News Indians Are Worse Off Under Modi

Few things here
Most of the invasions of India have happened from WEST.
So Greeks in few centuries BC invaded India from West which is from HINDUKUSH mountains and which means Khyber pass
And the Islamic barbarians also invaded from West also from Khyber pass.
If you do not know then Khyber pass is one that connected India to the West on the land route the "Gateway"
Now the Greeks invaded india but they did not go about murdering and converting people.,
The Greeks did not have a religion, so during that time it was that when they won a war they would sell the prisoners as slaves
But on other hand the islamic invaders they looted, raped and converted. Rather their main aim was having ISLAMIC INDIA
And in one of the goals of ISIS was having rule of islam in India and in Andalus (Spain)_

Islamic culture invaded India from the west, through khyber pass. Islamic culture(Turk) invaded Eastern European nations like Greece from the west.
Few things here
Most of the invasions of India have happened from WEST.
So Greeks in few centuries BC invaded India from West which is from HINDUKUSH mountains and which means Khyber pass
And the Islamic barbarians also invaded from West also from Khyber pass.
If you do not know then Khyber pass is one that connected India to the West on the land route the "Gateway"
Now the Greeks invaded india but they did not go about murdering and converting people.,
The Greeks did not have a religion, so during that time it was that when they won a war they would sell the prisoners as slaves
But on other hand the islamic invaders they looted, raped and converted. Rather their main aim was having ISLAMIC INDIA
And in one of the goals of ISIS was having rule of islam in India and in Andalus (Spain)_
Greeks had religion similar to Hinduism. While Islamic invaders had a monotheistic religion. Monotheistic religions have more unity and can exploit the divisions in Hinduism like caste and class.
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LOL.... there was no trolling in that thread. Only uncomfortable facts and realities which disturbed your delicate "secular" sensibilities and hence you shut it down.
Here it was off topic.... Not trolling... Derailling the topic..... Discuss the topic of Opening post...
The greek followed their own gods and heroes but one good thing that time was that Religion was important for one to follow and at least for their own community, what the other community or religion did was unimportant., At least the thought was that "only our people can be in our way of life, others cannot understand our way of life, and there is no need for us to teach them our way of life, if they are interested they can learn .. " Hinduism was not based on caste but rather division of labour and thus it made more better specialists
You have seen ant and bees, They have specialists there are speicalists who fight, there are specialist who take care of eggs, there are specialist who save honey or gather food. Hinduism was based on division of labour where it was assumed that the father would share his knowledge with his son and thus the son learns and earns his skill as a child. Thus son of potter became a potter because he saw pottery making and helped his father.
Brahmins were administrators the brains
Kshatriyas the muscles
Vaishyas were the traders to get things that got more wealth or products difficult to get
Sudras who were the artisans and specialists of producing

But over a period of time there was corruption of knowledge or that people started to understand differently and Brahmins being good administrators and for suceess of any venture a good administrator is important, that increased their importance
So if Kshatriya was the arrow then Brahmins was the hand that guided the bow.

Greeks had religion similar to Hinduism. While Islamic invaders had a monotheistic religion. Monotheistic religions have more unity and can exploit the divisions in Hinduism like caste and class.
The greek followed their own gods and heroes but one good thing that time was that Religion was important for one to follow and at least for their own community, what the other community or religion did was unimportant., At least the thought was that "only our people can be in our way of life, others cannot understand our way of life, and there is no need for us to teach them our way of life, if they are interested they can learn .. " Hinduism was not based on caste but rather division of labour and thus it made more better specialists
You have seen ant and bees, They have specialists there are speicalists who fight, there are specialist who take care of eggs, there are specialist who save honey or gather food. Hinduism was based on division of labour where it was assumed that the father would share his knowledge with his son and thus the son learns and earns his skill as a child. Thus son of potter became a potter because he saw pottery making and helped his father.
Brahmins were administrators the brains
Kshatriyas the muscles
Vaishyas were the traders to get things that got more wealth or products difficult to get
Sudras who were the artisans and specialists of producing

But over a period of time there was corruption of knowledge or that people started to understand differently and Brahmins being good administrators and for suceess of any venture a good administrator is important, that increased their importance
So if Kshatriya was the arrow then Brahmins was the hand that guided the bow.
But Humans are not ants... For Example Karna and Eklavya were more meritorious and talented than ... Arjun... Caste and treachery was used to suppress merit, competition and assertion... Rigid Caste system is a type of reservation...
Think about it... from this angle
Einstein was son of a cobbler... no one has the right to limit choice for others by force...
VP Singh did a good job... he introduced Mandal... to force Privatization... A fresh start for everyone... Let result based merit win... not cutt off based...
Muslim community, when asked for where their loyatly lies, say they are an Indian and a Muslim and are not ashamed to practice their culture as well as display patriotism
Hindu community displaying tirana and bhagwa - why should that be a problem? why is Bhagwa a problem? if green is revered by Muslims, Bhagwa is revered by some sections of the INDIAN population. do they not have the freedom to practice and revere both their culture and their country? after all - Bhagwa is part of the Indian flag as much as the green color is!

@Infowarrior I want to understand - why such hatred towards the Bhagwa color? and why the issue if Bhagwa + tiranga is displayed together? Many muslim govt officials have their skull cap when they hoist the national flag - does this mean polarizing India?
how come Muslim + tiranga is a display of Muslims patriotism and secularism
but a Hindu + tiranga is a display of Hindu communalism?
Islamic ideology asks a muslim to be muslim first. It is a difficult choice for a honest muslim. It is not a fault in their human character, analyze this... I think Hinduism needs a change in strategy...

Muslims don't hate Bhagwa, they get alert when they see it. After the partition riots, generations of Muslims were blamed and killed for it.
When rioters attacked Muslims carrying Bhagwa in their hands, naturally this will get imprinted on their mind.

It is up to you to decide, how you want to fight, Islamic ideology's resistance to Hinduism and bhagwa. Do you want to fight through a uncivil and violent approach eg riots like kasganj... a Bhagwa+Tiranga rally through their neighborhoods...

Or do you want to fight it through a civil and peaceful approach, through your ideas and intellect, Islam has different sects... For example Shias and Sunnis have ideological divide... Shias can be attracted to Hinduism... Hindu DNA and Indian DNA is one such strategy to fight Islamic ideology...

Right now there is a huge ideological divide between Hinduism and Sunni Islam... So change them from the inside instead of fighting them on the outside...

A faster strategy ... Some smart Hindus should convert to Islam to understand them and their religion. Create sects which are closer to Hinduism... and build bridges between communities...
A faster strategy ... Some smart Hindus should convert to Islam to understand them and their religion. Create sects which are closer to Hinduism... and build bridges between communities...
even faster strategy:
let muslims separate their religion from their culture, nothing wrong in following Islam, just dont disrespect the remaining INDIAN people' religions.
this will solve everything - including babri masjid.
imagine: a muslim realizes - a tyrant king destroyed a sacred temple calling it shirk. thats the mentality that Muslims do not want to taint themselves with. progressive muslims/progressive people respect other religions/cultures - so dont ridicule them and dont associate with anyone who ridicules them.
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Humans are not ants, but we take inspiration from other animals even now. Bees have hexagonal structure for keeping honey and scientists have determined that hexagon is the most stable shape for bees to keep the honey.. How did the bees know it? We learn things from Animals
Arjuna was talented as Karna or Eklavya. but maybe it was also because Dronacharya had promised Arjun that he would be the best Archer in the world, So he refused to teach Karna and also refused Eklavya.. It can be considered like nepotism.
Also Dronacharya was a Rajguru and hence he would be teaching royalties only.
On other hand there was Parshurama. he was also a brahmin like Dronacharya and refused to teach Kshatriyas because he felt they were unjust and taught warfare to Brahmins.
In a way you can term it something like NON PROLIFERATION OF HIGHER DEFENCE KNOWLEDGE. Thus Brahmins were taught everything and Kshatriyas were taught selectively so that they should not go around destroying everything.
So if countries were like Kshattriyas , then Kim Jong un, and Trump would not be taught the Brahmastra else they would be fixated on destroying everything.

But Humans are not ants... For Example Karna and Eklavya were more meritorious and talented than ... Arjun... Caste and treachery was used to suppress merit, competition and assertion... Rigid Caste system is a type of reservation...
Think about it... from this angle
Einstein was son of a cobbler... no one has the right to limit choice for others by force...
VP Singh did a good job... he introduced Mandal... to force Privatization... A fresh start for everyone... Let result based merit win... not cutt off based...
even faster strategy:
let muslims separate their religion from their culture, nothing wrong in following Islam, just dont disrespect the remaining INDIAN people' religions.
this will solve everything - including babri masjid.
imagine: a muslim realizes - a tyrant king destroyed a sacred temple calling it shirk. thats the mentality that Muslims do not want to taint themselves with. progressive muslims/progressive people respect other religions/cultures - so dont ridicule them and dont associate with anyone who ridicules them.

Frankly , I thought of you as intelligent. Then you go arguing with a fool . Does that fool and his foolish theories even merit a response ? Aren't you providing him legitimacy and respectability by engaging him ?
Some smart Hindus should convert to Islam to understand them and their religion. Create sects which are closer to Hinduism... and build bridges between communities...

Absurd. What needs to happen is revival of ancient hindu ways of life. You will see that it is highly inclusive, inculcates scientific attitude, is environmentally friendly and has no place for violence, inequality and bigotry. It is not the narrow-minded version of hinduism proclaimed by VHP BD RSS etc. Representatives of these organisations are like leeches and parasites that feed off innocent people.
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Honestly one of the most absurd things you said, maybe rates in top one !!!
Now again in this way you are trying to tell the majority (Hindus) to try and understand and appease the minorities?

I think the best way would be
a) Accept there is a difference and also that INDIA IS A HINDU COUNTRY.
b) See which version of Islam can work and stay together with Hindus or with other minorities, Some sects like Salafi which do not accept the existence of other religion how can they be part of "secular fabric of India"
Rather these are like the big holes in the fabric,

There are issues with some Muslim cultures like Salafis etc , sects whose version of "peace" is to convert to Islam, and kill the "kafirs" and then since all will be muslims there might be peace.

A faster strategy ... Some smart Hindus should convert to Islam to understand them and their religion. Create sects which are closer to Hinduism... and build bridges between communities...
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Honestly one of the most absurd things you said, maybe rates in top one !!!
Now again in this way you are trying to tell the majority (Hindus) to try and understand and appease the minorities?

I think the best way would be
a) Accept there is a difference and also that INDIA IS A HINDU COUNTRY.
b) See which version of Islam can work and stay together with Hindus or with other minorities, Some sects like Salafi which do not accept the existence of other religion how can they be part of "secular fabric of India"
Rather these are like the big holes in the fabric,

There are issues with some Muslim cultures like Salafis etc , sects whose version of "peace" is to convert to Islam, and kill the "kafirs" and then since all will be muslims there might be peace.

It isn't.

It's an Indian country. Don't bring religion into everything.
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even faster strategy:
let muslims separate their religion from their culture, nothing wrong in following Islam, just dont disrespect the remaining INDIAN people' religions.
this will solve everything - including babri masjid.
imagine: a muslim realizes - a tyrant king destroyed a sacred temple calling it shirk. thats the mentality that Muslims do not want to taint themselves with. progressive muslims/progressive people respect other religions/cultures - so dont ridicule them and dont associate with anyone who ridicules them.
Absurd. What needs to happen is revival of ancient hindu ways of life. You will see that it is highly inclusive, inculcates scientific attitude, is environmentally friendly and has no place for violence, inequality and bigotry. It is not the narrow-minded version of hinduism proclaimed by VHP BD RSS etc. Representatives of these organisations are like leeches and parasites that feed off innocent people.
Honestly one of the most absurd things you said, maybe rates in top one !!!
Now again in this way you are trying to tell the majority (Hindus) to try and understand and appease the minorities?

I think the best way would be
a) Accept there is a difference and also that INDIA IS A HINDU COUNTRY.
b) See which version of Islam can work and stay together with Hindus or with other minorities, Some sects like Salafi which do not accept the existence of other religion how can they be part of "secular fabric of India"
Rather these are like the big holes in the fabric,

There are issues with some Muslim cultures like Salafis etc , sects whose version of "peace" is to convert to Islam, and kill the "kafirs" and then since all will be muslims there might be peace.

I understand why you think its absurd. But, I never asked you guys to become Muslims, did I ?, I said among 100 crore Hindus we have to find smart volunteers. If Islam can find volunteers to become a Fidayeen(suicide squad), why can't we find volunteer Hindus to do what I said. There are many who are willing to die for Ram Mandir and will die if things go as they are proceeding. eg Chandan Gupta...

If you have seen some debates, you will find that most of kazis and mullahs of Muslims are not very smart. And Muslims are very economically deprived. When a smart Hindu becomes a Muslim, he will rise to the top and become a leader. Then he will find his own sect, as his sect is closer to Hinduism. His sect and other Hindus will mingle(trade), so they will get more prosperous, and more Muslims will join his sect. Soon his sect will marginalize the puritanical sects like Salafis, and people of his sect will stop seeing Hindus as Kafirs. They will also easily compromise on Ram Mandir and other issues. Salafis will become voiceless and outnumbered minorities.

Islam's strength is unity. Use its strength against itself. These Volunteers will cross the ideological divide and saffronize Islam with Hinduism like a dye.

This is the most civil(opinion) and least violent way to counter Islamic ideology.

Strength lies not in unrestrained behavior but in well regulated action.
Religion means a creed or a sect, and it does not mean dharma.
It isn't.

It's an Indian country. Don't bring religion into everything.
Keep living in delusions , grandpa It is called Hindustan the land of Hindus and we are taking back what is ours. No more Nehru or Ghandi here.

India is a name given by Greeks. We are called Bharat. Looks like your Secular idea ran out of steam just like your Nehrus NAM did in just 70 years.:cool:
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I understand why you think its absurd. But, I never asked you guys to become Muslims, did I ?, I said among 100 crore Hindus we have to find smart volunteers. If Islam can find volunteers to become a Fidayeen(suicide squad), why can't we find volunteer Hindus to do what I said. There are many who are willing to die for Ram Mandir and will die if things go as they are proceeding. eg Chandan Gupta...

If you have seen some debates, you will find that most of kazis and mullahs of Muslims are not very smart. And Muslims are very economically deprived. When a smart Hindu becomes a Muslim, he will rise to the top and become a leader. Then he will find his own sect, as his sect is closer to Hinduism. His sect and other Hindus will mingle(trade), so they will get more prosperous, and more Muslims will join his sect. Soon his sect will marginalize the puritanical sects like Salafis, and people of his sect will stop seeing Hindus as Kafirs. They will also easily compromise on Ram Mandir and other issues. Salafis will become voiceless and outnumbered minorities.

Islam's strength is unity. Use its strength against itself. These Volunteers will cross the ideological divide and saffronize Islam with Hinduism like a dye.

This is the most civil(opinion) and least violent way to counter Islamic ideology.

Strength lies not in unrestrained behavior but in well regulated action.
Religion means a creed or a sect, and it does not mean dharma.
Why? when we can do it simpler by War
I understand why you think its absurd. But, I never asked you guys to become Muslims, did I ?, I said among 100 crore Hindus we have to find smart volunteers. If Islam can find volunteers to become a Fidayeen(suicide squad), why can't we find volunteer Hindus to do what I said. There are many who are willing to die for Ram Mandir and will die if things go as they are proceeding. eg Chandan Gupta...

If you have seen some debates, you will find that most of kazis and mullahs of Muslims are not very smart. And Muslims are very economically deprived. When a smart Hindu becomes a Muslim, he will rise to the top and become a leader. Then he will find his own sect, as his sect is closer to Hinduism. His sect and other Hindus will mingle(trade), so they will get more prosperous, and more Muslims will join his sect. Soon his sect will marginalize the puritanical sects like Salafis, and people of his sect will stop seeing Hindus as Kafirs. They will also easily compromise on Ram Mandir and other issues. Salafis will become voiceless and outnumbered minorities.

Islam's strength is unity. Use its strength against itself. These Volunteers will cross the ideological divide and saffronize Islam with Hinduism like a dye.

This is the most civil(opinion) and least violent way to counter Islamic ideology.

Strength lies not in unrestrained behavior but in well regulated action.
Religion means a creed or a sect, and it does not mean dharma.

I'm willing to pay Rs. 1000/- if any one of the members here explains in lucid English what the flying *censored* does the post I've quoted have to do with the OP.

I offer this reward in all seriousness and sincerity , since I've seen posts ( including mine ) deleted for being off topic sometimes resulting in pre warnings among other infractions. Kindly note that I'm not venturing into the tricky terrain of posts being deleted for being offensive to any one religion or ideology or even personal abuse or for that matter trolling .

While I'm on it , let me also extend and double my offer to the moderators here . That's right - Rs 2000/- to any of the moderators who can explain how does this member regularly posts off topic comments , makes ridiculous suggestions , mix up religion , politics , economics , social issues into one big dysentry inducing bhelpuri , quotes questionable sources ( including the OP which happens to be taken from the comments section of an article . If this is permissible , can I post transcripts / videos of my club sessions post 9 PM on weekends where my group sits down to fulminate on world peace , bowel movements , how circumcision results in better intercourse , single malt whisky , voluptuous females , schoolboy jokes and pranks and finally how consumption of mooli ke parathe at night results in gas , apart from the usual discourse on secularism , state of the Indian economy , national optics sorry politics , MSM , Indo Pak relations , the rise of China , Trump , Indian manufacturing , agriculture , etc . Believe me it would be a much more informative , enlightening and entertaining session than this member's brain dead excrement we're being subjected to ) which in any respectable forum would either be deleted or be thread locked .

Now this is my hard earned money we're taking about and I'm dead serious . All one has to do is offer a short & satisfactory explanation nay justification for the contextualization of this post to the OP ( open to both moderators and the general members ) followed by a vote and I effect an electronic transfer of the said amount . Details can be discussed through PM or mail followed by an acknowledgement on this forum by the lucky winner confirming receipt of said amount , so as to affirm my bonafides.

Come on , guys . Make an attempt. At the most , all you'd lose is a few moments typing a few words and believe me however bad your justifications are , it can't be worse than the member's shit we're having to endure. Believe me , you're definitely better than that .

@Ashwin ; @nair ; @Aashish ; @Levina ; @Avi and the other members of Team Stratfront as well as the Admin / Mod team .
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