News Indians Are Worse Off Under Modi

I am now admitted into harvard university

Congrats on your achievements. I am sure you are on a path to great success and the highly coveted GREEN CARD. All it takes is a few months of working in USA to kick out any thoughts of returning back home.
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corrupt become the heads of govt/state run bodies

You are grossly wrong. Corruption starts from the local municipal body (Many a time non congress) For example the local BMC - PMC wards exchange hands between SS-NCP-INC. Have you ever tried getting work done from these bodies without chaai paani ? Corruption in india is not limited to the big guns but starts at the smallest levels.
Why did they leave the country in the first place ? Isn't India the best ?
India is not the best in most of the socio-economic parametres. But it is certainly 'ours'. BTW, there are those who have left the country and also --rightly or wrongly-- believe that their host country is theirs.
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I think this hypothetical Lutyens group, is actually a centrist mentality or ideology. That acts as a glue. It is everything that is positive about India. If Lutyens mentality is finished then... there would be utter chaos. It suppresses news to reduce hate, it suppressed news of temples destroyed in Pakistan, when Babri Masjid was destroyed... this would have made lot of Indians into animals....

@Infowarrior I would like for us to have an actual talk - a skype/video debate. despite our conflicting views, I have found you much easier and comfortable to exchange opposing views without getting personal and without snide remarks.

However, the Lutyens group being the glue to India is something I do not agree with. we can discuss this further in another thread.
@Ironhide @vstol Jockey @Shashank
Congrats on your achievements. I am sure you are on a path to great success and the highly coveted GREEN CARD. All it takes is a few months of working in USA to kick out any thoughts of returning back home.
you hardly know how or what I want to do. but you were quick to point out that I would not return to India. why such bias, I do not know. but you swept away the actual point.
why was someone like me forced to go out?
why was my merit not honored in India and reservation took precedence over merit?
why was subsidy important to the family of an IAS officer who himself reached that level through reservation?

I do not have any money, no property, no political power - my only way to a better life was my merit. if that is not of any value, then I will be forced to move to place where it is valued. the current Indian regime gives that value and tons of us are planning not only to invest back in India, but the start up community within the Indian group here (wanting to start businesses in India) has never been higher.
this was sorely lacking during the congress regime.
@ManavantraTruti Discuss the topic at hand, and do not post off topic posts which will diviate the discussion...... This is not a religious forum.....

Offtopic posts will be deleted ;

It was you who closed the thread on the kasganj topic leaving me no choice but to discuss it in available thread.

If will say what I have to say, how I have to say and when I have to say. You are free to do what you want to do.
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but you were quick to point out that I would not return to India. why such bias, I do not know

trust me, unless you are going to have your own start-up or business, you will never move back. I too was initially shocked at how people drop the anchor once they work in the US. It is not the money, but the ease of getting work done and the quality of life that will prevent you from going back. Ive been there already - two startups, a patent .. etc... Your hard efforts in India is a waste of time . Again , its subjective i'm a mechanical engineer with alternative energy specialization - there is no place for us in India to innovate. If you are a computer engineer or an app developer or someone who is more creative and does not require large capital to flaunt your trade, maybe the grass is greener.
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LOL is that the best answer you have? Thought your name was "info warrior" and so you might come with information and Data.. alas seems its just all bark and no content
We are a Hindu majority nation which was invaded by Islamic invaders from East wanting to rape loot and plunder. And this is recorded history with names like Taimur Lung, Mohd Ghauri, Mohd Ghaznavi, the Mamluks, the Mughals etc etc. The hallmark of their rule was destruction of the indigenous religion and culture and trying to establish their own religion by force.
If you want an example then please do examine Qutub Minar which is a tourist place and our doctored History books say "it was built by Qutubuddin Aibak" what what it conveniently forgets to mention is that it was built by demolishing Jain temples and using their pillars etc to build that "marvel" I believe you would say "oh thats in past and let it be gone to history" But why should we let it go to history? Congress made a big noise when Govt wanted to change name of Aurangzeb road. What is Aurangzebs contribution to India? Surely killing of Guru Teghbahadur and killing of many innocents. And of course countless conversions.
Now would people not be justified to ask demolishing of Qutub minar and build those jain temples? What would be wrong justification in that? Why cant hindus reclaim and build temple in Birthplace of lord rama? Just give you a thought, would you please try to float an idea to build a nice temple or hotel that makes profit in holy places of other religions? Why does the tolerance have to be part of paris and hindus, why should Tolerance not be forte when some churches are destoyed? When ISIS destoyed a few churches in Iraq there was a huge outcry? ISIS were trying to just be "secular"

If asking for our history to be protected its not bigotry, but matter of pride. But when you give such stupid examples you are one of the seculars who just wants to bury their head in sand and hope trouble just goes over.

Why should one compromise on Ram temple? It is not just any temple in some corner of India but one that signifies the birth place of Rama
Also the significance of this place is
1. It is birthplace of Rama who was considered an avatar of Vishnu
2. He is the one who built the bridge to Sri lanka which the past UPA govt said "Ram does not exist and that is only formation of rocks and nothing else"
3. He is the one due to which Thai kings take the title of RAMA to try and be just to their people. That is the significance of the name.

It is people like you who feel "oh its just a place we should compromise ..." but you do not realise that what you are compromising is very identity of one of the oldest religion or way of life. Life of Rama is supposed to be exemplary where he does many feats and does justice and which the Thai Expect from their king. If you compromise one thing now, you will be asked to compromise the next thing again and it would go on. I think its good time to say "Sorry no compromise., we want to have the temple of our Hero"
Let me ask you an example.. Do you have a photo album ? It might be interesting things that I might ask, so make sure you answer thinking well
Islamic culture invaded India from the west, through khyber pass. Islamic culture(Turk) invaded Eastern European nations like Greece from the west.
The urban youth is not happy with current economy , I don't know your age so it's difficult to fit in your boots an think from a different perspective.

YOU are not happy with the economy, which is your prerogative.

Spit and run is easy. I asked for some steps you ran away. In any age group thats not constructive.

U r just trashing India. Pakoda anpadh this and that. Pls. Nobody respects that. Its not special.
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You are grossly wrong. Corruption starts from the local municipal body (Many a time non congress) For example the local BMC - PMC wards exchange hands between SS-NCP-INC. Have you ever tried getting work done from these bodies without chaai paani ? Corruption in india is not limited to the big guns but starts at the smallest levels.
Corruption is part of a business model for the unethical businessmen, bribe is an investment, and government contract is a return. :unsure:
It was you who closed the thread on the kasganj topic leaving me no choice but to discuss it in available thread.

If will say what I have to say, how I have to say and when I have to say. You are free to do what you want to do.

That thread was closed due to trolling, and off topic posts........ There is hardly any defence related discussions, and all those active are either interested in Religion or in politics..... There are adequate threads available to discuss these topics, and off topic and trolling is forcing us to close them....

We expect posters to maintain quality of discussion, and try to provide what ever help to do so... But Once the barrior is crossed we have to take action to keep the quality of the forum.....

You can say what ever you want to say with in the rules of the forum, and on topic, there is no curbs on that.... But off topic and derailing the threads will end up deleted with infractions.....
Corruption is part of a business model for the unethical businessmen, bribe is an investment, and government contract is a return. :unsure:

Nobody desires to be corrupt. Even the more corrupt business man desires to be honest because that is the MOST EASIEST way to do business and make money.

Its only when they find that its far more profitable to be corrupt, ( due to political patronage for corruption). they turn corrupt.

Given a choice, everyone would like to make money the right way. Its only when they are not allowed to make money, they are forced to try other means.
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Hello Mister Queer, why do you assume that I do not travel abroad for work or business? Surely most people want to immigrate outside, because they feel their talent or skills would be more recognised in other countries. 70s and 80s a lot of people went outside india, even as menial labour (their dream job) in Middle east. But it was due to poverty and lack of opportunities. and now India is about to be the global production hub with more opportunities coming in and also the chances for faster growth, And during this time, most of your peers would prefer to go to USA, and then would prefer to be transferred to India? One thing definitely seems to be true at least based on your "example" You have mentality of a worker and prefer to be working under someone and not the mentality to be your own boss and have your own corporate firm.
It seems the young adults you met are thinking like you to work in USA get a salary.. German car, Chinese food, American salary..
Unfortunately the young adults that I am associated with want to be their own boss and would in future like to set an office in foreign country and have some foreign staff. More than one German cars, Why food limited to chinese when French, mexican and italian cuisine is there, Why marry when you have multiple options and have a good taste of life. And this might really elaborate a lesson.. "A man sees the world like he is ... "

Listen mister sanghi dingbat. There is no reason to get personal. I have traveled abroad for work on several occasions, and almost all of my peers will end up immigrating. The same hindu chaps who cried foul during the beef ban chaos were serving beef burgers at fast food restaurants during part time jobs and even eating them. You yourself go out and ask especially young adults and see for yourself.
That thread was closed due to trolling, and off topic posts........ There is hardly any defence related discussions, and all those active are either interested in Religion or in politics..... There are adequate threads available to discuss these topics, and off topic and trolling is forcing us to close them....

We expect posters to maintain quality of discussion, and try to provide what ever help to do so... But Once the barrior is crossed we have to take action to keep the quality of the forum.....

You can say what ever you want to say with in the rules of the forum, and on topic, there is no curbs on that.... But off topic and derailing the threads will end up deleted with infractions.....

LOL.... there was no trolling in that thread. Only uncomfortable facts and realities which disturbed your delicate "secular" sensibilities and hence you shut it down.

Religion and politics are the things worth defending. I Fail to see why they should be off topic.

Otherwise how is "Indians being worse off under Modi" DEFENSE related ?

Since you have been found wanting in following your own rules, no not expect me to follow them either.

You are free to abuse your power any way you seem fit. THat is not my problem, its yours.

I will do what I have to do.
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They did ask MMS the same question "Isnt India the best" but you know that when MMS was the PM all he did was keep quiet and stare at something distant with his glassy eyes. Those people mistook him for a statue and thought,what the hell, lets go to another country.
Now since after Modi rule, miracles have started. Even the puppet has started to talk.. and now people want to do business with INDIA
The land of the miracles

Why did they leave the country in the first place ? Isn't India the best ?
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