Islamic Republic of Pakistan : News, Discussions & Updates

We are facing lots of internal problems but against India,we are all united.

"against India,we are all united" HOW DOES THIS HELP U OR UR ECONOMY !!!!!!
but does this "do away" with all ur internal problems ?
do u realize that this 370 & 35A has distracted u so much that nothing is being done for the economy .................... we will keep u busy .... && "against India,we are all united" &&& f**k the pak economy
pak will eat grass ......... say in 2 3 years ...............
by wasting time, resources, etc u guys will never be able to fix ur internal problems, u guys r internally divided(non INDIA issues), better for us ,as u will SUCCEED in TOTAL destruction of ur economy ....................... stay distracted
in fact pak does not know how to fix their internal problems or their economy
ITS 5TH GENERATION WARFARE !!!!!! ....................... ya it takes time but we will have the last laugh .... we loose a few:cry: but u guys loose the whole country

Pakistanis r in fact entertaining us .............. pl keep it up.
Imran is now effectively a lame duck at the centre, the IMF straitjacket and the snatching away of key ministries from his control ensuring that. But Imran still has real sway in Punjab and KP and, with the right assistance, a fair bit of potential to meddle in Sindh.

That Imran has proved rubbish at managing the provinces, and thereby undercut the rationale of the hybrid regime, has obscured the point that the provinces can’t be managed from the centre. But then no regime can tolerate multiple power centres across the provinces. It’s a riddle with no solution.

The regime - Newspaper - DAWN.COM
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Imran is now effectively a lame duck at the centre, the IMF straitjacket and the snatching away of key ministries from his control ensuring that. But Imran still has real sway in Punjab and KP and, with the right assistance, a fair bit of potential to meddle in Sindh.

That Imran has proved rubbish at managing the provinces, and thereby undercut the rationale of the hybrid regime, has obscured the point that the provinces can’t be managed from the centre. But then no regime can tolerate multiple power centres across the provinces. It’s a riddle with no solution.

The regime - Newspaper - DAWN.COM

Since when we considered their PM seriously? He was selected to be a lame duck that's his duty.