Indonesia orders 42 Rafale jets from France

What exactly is the meaning of 'soon' in India? :giggle:

There are three potential reasons for the delay.

The IAF is ready for MRFA.
“We are hopeful the Acceptance of Necessity (AoN) for MRFA will be issued in three to four months,” Air Marshal Narmdeshwar Tiwari, Deputy Chief of Air Force told The Hindu at Aero India. It is a “budgetary decision” and also how fast the aircraft are available, he stated. The AoN will begin the formal procurement process following which the IAF will issue the detailed Request For Proposal.

A clue here:
On the delay in the process, he said they were evaluating how much of Make in India can happen, localisation and capability for them to upgrade the aircraft locally rather than depend on the foreign manufacturer, he said.

So this is the MoD's responsibility, not the IAF's.

It's possible some OEM or multiple OEMs are delaying their answers to the MoD. Perhaps they are trying to achieve certain milestones before the competition begins, MoD allows that sometimes. Perhaps Typhoon's GaN radar.

If it's not an OEM issue, then it could be AMCA. Once AMCA's engine is chosen and CDR is complete, the MoD will be in a position to determine the exact nature of help required from the MRFA winner. It's the least likely possibility though.

Lastly, it's possible that with the F-16's production coming to an end, LM wants to offer the F-35. If that's the case, then we could be looking at a lot more delays. Perhaps until the next US administration.

I feel the F-35 is the most likely scenario because the IAF has hinted towards excluding the Russians from MRFA. The Americans don't want to enter the F-35 in a competition that includes the Russians. Plus we have seen not just LM but even USAF and IsAF showing off the F-35 to the IAF, particularly the Israeli F-35I, the version that would most interest the IAF. Getting the Russians removed from MRFA would be a massive PR win for the US too.
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Rafale M F3Rs upgraded to F5 standards should be able to fulfill that need alongside some F4s, no? So France is getting 39 until 2026 and 42 more until 2029. Do we know how many of those are Ms?

And if MN buys 20 F5s in the 2030s, then that could easily push NGF purchases to beyond 2050.
At these time we will have only mirage, and starting in 2036 we will retire 100 Rafale B and C (in five years) and the totality of Rafale M.
And for the NGF we will buy 11 a year so we will need 10 years to reach 100...
Rafale M F3Rs upgraded to F5 standards should be able to fulfill that need alongside some F4s, no? So France is getting 39 until 2026 and 42 more until 2029. Do we know how many of those are Ms?

And if MN buys 20 F5s in the 2030s, then that could easily push NGF purchases to beyond 2050.
Very few are M. Too few.
Pic is right : between the small fleet, the 3 birds lost and the intense use on carrier, there will be another order to stop the gap waiting NGF "M".
At these time we will have only mirage, and starting in 2036 we will retire 100 Rafale B and C (in five years) and the totality of Rafale M.
And for the NGF we will buy 11 a year so we will need 10 years to reach 100...

So yeah, it looks like they need a full squadron of F5s to compensate.

It's a weird problem to have.
Very few are M. Too few.
Pic is right : between the small fleet, the 3 birds lost and the intense use on carrier, there will be another order to stop the gap waiting NGF "M".

Yeah, makes sense. Out with the old, in with the new for PANG.

Gotta prepare for NGF delays too. The Germans.
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What exactly is the meaning of 'soon' in India? :giggle:
FYI,after Israel completes it's final delivery for AWACS, we declared that the agreement for two more awacs will be signed soon. It's been 15+ years, what happened to the additional phalcon AWACS ? Plan is scrapped.
MRFA will go through. Expected to begin soon.
No,we Don't even started the evaluation yet.