Joe Biden or Donald Trump: Who will be better for India?

Joe Biden or Donald Trump: Who will be better for India?

  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 3 7.3%
  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 24 58.5%
  • Both will be the same

    Votes: 14 34.1%

  • Total voters
dont pop the cherry so soon. Donald will be back after court battles as POTUS.
Every astrologer worth his salt is saying he won't. What's worse his stars are so bad that they're predicting in a few years he'd either be in jail or Institutionalized & that he's end his days in a state of insanity or depression.
Even those astrologers who predicted a Trump win have admitted & apologized for their error

You're practically the only one who's swimming against the current.
Every astrologer worth his salt is saying he won't. What's worse his stars are so bad that they're predicting in a few years he'd either be in jail or Institutionalized & that he's end his days in a state of insanity or depression.
Even those astrologers who predicted a Trump win have admitted & apologized for their error

You're practically the only one who's swimming against the current.
I am not basing my prediction on Astrology but on what has been widely reported-Voter and Ballot Fraud. It was so rampent that even a blind could see, a deaf could hear and mute speak about it. If the US courts do not take any action than they are insane because as I stated that pretending to be deaf, blind or mute is not going to help.
I am not basing my prediction on Astrology but on what has been widely reported-Voter and Ballot Fraud. It was so rampent that even a blind could see, a deaf could hear and mute speak about it. If the US courts do not take any action than they are insane because as I stated that pretending to be deaf, blind or mute is not going to help.
I doubt they will. This is essentially one person vs a system. Trump was an outsider, rest all are parts of the system which runs USA. If they let Trump claim this, it will put the very process by which they gather power from people into question. It does not make sense to allow that.

Republicans want to keep distance from Trump, its a part of their legacy they want to shove under the carpet, they will get another chance to power in 4-8 more years. Democrats well, its obvious what they want. Beaurocrats they are happy that a weird chapter has ended in their career.
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I doubt they will. This is essentially one person vs a system. Trump was an outsider, rest all are parts of the system which runs USA. If they let Trump claim this, it will put the very process by which they gather power from people into question. It does not make sense to allow that.

Republicans want to keep distance from Trump, its a part of their legacy they want to shove under the carpet, they will get another chance to power in 4-8 more years. Democrats well, its obvious what they want. Beaurocrats they are happy that a weird chapter has ended in their career.
I am still not writing him off. He is destiny's child. Such people always surprise and shock the world.
I am still not writing him off. He is destiny's child. Such people always surprise and shock the world.
Well, he can strike back again in future. Not to mention, the path he has opened will remain open. The path to combine 70 million strong silent base of US voters who seek a strong leader to push back outside influence and culture on USA. He has very much fulfilled his destiny.

Remember, it took once in a 500 year kind of disaster to get him out of power. Whats good is that media is still feeding the morons in USA with the weird dream that liberal socialists have won finally and all is right in this world. They are foolish to realize that this is the peak of effort by all liberals put together with a very favourable circumstances for them. At such maximum effort they have just achieved a bare parity with a botched republican election campaign and the most cornered nativist leader. They control house barely, senate is not in their control and presidency is barely won by a razor thin margin. Change one aspect and their house of cards will fall flat, its matter of when and not if.

Trump is the first version of a modern nativist leader with a crass mouth, there will be many more to follow. More "refined" than him.
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The guy forgot to mention perhaps the most important part : Republican portrayal of vote by mail as fraudulent system. It suppressed the critical votes of those republicans who didn't want to vote in person due to dangers of pandemic. Republicans should have either eradicated the vote by mail system altogether by hook or by crook OR should have encouraged their own voters to vote by whatever means necessary. Their insistance on purely inperson vote lost them the election.
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I think he will...
If he does not, entire political system of US will be now in question.

Unless a massive mistake is found during certification, he will take oath. What happen after that is unknown. I have a feeling that he won't last for long.

I also think that there will be more confrontation with China for US.
Given how this year has passed, don't you think a massive election scandal in the world's most powerful nation would be the best thing it should end with??
Anyways US electoral process does need an overhaul and I don't think SCOTUS which is in the influence of Trump would be reluctant to do it.
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No Saar. He must hold fort and continue the fight.

Unless new information comes out regarding election fraud, he will only end up making a fool of himself and destroy his credibility for a reelection in 2024.

At this time, he can take it to the courts and see what the judges say. If they rule in his favour, then good, if not, he should quietly bow out and announce his candidature for the next one instead of making a mockery of his country's election process and prove himself of being a sore loser.
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It will be about the same w.r.t India. Democrats (and GOP before trump) in foreign policy tend to use more smoke and mirrors...but push for results there behind it....more or less large regions of world its going to be the same....the concern in Europe was the threat to NATO status quo trump was making thats about it.

Trump's key difference (actionably past his smoke and mirrors) was really more internal domestic politics based.

If these folks decide to change their stance on Afghanistan and decide to remain. I have zero complaints.
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Unless new information comes out regarding election fraud, he will only end up making a fool of himself and destroy his credibility for a reelection in 2024.
Lol Credibility!

Do you think Trump believes in stupid ideas like "Credibility"? Or do you think those who vote for him do so because of "Credibility"? I mean this is Trump we are talking about! The Pussy Grabbing, Russian Golden-Showering, Disinfectant Injecting, Pandemic Denying Trump! The guy literally said "I don't take any responsibility"!

No dear, his cries of Fraud are indeed losers cries but it will work like magic with his base! People always identify with a fighting losers specially the loser who was beaten by "fraud". He is making a martyr out of himself for his base. The guy who was beaten down by smooth talking politically correct college educated liberals. Nothing makes him dearer to his base than these "qualifications"! White house will be his mythical Alamo.

Also "making fool of himself". Infront of whom? World leaders? Journalists? Liberals? Those who are no his base anyways? World Media?
Ask yourself, do they even matter to him?
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There is Now , NO question of India Buying F 18 or F 15s

I prefer rafales too but politics is not the reason. Its basically a better plane, from a reliable supplier and unencumbered of entanglements.

Thought I would have preferred a platform in mass numbers which can wield quality weapons from western manufacturers. Rafale will be hard to induct in massive numbers due to its cost.

May be we should have gone for a radar from Selex instead of elbit. We might have bought Meteor or AIM120D for Tejas.
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