News Indians Are Worse Off Under Modi

Everything is good, just do it on merit, don't use reservation like anti-conversion laws. If you can't compete with the rich Arabs and Christians, its your loss. We in the south are too smart educated for the Hindutwa trap, no point in killing Gauri Lankesh, now every is a Gauri Lankesh.

Who killed Gauri Lankesh?
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Indians Are Worse Off Under Modi. Hence, Modi should Resign. United Public Looters Association -III should be elected in 2019, so that India can be Better Off Under Them - New Scams on Scale of 2G, 3G, Colgate, Aadarsh, CWG et al.??
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Financially the worst step by Modi is imposing Chip and pin card payment on people. India like most south Asian economies has been happily cash dominant.
Paying by card means banks get at least 2.5% of every transaction and they keep the money for as long as they want.

To be frank with you - i was surprised when he decided at short notice to scrap the 500 and 1000 rupee note. It smacked those that deal in "black money" and those that dont pay taxes and under the counter business. It affected those dodgy in society that needed controlling.
Has any leader in the sub continent big enough balls to carry out such an act? Imagine Nawaz Sharif implementing such a change in such short notice? He would have been lynched.
This shows intent and an attempt to clean the sh!t up that exists out their.
BTW - Do you keep a stash of £10 notes under that bed of yours? They cease to be legal tender in March so start spending you tight soul. :cool:
This thread was supposed to be about Indians being worse off under Modi ......... But as usual people here have destroyed the thread with actual facts and statistics ..... :D
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It is time InfoWarrior is banned for propagating so much misinformation. Mods please.
is it not better to counter such opinions with facts so others reading the thread will benefit from the response?
it might also help people with misinformation to change their views.

that is the reality of congress rule in India.
we grew consistently less than Pakistan and SL for 50 years.
even when the economic growth happened - it was because of PV Narsimha Rao and MMS - both not Gandhis. what is the fate of Narsimha Rao right now?

so you come now after 3 years of Modi govt and say we are worse off under him? but we were better off with the congress?

that is the reality of congress rule in India.
we grew consistently less than Pakistan and SL for 50 years.
even when the economic growth happened - it was because of PV Narsimha Rao and MMS - both not Gandhis. what is the fate of Narsimha Rao right now?

so you come now after 3 years of Modi govt and say we are worse off under him? but we were better off with the congress?

2005'or 2015 graph available ?
Seems like being weak is the new strong, but then its going to be funny during riots (if any)
If someone comes to beat you up, you can say "STOP. I AM FROM THE MINORITY COMMUNITY, AND I AM OPPRESSED"
Soom maybe even General class might need a reservation as those are actually the oppressed
did you notice, more and more communities want to be tagged as "minority" and "oppressed"?
tell me - are people feeling "empowered" by calling themselves oppressed and as minority?
is this the sign of people being "better off" when at the end of every congress term, more people need sops, reservations, minority tags?
Seems like being weak is the new strong, but then its going to be funny during riots (if any)
If someone comes to beat you up, you can say "STOP. I AM FROM THE MINORITY COMMUNITY, AND I AM OPPRESSED"
Soom maybe even General class might need a reservation as those are actually the oppressed
This is because we have approximated oppressed by community to the point it oppressed-community has become hyphenated. Hence it pays to be oppressed. May be its time now that we de-hyphnate them and help those who are oppressed based on real-world parameter like wealth and income?
I do agree with you, as due to Quota, we are sort of dividing an india along the divide which we dont want,
Having such reservations will be counter productive. And this might divide india in bad way. Funnily the guy whose caste comes now in OBC might be anti reservation and suddenly becomes pro reservation. Also one of the limits of quota is that when a guy of a particular caste is topper, he does not come or take his quota seat but opts for general seat, and thus making some other deserving candidate upset.
No fault of this guy as he is being fair and taking seat based on his intelligence, but the people who lost by close margin will see faults and limitations and perhaps from Medical career to dental career

This is because we have approximated oppressed by community to the point it oppressed-community has become hyphenated. Hence it pays to be oppressed. May be its time now that we de-hyphnate them and help those who are oppressed based on real-world parameter like wealth and income?
is it not better to counter such opinions with facts so others reading the thread will benefit from the response?
it might also help people with misinformation to change their views.

There is no need to counter when it is already common knowledge. But posts like his make this forum dull.