INS Vikrant (IAC1) & INS Vikramaditya - News & Discussions

Upgarding India's Carrier Strike Fleets/ Carrier Battle Groups:

Here, I discuss some improvements, modifications and additions to the Indian Navy CBGs in the recent past, present and near-future (2-3 yrs), that have been incorporated in the carrier + escort ships, that have increased combat capabilities, effectiveness, efficiency and power projection capabilities:-

- (C) Addition of Barak-1 point defense SAM (ex-INS Godavari), later partially/fully replaced by Barak-8.
- (C) Addition of SATCOM radomes, to ensure secure comms b/w Indian satellites (NaviC), the carrier and escorts.
- (C) Addition of 2 x EO equipped AK-630s to the stern.
- (C) Roughened up Mig 29Ks, with serviceability rates touching 70%+ in 2019.
- (E) Addition of ATLAS Electronik ACTAS (Active Towed Array Sonars), massively enhancing ASW capabilities.
- (C, E) Addition of MH-60Rs for enhancing ASW, utility, transport, SAR, etc...
- (C, E) Addition of some navalized version of DRDO's Anti Drone System.(which scored its first realtime combat kill yesterday).
- (C, E) Addition of Mareech anti-torpedo soft-kill system.
All that I could think of, as of now!
@randomradio, @Gautam, @Parthu, @_Anonymous_, @Ashwin, @GuardianRED, @vstol Jockey
Your thoughts, opinions, corrections, improvements, additions, suggestions?

C - Carrier
E - Escorts
(Is it visible now?)

I was under the impression the MRCBF was in cold storage.

Any reason why this thread is locked? @Ashwin
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Any reason why this thread is locked? @Ashwin
Tender validity expired. CNS publically said they are not looking to import new fighter.

Post #588
Upgarding India's Carrier Strike Fleets/ Carrier Battle Groups:

Here, I discuss some improvements, modifications and additions to the Indian Navy CBGs in the recent past, present and near-future (2-3 yrs), that have been incorporated in the carrier + escort ships, that have increased combat capabilities, effectiveness, efficiency and power projection capabilities:-

- (C) Addition of Barak-1 point defense SAM (ex-INS Godavari), later partially/fully replaced by Barak-8.
- (C) Addition of SATCOM radomes, to ensure secure comms b/w Indian satellites (NaviC), the carrier and escorts.
- (C) Addition of 2 x EO equipped AK-630s to the stern.
- (C) Roughened up Mig 29Ks, with serviceability rates touching 70%+ in 2019.
- (E) Addition of ATLAS Electronik ACTAS (Active Towed Array Sonars), massively enhancing ASW capabilities.
- (C, E) Addition of MH-60Rs for enhancing ASW, utility, transport, SAR, etc...
- (C, E) Addition of some navalized version of DRDO's Anti Drone System.(which scored its first realtime combat kill yesterday).
- (C, E) Addition of Mareech anti-torpedo soft-kill system.
All that I could think of, as of now!
@randomradio, @Gautam, @Parthu, @_Anonymous_, @Ashwin, @GuardianRED, @vstol Jockey
Your thoughts, opinions, corrections, improvements, additions, suggestions?

C - Carrier
E - Escorts
(Is it visible now?)

1. Barak 8 is being integrated on to the IAC-1 since April 2021. Vikky still uses the Barak 1, though that might be swapped out for VL-SRSAM. IAC-1 may go for VL-SRSAMs too.
2. SATCOM integration onto naval ships had begun in 2016, I think. It is an ongoing process. Previously the Navy relied on companies such as Inmarsat. Now they have their own sat.
3. AK-630s currently have radar & manual targeting modes. EO can certainly help reduce the need for manual use.
4. The Navy seems to think that no matter what you try there is only so good the Mig29K can get. There are inherent problems that cannot be resolved by logistics alone.
5. The ATLAS Electronik towed sonars are becoming more common. Whatever happened to DRDO's towed sonars.
6. Helicopters is an area of major concern for the Navy. They have a few helos of a lot of different types. They have Sea Kings, Kamov Ka-31s, Naval Dhruvs, now the MH-60Rs. Logistics must be a pain. The Navy needs to settle on a single general purpose helo to replace the Sea Kings & modify that helo for other specialized uses.
7. Multiple naval Anti-drone DEWs are being worked on. The currently used EW suites can cause severe disruptions to enemy drone's C&C. But those EW systems aren't purpose built for countering drones.
8. The Mareech is also gaining users in the Navy along with the Israeli Torbusters.

A recent sat pic of the IAC-1:
Screenshot (612).png
The helo landing spot no 1 is a little too far ahead. If that island was smaller the IAC could've carried 30 fighters instead of 26.
