News Indians Are Worse Off Under Modi

I'm willing to pay Rs. 1000/- if any one of the members here explains in lucid English what the flying *censored* does the post I've quoted have to do with the OP.

I offer this reward in all seriousness and sincerity , since I've seen posts ( including mine ) deleted for being off topic sometimes resulting in pre warnings among other infractions. Kindly note that I'm not venturing into the tricky terrain of posts being deleted for being offensive to any one religion or ideology or even personal abuse or for that matter trolling .

While I'm on it , let me also extend and double my offer to the moderators here . That's right - Rs 2000/- to any of the moderators who can explain how does this member regularly posts off topic comments , makes ridiculous suggestions , mix up religion , politics , economics , social issues into one big dysentry inducing bhelpuri , quotes questionable sources ( including the OP which happens to be taken from the comments section of an article . If this is permissible , can I post transcripts / videos of my club sessions post 9 PM on weekends where my group sits down to fulminate on world peace , bowel movements , how circumcision results in better intercourse , single malt whisky , voluptuous females , schoolboy jokes and pranks and finally how consumption of mooli ke parathe at night results in gas , apart from the usual discourse on secularism , state of the Indian economy , national optics sorry politics , MSM , Indo Pak relations , the rise of China , Trump , Indian manufacturing , agriculture , etc . Believe me it would be a much more informative , enlightening and entertaining session than this member's brain dead excrement we're being subjected to ) which in any respectable forum would either be deleted or be thread locked .

Now this is my hard earned money we're taking about and I'm dead serious . All one has to do is offer a short & satisfactory explanation nay justification for the contextualization of this post to the OP ( open to both moderators and the general members ) followed by a vote and I effect an electronic transfer of the said amount . Details can be discussed through PM or mail followed by an acknowledgement on this forum by the lucky winner confirming receipt of said amount , so as to affirm my bonafides.

Come on , guys . Make an attempt. At the most , all you'd lose is a few moments typing a few words and believe me however bad your justifications are , it can't be worse than the member's shit we're having to endure. Believe me , you're definitely better than that .

@Ashwin ; @nair ; @Aashish ; @Levina ; @Avi and the other members of Team Stratfront as well as the Admin / Mod team .

Because he is by default secular, so he is allowed to divide, troll, insult, belittle hindus, ask them to convert, ridicule their beliefs, promote casteism for votes, whitewash the 90% congress rule and blame Modi for everything, fake history, support naxalism, separatism, terrorism as long as it has an anti hindu angle in India.

You owe me 1000 rupees. In lieu you may post those transcripts on voluptuous females and single malts.
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Indians Are Worse Off Under Modi

This is simply the propaganda of the defeated clan of THIEVES who are amplifying their frustrations in the form of a larger population opinion.
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Why? when we can do it simpler by War
Yes, I plan to wage a war, to bring peace to this world. My ideology is peace, I pledge myself to peace, then act based on that conviction. Loss of conviction is the end. By abandoning my conviction over time, I will end up just serving.

Your conviction has become warped, you only think of self-preservation.

I will raise my forces, and entrust them with my conviction.
Yes, I plan to wage a war, to bring peace to this world. My ideology is peace, I pledge myself to peace, then act based on that conviction. Loss of conviction is the end. By abandoning my conviction over time, I will end up just serving.

Your conviction has become warped, you only think of self-preservation.

I will raise my forces, and entrust them with my conviction.
Self preservation and continuation of lineage is the prime goals of every species.
'Sa Vis Pacem,Parabellum" (If you want peace, prepare for War)
Yes, I plan to wage a war, to bring peace to this world. My ideology is peace, I pledge myself to peace, then act based on that conviction. Loss of conviction is the end. By abandoning my conviction over time, I will end up just serving.

Your conviction has become warped, you only think of self-preservation.

I will raise my forces, and entrust them with my conviction.

How can you change Pakistani attitude and behaviour

Do you have plan ; Let us know the details
How can you change Pakistani attitude and behaviour

Do you have plan ; Let us know the details
Yes I have a plan, but it might need some polish.

Foreign policy of a country is actually the attitude and behavior of its majority population. (In this case it is us Hindus) (We Hindus as a society will have to learn to be more mature) (We can't go back in time, we have to look forward)

Pakistan's majority religion is Islam, which has a monotheistic nature. While our religion Hinduism has predominant polytheistic nature. Majority of the world religions have monotheistic nature.

In Hinduism, the Vedas have lots of Monotheistic aspect.

Verily He is one
Single, indivisible, supreme reality.
- Atharva Veda 13/4/20

He is the sole sovereign
Of the universe.
- Rig Veda 6/36/4

God has no image.
- Yajur Veda 32/3

If Hindu society is given incentive to gravitate towards higher forms of worship, Then Hindu society is actually giving positive incentive(enticement) to others(monotheistic cultures, which exhibit a genuine aversion to polytheistic nature), then people of other monotheistic religion will slowly gravitate towards us Hindus(return). This is just like chosing to dress smartly for work, making yourself more likable. The puritanical sects like Salafis will have less reason to complain, and their space will get marginalized, they gain strength by spooking Muslims about us Hindus. They play a role similar to VHP.

Pakistan is fixated on Kashmir, because of religious reasons and river water that originates in Kashmir. Pakistan's majority population and culture is Punjabi, which is agrarian, which holds majority sway over its foreign policy. Pakistan is facing acute water scarcity.

We will have to give some incentives to Pakistan(investment), loosen our hold on Kashmir a little(;))... joint administration. On the condition that it will stop all its subversive activities. Pakistan will open up more towards us, Markets access for investment. (Return)(As a larger country we will have to be more mature and endure a little) Once we capture their markets, and give access to our own markets, its economy will become more dependent on Indian economy. (Be more generous than China). We are actually loosening our hold on Kashmir a little;), to entice whole of Pakistan towards India. Be more generous in water sharing agreements, invest in irrigation projects in Pakistan, teach them drip water irrigation, a huge positive incentive to agrarian Punjabi population. We will get access to Land route to Central Asia, and Iranian Oil and Gas. We can utilize Paskitan to catalyze our growth.

Once Pakistan gets more strategic space, there is a high probability that its relationship with China will start loosening...
Yes I have a plan, but it might need some polish.

Foreign policy of a country is actually the attitude and behavior of its majority population. (In this case it is us Hindus) (We Hindus as a society will have to learn to be more mature) (We can't go back in time, we have to look forward)

Pakistan's majority religion is Islam, which has a monotheistic nature. While our religion Hinduism has predominant polytheistic nature. Majority of the world religions have monotheistic nature.

In Hinduism, the Vedas have lots of Monotheistic aspect.

Verily He is one
Single, indivisible, supreme reality.
- Atharva Veda 13/4/20

He is the sole sovereign
Of the universe.
- Rig Veda 6/36/4

God has no image.
- Yajur Veda 32/3

If Hindu society is given incentive to gravitate towards higher forms of worship, Then Hindu society is actually giving positive incentive(enticement) to others(monotheistic cultures, which exhibit a genuine aversion to polytheistic nature), then people of other monotheistic religion will slowly gravitate towards us Hindus(return). This is just like chosing to dress smartly for work, making yourself more likable. The puritanical sects like Salafis will have less reason to complain, and their space will get marginalized, they gain strength by spooking Muslims about us Hindus. They play a role similar to VHP.

Pakistan is fixated on Kashmir, because of religious reasons and river water that originates in Kashmir. Pakistan's majority population and culture is Punjabi, which is agrarian, which holds majority sway over its foreign policy. Pakistan is facing acute water scarcity.

We will have to give some incentives to Pakistan(investment), loosen our hold on Kashmir a little(;))... joint administration. On the condition that it will stop all its subversive activities. Pakistan will open up more towards us, Markets access for investment. (Return)(As a larger country we will have to be more mature and endure a little) Once we capture their markets, and give access to our own markets, its economy will become more dependent on Indian economy. (Be more generous than China). We are actually loosening our hold on Kashmir a little;), to entice whole of Pakistan towards India. Be more generous in water sharing agreements, invest in irrigation projects in Pakistan, teach them drip water irrigation, a huge positive incentive to agrarian Punjabi population. We will get access to Land route to Central Asia, and Iranian Oil and Gas. We can utilize Paskitan to catalyze our growth.

Once Pakistan gets more strategic space, there is a high probability that its relationship with China will start loosening...

What ever you have written is totally impractical and absurd

Pakistan has always looked at India's attempts for peace and friendship as a sign of weakness

They revel and enjoy in their " Stinging attacks " Such as Mumbai ;Uri ;Pathankot
which are Followed by Nuclear Blackmail

And even in Kashmir ; they firmly believe that they can Overthrow Indian Army and conquer it

I don't know the source of your ideas and theories

Could you please tell your Background

The Man Mohan singh era was the best that we could offer to them
but they assumed it as a sign of weakness by the " Baniya Hindu nation "

And anyway why not look at how they behave towards Afghanistan

They have a very intense desire to dominate Afghanistan
which is another Islamic country

Their Wish regarding India is in one word known as Ghazwa e Hind
@Infowarrior To say that pakistan can help us economically is totally stupid

Do you have any idea about their economy ; how bankrupt they are
Surviving on the mercy of China

And if US was to impose trade and economic sanctions ; like they did with Iran
that would simply collapse their economy

They are of no use to us economically

And secondly your post above is nothing but an Article on
How to appease pakistan in the hope that they would change

Here are some APPEASEMENT quotes said by World leaders in the past

TOP 25 APPEASEMENT QUOTES (of 60) | A-Z Quotes

Today Pakistan Army believes in only thing that is
They can defeat India with China's Help

And even China likes Pakistan for precisely this reason that is to keep India Busy

So matter how much you Bend before Pakistan they will assume that
The Chinese pressure is working and India cannot face China Plus Pakistan

So they will only increase their aggression

The fact is that our Strong reaction on Doklam and LOC has unnerved the Pakistanis

They were hoping that China would attack us in Doklam and that would weaken India

But no such thing happened ; so they were badly disappointed
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Pakistan would change their Behaviour towards India only when China cuts off their Economic support

Which will not happen soon

Instead pakistan and China are planning New adventures in Afghanistan

China sees Pakistan as a useful ally even if they loose their money
they look at it as an investment in Geopolitics

We have no other choice but to make ourself stronger and make alliances to face
Both Ie China and Pakistan
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The "English" name is India
The Muslims call it "HINDUSTAN" The land of Hindus. And for giving you a nice example
When Muslim groups objected to song, Vande Mataram because its supposed to be HINDU Nationalist song, they said they would prefer Saare Jahan se accha" and actually the ending lines of this song is
"HINDI HAI HUM, VATAN HAI, HINDUSTAN HAMARA" So, I think directly or indirectly, its accepted that INDIA is land of hindus, and the other religion like Islam and Christianity came via Invaders and destroyed the truly secular fabric

Honestly its a joke to think that say 10 centuries ago, Muslims invade, destroy out temples, convert people en masse,. Then the british and portuguese invade india in name of Trade, they destroy temples and convert people en masse ..
Now in 21st century peaceniks say,, forget the past and lets be together as secular.,. ok, we dont have an issue with it,
But then how about returning out temples which were destroyed and you built your holy places on them?
As a religion there is no guilt or apology for their forefathers having ravaged india? And now they are worried about the Hindus uniting and they talk of Secular fabric?

This is similar to Kasab and his fellas killing in Mumbai and then when he is beaten in jail, you talk about his HUMAN RIGHTS...

It isn't.

It's an Indian country. Don't bring religion into everything.
The "English" name is India
The Muslims call it "HINDUSTAN" The land of Hindus. And for giving you a nice example
When Muslim groups objected to song, Vande Mataram because its supposed to be HINDU Nationalist song, they said they would prefer Saare Jahan se accha" and actually the ending lines of this song is
"HINDI HAI HUM, VATAN HAI, HINDUSTAN HAMARA" So, I think directly or indirectly, its accepted that INDIA is land of hindus, and the other religion like Islam and Christianity came via Invaders and destroyed the truly secular fabric

Honestly its a joke to think that say 10 centuries ago, Muslims invade, destroy out temples, convert people en masse,. Then the british and portuguese invade india in name of Trade, they destroy temples and convert people en masse ..
Now in 21st century peaceniks say,, forget the past and lets be together as secular.,. ok, we dont have an issue with it,
But then how about returning out temples which were destroyed and you built your holy places on them?
As a religion there is no guilt or apology for their forefathers having ravaged india? And now they are worried about the Hindus uniting and they talk of Secular fabric?

This is similar to Kasab and his fellas killing in Mumbai and then when he is beaten in jail, you talk about his HUMAN RIGHTS...
Here is the problem with this narrative. When India became a modern country in 1947-52, it declared that it is a country in which government will not favor any religion or interfere in any religious activity unless it is against public good. Heck, even in early 1949 drafts of constitution, there is no mention of India being a Hindu nation. Further in 65s or so Indra Gandhi inserted secular socialist into the pre-emble of the constitution.

Now when you harp about Hindu Rashtra, you are doing bait and switch with about 15-20% of your population including Muslims, Skikhs, Christians, Parsees etc. You enticed them with religiously neutral and later secular nation and then you switched it with a Hindu national identity. That is unjust and deceiving.

I think India's relationship with Hinduism is much similar to US relationship with Christianity. Its the religion of majority, it has molded their lingual, cultural and social identity but it is not the law of the land or part of national symbol or national attribute or national identity for that matter. I mean even, as a Sikh or Muslim or Christian, an Indian's language, social outlook, culture, food habits etc are way too close to his or her Hindu counterpart than say a Christian Irish guy/gal or a Muslim Saudi person. This IMHO is what an Indian is. Common identity outside of faith. And this identity is majorly molded by Hindu religion/thought; which is what Hinduism is to Hindustan.
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The "English" name is India
The Muslims call it "HINDUSTAN" The land of Hindus. And for giving you a nice example
When Muslim groups objected to song, Vande Mataram because its supposed to be HINDU Nationalist song, they said they would prefer Saare Jahan se accha" and actually the ending lines of this song is
"HINDI HAI HUM, VATAN HAI, HINDUSTAN HAMARA" So, I think directly or indirectly, its accepted that INDIA is land of hindus, and the other religion like Islam and Christianity came via Invaders and destroyed the truly secular fabric

Unfortunately, you think wrong.
  1. The 'English' name India is in fact not an English name, but a language-specific version of the Persian name for the land AND the people of the Indus and the regions beyond, derived from the river Sindh. Hindu, as a description of a set of belief systems, came in later, and it has nothing, NOTHING, to do with what Hindus themselves call their religion; correctly, it is Sanatan Dharma.
    1. Because of shifts in accent and the transition of sounds from one region and one people to another, Sindh, the pronounced name of the river in Indo-Aryan, became Hind, because the Persians pronounced many words beginning with 'S' as 'H'.
    2. The Greeks, in turn, who were subjects of the Achaemenid Empire long before Alexander, from earlier than 499 BC, and who were present in the eastern reaches of that Empire, were well aware of the Sindh/Hind river/region/people. Their tendency not to pronounce 'H' converted 'Hind' to 'Ind'; precisely, to 'Indike'. And that is how most Europeans call Bharat 'India', or 'Inde', or 'Indien'. It has nothing to do with Hindu.
  2. The Muslim word 'Hindustan' is Hind-o-stan, the land of Hind. Again, remember that our Rustam is, in Persian, Rostam. That might help understand. Even today, the people living in India are generally known as Hindi, nothing to do with the language, Hindi, but everything to do with residents of Hind, whether Hindu, or Muslim, or Christian.
  3. That is also the way the song 'Sare Jahaan Se Achha' got its line Hindi hai hum, and Vatan hai Hindustan hamara.
  4. Neither directly or indirectly, except from those who don't have a clue about the etymology of the word India, does India mean land of Hindus.
  5. As for your claim about secular fabric being destroyed by invading Muslims and Christians, first, what secularism was it when, as you claim, all of 'India' was Hindu? Where is the secularism when everyone belongs to the same religion?
    1. Second, the Christians came to India in the first century AD, and settled peacefully in Kerala. What invasion are you talking about?
    2. Third, the Muslims came to India in the eighth century, again, to Kerala; the second mosque in the world is thought to have been one in Kerala. There are settlements of Muslims on the Konkan coast who are descended from these early Muslim people, and they are peacefully settled there from the eighth and the ninth centuries.
    3. The first violent clash occurred when the Caliphate attacked a kingdom in Sindh, and conquered it. Subsequently from the eleventh century onwards, there were violent Turkish invasions.
It is useful when discussing issues like this to do a little background research, and not just vent ill-digested and ill-understood prejudices as the authentic account.

Honestly its a joke to think that say 10 centuries ago, Muslims invade, destroy out temples, convert people en masse,. Then the british and portuguese invade india in name of Trade, they destroy temples and convert people en masse ..

En masse? 14% Muslims and 2% Christians? Your definition of 'en masse' is interesting.

Now in 21st century peaceniks say,, forget the past and lets be together as secular.,. ok, we dont have an issue with it,
But then how about returning out temples which were destroyed and you built your holy places on them?
As a religion there is no guilt or apology for their forefathers having ravaged india? And now they are worried about the Hindus uniting and they talk of Secular fabric?

Are you aware that the temple at Tirupati was originally a Buddhist temple? Do you propose to return all those as well?

This is similar to Kasab and his fellas killing in Mumbai and then when he is beaten in jail, you talk about his HUMAN RIGHTS...

Why not? Does he stop being human? Is there any contradiction between sentencing him to death and protecting his human rights until then? Or do you want to beat them to death? Why even bother with expensive courts, and trials, and due process?

Please think before you comment, and please do not continue this line of argument until you have got your facts and background on board.
Here is the problem with this narrative. When India became a modern country in 1947-52, it declared that it is a country in which government will not favor any religion or interfere in any religious activity unless it is against public good. Heck, even in early 1949 drafts of constitution, there is no mention of India being a Hindu nation. Further in 65s or so Indra Gandhi inserted secular socialist into the pre-emble of the constitution.

Now when you harp about Hindu Rashtra, you are doing bait and switch with about 15-20% of your population including Muslims, Skikhs, Christians, Parsees etc. You enticed them with religiously neutral and later secular nation and then you switched it with a Hindu national identity. That is unjust and deceiving.

I think India's relationship with Hinduism is much similar to US relationship with Christianity. Its the religion of majority, it has molded their lingual, cultural and social identity but it is not the law of the land or part of national symbol or national attribute or national identity for that matter. I mean even, as a Sikh or Muslim or Christian, an Indian's language, social outlook, culture, food habits etc are way too close to his or her Hindu counterpart than say a Christian Irish guy/gal or a Muslim Saudi person. This IMHO is what an Indian is. Common identity outside of faith. And this identity is majorly molded by Hindu religion/thought; which is what Hinduism is to Hindustan.

I mildly disagree with your line of analysis. His conclusions are dreadfully wrong, but what is more regrettable is that his premises are worse. He goes from mistake and prejudiced, jaundiced misunderstanding to horrible conclusions.
Unfortunately, you think wrong.
  1. The 'English' name India is in fact not an English name, but a language-specific version of the Persian name for the land AND the people of the Indus and the regions beyond, derived from the river Sindh. Hindu, as a description of a set of belief systems, came in later, and it has nothing, NOTHING, to do with what Hindus themselves call their religion; correctly, it is Sanatan Dharma.
    1. Because of shifts in accent and the transition of sounds from one region and one people to another, Sindh, the pronounced name of the river in Indo-Aryan, became Hind, because the Persians pronounced many words beginning with 'S' as 'H'.
    2. The Greeks, in turn, who were subjects of the Achaemenid Empire long before Alexander, from earlier than 499 BC, and who were present in the eastern reaches of that Empire, were well aware of the Sindh/Hind river/region/people. Their tendency not to pronounce 'H' converted 'Hind' to 'Ind'; precisely, to 'Indike'. And that is how most Europeans call Bharat 'India', or 'Inde', or 'Indien'. It has nothing to do with Hindu.
  2. The Muslim word 'Hindustan' is Hind-o-stan, the land of Hind. Again, remember that our Rustam is, in Persian, Rostam. That might help understand. Even today, the people living in India are generally known as Hindi, nothing to do with the language, Hindi, but everything to do with residents of Hind, whether Hindu, or Muslim, or Christian.
  3. That is also the way the song 'Sare Jahaan Se Achha' got its line Hindi hai hum, and Vatan hai Hindustan hamara.
  4. Neither directly or indirectly, except from those who don't have a clue about the etymology of the word India, does India mean land of Hindus.
  5. As for your claim about secular fabric being destroyed by invading Muslims and Christians, first, what secularism was it when, as you claim, all of 'India' was Hindu? Where is the secularism when everyone belongs to the same religion?
    1. Second, the Christians came to India in the first century AD, and settled peacefully in Kerala. What invasion are you talking about?
    2. Third, the Muslims came to India in the eighth century, again, to Kerala; the second mosque in the world is thought to have been one in Kerala. There are settlements of Muslims on the Konkan coast who are descended from these early Muslim people, and they are peacefully settled there from the eighth and the ninth centuries.
    3. The first violent clash occurred when the Caliphate attacked a kingdom in Sindh, and conquered it. Subsequently from the eleventh century onwards, there were violent Turkish invasions.
It is useful when discussing issues like this to do a little background research, and not just vent ill-digested and ill-understood prejudices as the authentic account.

En masse? 14% Muslims and 2% Christians? Your definition of 'en masse' is interesting.

Are you aware that the temple at Tirupati was originally a Buddhist temple? Do you propose to return all those as well?

Why not? Does he stop being human? Is there any contradiction between sentencing him to death and protecting his human rights until then? Or do you want to beat them to death? Why even bother with expensive courts, and trials, and due process?

Please think before you comment, and please do not continue this line of argument until you have got your facts and background on board.

All these Lofty ideas and pompous words cannot Hide the fact that India is facing
A Growing demographic threat due to growing Muslim population

And it is your own Bengal which is First in the firing line

You elderly people will simply die in Five years But we have to live and face this threat

You can AFFORD to be an OSTRICH but we cannot
I'm willing to pay Rs. 1000/- if any one of the members here explains in lucid English what the flying *censored* does the post I've quoted have to do with the OP.

I offer this reward in all seriousness and sincerity , since I've seen posts ( including mine ) deleted for being off topic sometimes resulting in pre warnings among other infractions. Kindly note that I'm not venturing into the tricky terrain of posts being deleted for being offensive to any one religion or ideology or even personal abuse or for that matter trolling .

While I'm on it , let me also extend and double my offer to the moderators here . That's right - Rs 2000/- to any of the moderators who can explain how does this member regularly posts off topic comments , makes ridiculous suggestions , mix up religion , politics , economics , social issues into one big dysentry inducing bhelpuri , quotes questionable sources ( including the OP which happens to be taken from the comments section of an article . If this is permissible , can I post transcripts / videos of my club sessions post 9 PM on weekends where my group sits down to fulminate on world peace , bowel movements , how circumcision results in better intercourse , single malt whisky , voluptuous females , schoolboy jokes and pranks and finally how consumption of mooli ke parathe at night results in gas , apart from the usual discourse on secularism , state of the Indian economy , national optics sorry politics , MSM , Indo Pak relations , the rise of China , Trump , Indian manufacturing , agriculture , etc . Believe me it would be a much more informative , enlightening and entertaining session than this member's brain dead excrement we're being subjected to ) which in any respectable forum would either be deleted or be thread locked .

Now this is my hard earned money we're taking about and I'm dead serious . All one has to do is offer a short & satisfactory explanation nay justification for the contextualization of this post to the OP ( open to both moderators and the general members ) followed by a vote and I effect an electronic transfer of the said amount . Details can be discussed through PM or mail followed by an acknowledgement on this forum by the lucky winner confirming receipt of said amount , so as to affirm my bonafides.

Come on , guys . Make an attempt. At the most , all you'd lose is a few moments typing a few words and believe me however bad your justifications are , it can't be worse than the member's shit we're having to endure. Believe me , you're definitely better than that .

@Ashwin ; @nair ; @Aashish ; @Levina ; @Avi and the other members of Team Stratfront as well as the Admin / Mod team .
:ROFLMAO: Why are you trying to bribe the mods, play fair...

Frankly , I thought of you as intelligent. Then you go arguing with a fool . Does that fool and his foolish theories even merit a response ? Aren't you providing him legitimacy and respectability by engaging him ?
:rolleyes:I'm not a fool, I may be inexperienced as I'm still young. I just have conviction and determination to find more ethical(opinion) solutions.

Even if I'm a fool(your opinion), atleast you should show some trust. :devilish: