fully wrong comparison. Only one talking non-sense is you.

Secularism give us nothing but death and misery ,persecution in our own land by Abrahamic invaders.
Nope What Minorities contribute is riots, bigotry, religious persecution of Hindus in their own land. Love Jihad etc
Tell me, how is it possible for total minority of 20% to actually persecute 80% of majority in a democracy? Thats some crazy talk already! Not only this, majority of Indian parliament is Hindu. Majority of defence forces is Hindu. Majority of police forces is Hindu. Majority of lawyers and judges are Hindu. Heck with-in India, minority bashing is not even a big social taboo like west!

I think you are barking at the wrong tree. Riots etc are signs of a very different issue. A issue of dysfunctional law and order and absolutely no civil responsibility among citizens. Even if you take minorities out of equation, you will still have riots. Do not believe me? Well, look at riots in Karnataka just last year due to river water issue with Tamil Nadu. And before that in Maharashtra between Marathi Manoos and outsiders. And just now Rajputs vs rest of India. There was no religious angle to these. It was a regional or caste dispute. I guess you don't understand the issue at hand. In India, people till date do not understand the concept of peaceful dissent and protest. Also, they are easily mobilized by political class for non-sense reasons like regionalism and language and religion too. This is the real cause for riots. Religion based riots are simply an effect of this. But then may be I expect too much from someone like you.

Love Jihad? WTF? I never understand this. All of those interfaith marriages were between willing adults. Who the hell you are to decide who should marry whom? And heck its not just you, who the hell anyone to decide who should marry whom?
Wrong I never thought that! Quite the contrary actually. I only claimed that minorities like Parsis have made disproportionate contribution to the country as compared to their size.

I think by 'we' you meant non-Hindu minorities, isn't it? its apple and oranges here. British were a imperialistic rulers looting the country. Minorities have been living in the country contributing to its growth for quite sometime now. This is a straw-man argument and will-fully wrong comparison. Only one talking non-sense is you.

Tell me, how is it possible for total minority of 20% to actually persecute 80% of majority in a democracy? Thats some crazy talk already! Not only this, majority of Indian parliament is Hindu. Majority of defence forces is Hindu. Majority of police forces is Hindu. Majority of lawyers and judges are Hindu. Heck with-in India, minority bashing is not even a big social taboo like west!

I think you are barking at the wrong tree. Riots etc are signs of a very different issue. A issue of dysfunctional law and order and absolutely no civil responsibility among citizens. Even if you take minorities out of equation, you will still have riots. Do not believe me? Well, look at riots in Karnataka just last year due to river water issue with Tamil Nadu. And before that in Maharashtra between Marathi Manoos and outsiders. And just now Rajputs vs rest of India. There was no religious angle to these. It was a regional or caste dispute. I guess you don't understand the issue at hand. In India, people till date do not understand the concept of peaceful dissent and protest. Also, they are easily mobilized by political class for non-sense reasons like regionalism and language and religion too. This is the real cause for riots. Religion based riots are simply an effect of this. But then may be I expect too much from someone like you.

Love Jihad? WTF? I never understand this. All of those interfaith marriages were between willing adults. Who the hell you are to decide who should marry whom? And heck its not just you, who the hell anyone to decide who should marry whom?
He already stated it that it hurts him deeply when a Hindu lady chooses a Muslim as a husband. Incredible mindset
Tell that to your mullahs i already posted a pic of love jihad by your kind killing a Hindu boy. What a bunch of jokers. Your koran says different. Do you want me to quote it and your nefarious ideas about kafirs. Offer your daughter in marriage to a kafir then talk this BS Talk you talk. Otherwise, its just pure BS that muslims talk and do different things in reality.

Good morning Aravind
Firstly i dont have any mullahs.

Secondly i find that you are a one trick pony and plan on blaming me for the actions of every retard out their. Why are you insinuating "by your kind"? Do you think in your tiny mind i would sanction a death of a Hindu boy? Are you full retard? Do you want a forum polluted of what Muslims did to Hindus and what Hindus did to Muslims? - Perhaps you are on the wrong forum.

Thirdly - look at the title - and then look at the turd you posting. Be a good boy and at least stick to the topic and discuss Modi and whether Indians are worse or better off.

Now back on topic - Sitting here 1000s of miles away - i can say Modi has been better than previous but has a long way to go. India is an enormous ship and to turn it obviously will take time
I understand why you think its absurd. But, I never asked you guys to become Muslims, did I ?, I said among 100 crore Hindus we have to find smart volunteers. If Islam can find volunteers to become a Fidayeen(suicide squad), why can't we find volunteer Hindus to do what I said. There are many who are willing to die for Ram Mandir and will die if things go as they are proceeding. eg Chandan Gupta...

If you have seen some debates, you will find that most of kazis and mullahs of Muslims are not very smart. And Muslims are very economically deprived. When a smart Hindu becomes a Muslim, he will rise to the top and become a leader. Then he will find his own sect, as his sect is closer to Hinduism. His sect and other Hindus will mingle(trade), so they will get more prosperous, and more Muslims will join his sect. Soon his sect will marginalize the puritanical sects like Salafis, and people of his sect will stop seeing Hindus as Kafirs. They will also easily compromise on Ram Mandir and other issues. Salafis will become voiceless and outnumbered minorities.

Islam's strength is unity. Use its strength against itself. These Volunteers will cross the ideological divide and saffronize Islam with Hinduism like a dye.

This is the most civil(opinion) and least violent way to counter Islamic ideology.

Strength lies not in unrestrained behavior but in well regulated action.
Religion means a creed or a sect, and it does not mean dharma.

Do you know why one change his/her religion on will?

Its not just driven by goodness of "other" religion but clubbed with contempt to his own. When you find yours as fake and untrue and the other as divine truth.

Why would someone once converted would like to promote the "untrue" religion? Ofcourse until he converted for a "purpose"?
He already stated it that it hurts him deeply when a Hindu lady chooses a Muslim as a husband. Incredible mindset

Thats one less option for him, or even worse, one more rejection for him.

I would hate that too if I was unmarried or a Casanova. :ROFLMAO:

On a serious note, in India, @Superkaif you will find increasing rate of hindu girl marrying muslims but not vice versa. That has created a sense of distrust among hindus as they see it either a conspiracy aka love jihad or regressive attitude of overly religious muslims. Resentment comes obvious

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Thats one less option for him, or even worse, one more rejection for him.

I would hate that too if I was unmarried or a Casanova. :ROFLMAO:

On a serious note, in India, @Superkaif you will find increasing rate of hindu girl marrying muslims but not vive versa. That has created a sense of distrust among hindus as they see it either a conspiracy aka love jihad or regressive attitude of overlu religious muslims. Resentment comes obvious


I dont see why it should break his heart. :rolleyes:

On a serious note one can only be responsible for ones personal behaviour and attitude but not be an apologist for those that do wrong in society. As you are aware - i cant tolerate blood shed - be in Muslim or Hindu. I cant change the actions of scum Muslims that use religion to misguide and violate others - what i can do is speak out against this shity minority poisoning my religion.

I live in a society which i am a minority yet am able to live in relative peace. I find it incredible the hate that this chap has for me - when he hasnt met or even know me. You cant treat everyone the same just because he or she has a specific religious belief. Very naive if you ask me.

Every thread he ventures onto becomes a Muslim v Hindu adventure - for example look at this one.

Do we really want to go down the road of abusing and disrespecting - until we become a reverse of that shit PeeDF?
I dont see why it should break his heart. :rolleyes:

On a serious note one can only be responsible for ones personal behaviour and attitude but not be an apologist for those that do wrong in society. As you are aware - i cant tolerate blood shed - be in Muslim or Hindu. I cant change the actions of scum Muslims that use religion to misguide and violate others - what i can do is speak out against this shity minority poisoning my religion.

I live in a society which i am a minority yet am able to live in relative peace. I find it incredible the hate that this chap has for me - when he hasnt met or even know me. You cant treat everyone the same just because he or she has a specific religious belief. Very naive if you ask me.

Every thread he ventures onto becomes a Muslim v Hindu adventure - for example look at this one.

Do we really want to go down the road of abusing and disrespecting - until we become a reverse of that shit PeeDF?

He perhaps hate/annoyed with a nationality and a community, for all the reason he find justifiable, and unfortunately fail to distinguish people to people. We can not paint everyone with a single brush. Generalizing has been the trait and not many can overcome.

Perhaps you can do a lot to break the image he might have in his mind about "YOU PEOPLE". We strive for it.
Thats one less option for him, or even worse, one more rejection for him.

I would hate that too if I was unmarried or a Casanova. :ROFLMAO:

On a serious note, in India, @Superkaif you will find increasing rate of hindu girl marrying muslims but not vice versa. That has created a sense of distrust among hindus as they see it either a conspiracy aka love jihad or regressive attitude of overly religious muslims. Resentment comes obvious

Love Jihad was first mentioned by Catholic Church of Kerala ,it became a case in Kerala High court.
If you want to find the origins go to UK where Sikh ,Hindu girls were targeted by Muslim youth for Love Jihad and conversion.
Love Jihad: Sikh Parents' Fear of Their Children Dating Muslims
Love Jihad: Sikh Parents' Fear of Their Children Dating Muslims
'Love jihad': UK Sikh girls' exploitation worries Takht
'Love jihad': UK Sikh girls' exploitation worries Takht
love jihad.jpg

Helpline to save Kerala Christians from 'love jihad', and a BJP Minority Morcha man’s behind it
The BJP and the Church find common ground on ‘Love Jihad’ in Kerala

Church warns of 'Love Jihad' in Kerala
Church warns of 'Love Jihad' in Kerala

They have started targeting even Buddhists of Ladakh now.
Ladakh tense over Muslim-Buddhist ‘love jihad’ marriage - Times of India
Ladakh tense over Muslim-Buddhist ‘love jihad’ marriage

So you mean to say That Muslims are some super humans that all women are waiting in line for them? When parents of the girls are complaining about 'Love Jihad' you mock them? by laughing about 'Love Jihad'.

Get Real, if Many Religions, world over are complaining about Muslims Indulging in ' Love Jihad' then there is a reason for it.

You might say ISIS does not exist to sound politically correct, but burying your head in sand doesn't make ISIS go away does it?
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Who knows you might be a mullah yourself.

I held the mirror to you about your kind ,not blaming you.
Your people regularly kill, kidnap and rape Hindu women in Pakistan , even your Judiciary supports such acts by supporting forceful conversions like Rinkle Kumari etc. Many Hindus seek refuge because of such persecution. All this moral lessons are a bit rich isn't it?

So you want us to forget your Ancestors crimes and let your preset generation act like nothing happened and continue to persecute future Hindus?

I replied to another poster who was talking big about Secularism, Hindus get no benefits by being Secular, why do you have a colic pain if i state the truth. No one gave me a direct answer why should Hindus carry burdens of others.

Modi is better in all ways Period.

F.Y.I - He's a British citizen of Pakistani origins.
Wrong I never thought that! Quite the contrary actually. I only claimed that minorities like Parsis have made disproportionate contribution to the country as compared to their size.

I think by 'we' you meant non-Hindu minorities, isn't it? its apple and oranges here. British were a imperialistic rulers looting the country. Minorities have been living in the country contributing to its growth for quite sometime now. This is a straw-man argument and will-fully wrong comparison. Only one talking non-sense is you.

Tell me, how is it possible for total minority of 20% to actually persecute 80% of majority in a democracy? Thats some crazy talk already! Not only this, majority of Indian parliament is Hindu. Majority of defence forces is Hindu. Majority of police forces is Hindu. Majority of lawyers and judges are Hindu. Heck with-in India, minority bashing is not even a big social taboo like west!

I think you are barking at the wrong tree. Riots etc are signs of a very different issue. A issue of dysfunctional law and order and absolutely no civil responsibility among citizens. Even if you take minorities out of equation, you will still have riots. Do not believe me? Well, look at riots in Karnataka just last year due to river water issue with Tamil Nadu. And before that in Maharashtra between Marathi Manoos and outsiders. And just now Rajputs vs rest of India. There was no religious angle to these. It was a regional or caste dispute. I guess you don't understand the issue at hand. In India, people till date do not understand the concept of peaceful dissent and protest. Also, they are easily mobilized by political class for non-sense reasons like regionalism and language and religion too. This is the real cause for riots. Religion based riots are simply an effect of this. But then may be I expect too much from someone like you.

Love Jihad? WTF? I never understand this. All of those interfaith marriages were between willing adults. Who the hell you are to decide who should marry whom? And heck its not just you, who the hell anyone to decide who should marry whom?

Yes, i was specific about You i meant , Those who couldn't live with Kafir Hindus and wanted Pakistan.
If British were imperialistic rules looting our country, what were your Muslim rulers and Muslims doing then? if not killing ,looting Hindus in the name of Islam.
Atleast, British didn't have that Zeal to convert or kill like your Muslims rulers did. For that i give them a point.

I just replied to your lame argument about India will be backward by 40-50 years if Minorities left.
Hindus run the country, not Minorities, or parsis, you want to club Parsis, buddhists into your club to feel secure, Nice try. I also said if even Parsis left today we wont feel a thing, if Hindus could make TATA or WIPRO rich then they could easily replace them with others in a short notice, from a pool of 1 Billion strong there would be many to replace their place.

Most riots are started by Peaceful, go look at any riot.
Please dont deflect by quoting Karnataka or, Marathis. More than 90% of Problems would have gone away if Migration during Partition was complete.
Leave it to us to deal with Marathis and Cauvery river issue.

Love Jihad is a fact world over from UK ,EU,PAKISTAN, INDIA and many countries cutting across many religions not just Hindus. I posted some links below read about 'LOVE JIHAD ' for 'your's truly'.

Muslims have a bad habit of 'keeping their women in burkhas and lusting after other religions women'. Tell it to your local Maulvi who are you to decide about your choice, there will be a fatwa issued for your soon.
People see through the Taqiyya done nowadays and courts are taking up this matter. The only reason you go after Kafirs is to convert them and find a place in Jannat for that conversion you are assured a place in Jannat.
This is written your Koran and most Muslims follow it directives religiously to the letter, unless you think they don't follow it.

I once again ask you a direct question, give me a direct answer.
'List the benefits Hindus get for being Secular"
Don't change topic ,answer this first, rest all other replies are delaying , deflecting tactics.
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Then how should he be concerned with our domestic issues that you seem to be bringing to his notice .
Since he chipped in to give some Secular pep talk and support his friend.;) i held the mirror of Minorities in Pakistan and the refuges coming to seek asylum in India from religious persecution. He seemed to give a picture that 'That people from his grouping don't mind if their daughter/women get married to other religions. He was astonished at such mindset '
Well,that mindset is what people learnt it from them after observing for a long time.
F.Y.I - He's a British citizen of Pakistani origins.
Mother and father were born in what was India at the time and what is called Pakistan today. Indeed I was born in the UK. Having an opinion or disagreeing with him seems grounds to throw abuse. Frankly maybe 5 years ago I’d give him back with interest but what does that achieve? Anyway time for a sabbatical - ?